selected prose of oscar wilde |
大小: 183K 人气: 6 上传: 希望之舟 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Selected Prose of Oscar Wildeby Oscar WildeContents:Preface by Robert RossHow They Struck a ContemporaryThe Quality of George MeredithLife in the Fallacious ModelLife the DiscipleLife the PlagiaristThe Indispensable EastThe Influence... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the bell |
大小: 10K 人气: 6 上传: 梦幻天书 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介:: FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BELLby Hans Christian AndersenIN the narrow streets of a large town people often heard in theevening, when the sun was setting, and his last rays gave a goldentint to the... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
dream life and real life(梦境 |
大小: 52K 人气: 67 上传: 管他三七二 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Dream Life and Real Life A Little African StoryDream Life and Real LifeA Little African Storyby Olive Schreiner1- Page 2-Dream Life and Real Life A Little African StoryAuthor of "The Story of an African Farm" and "Dreams"Dedication.T... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
beacon lights of history-iii-2 |
大小: 606K 人气: 6 上传: 幽雨 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Beacon Lights of HistoryVolume III Part 2by John LordVolume III.Part IIRenaissance and Reformation.CONTENTS.DANTE.RISE OF MODERN POETRY.The antiquity of PoetryThe greatness of PoetsTheir influence on CivilizationThe true poet one of... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the star-spangled banner(星条 |
大小: 19K 人气: 5 上传: 雨来不躲 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNERTHE STAR-SPANGLEDBANNERby John A. Carpenter1- Page 2-THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNEROn August 18, 1814, Admiral Cockburn, having returned with his fleetfrom the West Indies, sent to Secretary Monroe ... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
treatise on taxes and contribu |
大小: 152K 人气: 10 上传: 尘小春 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::The Same being frequently applied to the present State and Affairs of Ireland.London, Printed for N. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, William Petty1662The PrefaceYoung and vain persons, though perhaps they marry not primaril... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the complete writings-4 |
大小: 364K 人气: 10 上传: 水王 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner Volume 4by Charles Dudley WarnerCONTENTS:BEING A BOYON HORSEBACKBEING A BOYOne of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, though it needs some practice to... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
indian heroes & great chieftai |
大小: 229K 人气: 10 上传: 套牢 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Indian Heroes and Great Chieftainsby Charles A. EastmanCONTENTS1. RED CLOUD2. SPOTTED TAIL3. LITTLE CROW4. TAMAHAY5. GALL6. CRAZY HORSE7. SITTING BULL8. RAIN-IN-THE-FACE9. TWO STRIKE10. AMERICAN HORSE11. DULL KNIFE12. ROM... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
child of storm |
大小: 501K 人气: 9 上传: 独来读网 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Child of Stormby H. Rider HaggardDEDICATIONDear Mr. Stuart,For twenty years, I believe I am right in saying, you, as AssistantSecretary for Native Affairs in Natal, and in other offices, have beenintimately acquainted with the Zulu p... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
hard cash |
大小: 1426K 人气: 10 上传: 蝎子王 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Hard Cashby Charles ReadePREFACE"HARD CASH," like "The Cloister and the Hearth," is a matter-of-fact Romancethat is, a fiction built on truths; and these truths have been gathered by long, severe, systematic labour, from a multitude ... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the unexpected |
大小: 46K 人气: 13 上传: 谁知道呢 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::THE UNEXPECTEDIT is a simple matter to see the obvious, to do the expected. Thetendency of the individual life is to be static rather thandynamic, and this tendency is made into a propulsion bycivilization, where the obvious only is... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the six enneads |
大小: 1710K 人气: 14 上传: 乐乐陶陶 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::THE SIX ENNEADSby Plotinustranslated by Stephen MacKenna and B. S. PageTHE FIRST ENNEAD.FIRST TRACTATE.THE ANIMATE AND THE MAN.1. Pleasure and distress, fear and courage, desire and aversion, where have these affections and experienc... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
25-snow-white and rose-red |
大小: 13K 人气: 9 上传: 冷夏 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-REDA POOR widow once lived in a little cottage with agarden in front of it, in which grew two rose trees, onebearing white roses and the other red. She had twochildren, who were just like the two rose trees; one w... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
north america-2 |
大小: 776K 人气: 10 上传: 津股巡览 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::North AmericaVolume 2by Anthony TrollopeCONTENTS OF VOL. II.CHAPTER I.WashingtonCHAPTER II.CongressCHAPTER III.The Causes of the WarCHAPTER IV.Washington to St. LouisCHAPTER V.MissouriCHAPTER VI.Cairo and Camp WoodCHAPTER VII.The Arm... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the frozen deep(冰渊) |
大小: 194K 人气: 9 上传: 双曲线 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::THE FROZEN DEEPTHE FROZEN DEEPby Wilkie Collins1- Page 2-THE FROZEN DEEPFirst SceneThe Ball-roomChapter 1.The date is between twenty and thirty years ago. The place is anEnglish sea-port. The time is night. An... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the moon and sixpence(月球和六 |
大小: 517K 人气: 10 上传: 点绛唇 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpenceby W. Somerset MaughamAuthor of "Of Human Bondage"1- Page 2-The Moon and SixpenceChapter II confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles StricklandI never for a moment discerned t... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
michael, brother of jerry |
大小: 534K 人气: 9 上传: 开了 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Michael, Brother of Jerryby Jack LondonFOREWORDVery early in my life, possibly because of the insatiable curiosity that was born in me, I came to dislike the performances of trained animals. It was my curiosity that spoiled for me t... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
the aspern papers |
大小: 214K 人气: 10 上传: 白寒 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::The Aspern Papersby Henry JamesTHE ASPERN PAPERSII had taken Mrs. Prest into my confidence; in truth withouther I should have made but little advance, for the fruitfulidea in the whole business dropped from her friendly lips.It was s... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
de profundis |
大小: 98K 人气: 8 上传: 朝令夕改 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::De Profundisby Oscar Wilde. . . Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it byseasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return.With us time itself does not progress. It revolves. It seems tocircle roun... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
rhymes a la mode |
大小: 67K 人气: 20 上传: 千顷寒 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::Rhymes a la Modeby Andrew LangBALLADE DEDICATORYTO MRS. ELTON OF WHITE STAUNTONThe painted Briton built his mound,And left his celts and clay,On yon fair slope of sunlit groundThat fronts your garden gay;The Roman came, he bore the s... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |
appendix-c |
大小: 13K 人气: 9 上传: 男孩不逛街 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
书籍简介::APPENDIX CThe College PrisonIt seems that the student may break a good many of the publiclaws without having to answer to the public authorities.His case must come before the University for trialand punishment. If a policeman catche... 更新时间:2019-08-06 |