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 you've ever seen?〃 
I thought about Warden Moores; and Harry Terwilliger; and Brutus Howell; I thought about MY mother; and about Jan; my wife; who died in Alabama。 I knew about ghosts; all right。 
〃No;〃 I said。 〃It wasn't the first ghost I've ever seen。 But Elaine … it was a shock。 Because it was him。〃 
She kissed me again; then stood up; wincing as she did so and pressing the heels of her hands to the tops of her hips; as if she were afraid they might actually explode out through her skin if she wasn't very careful。 
〃I think I've changed my mind about the television;〃 she said。 〃I've got an extra pill that I've been keeping for a rainy day 。。。 or night。 I think I'll take it and go back to bed。 Maybe you should do the same。〃 
〃Yes;〃 I said。 〃I suppose I should!〃 For one wild moment I thought of suggesting that we go back to bed together; and then I saw the dull pain in her eyes and thought better of it。 Because she might have said yes; and she would only have said that for me。 Not so good。 
We left the TV room (I won't dignify it with that other name; not even to be ironic) side by side; me matching my steps to hers; which were slow and painfully careful。 The building eone moaning in the grip of a bad dream behind some closed door。 
〃Will you be able to sleep; do you think?〃 she asked。 
〃Yes; I think so;〃 I said; but of course I wasn't able to; I lay in my bed until sunup; thinking about Kiss of Death。 I'd see Richard Widmark; giggling madly; tying the old lady into her wheelchair and then pushing her down the stairs …〃This is what we do to squealers;〃 he told her…and then his face would merge into the face of William Wharton as he'd looked on the day when he came to E Block and the Green Mile … Wharton giggling like Widmark; Wharton screaming; Ain't this a pa〃; now? Is it; or what? I didn't bother with breakfast; not after that; I just came down here to the solarium and began to write。 
Ghosts? Sure。 
I know all about ghosts。 
〃Woooee; boys!〃 Wharton laughed。 〃Ain't this a party; now? Is it; or what?〃 
Still screaming and laughing; Wharton went back to choking Dean with his chain。 Why not? Wharton knew what Dean and Harry and my friend Brutus Howell knew … they could only fry a man once。 
〃Hit him!〃 Harry Terwilliger screamed。 He had grappled with Wharton; tried to stop things before they got fairly started; but Wharton had thrown him off and now Harry was trying to find his feet。 〃Percy; hit him!〃 
But Percy only stood there; hickory baton in hand; eyes as wide as soup…plates。 He loved that damned baton of his; and you would have said this was the chance to use it he'd been pining for ever since he came to Cold Mountain Penitentiary 。。。 but now that it had e; he was too scared to use the opportunity。 This wasn't some terrified little Frenchman like Delacroix or a black giant who hardly seemed to know he was in his own body; like John Coffey; this was a whirling devil。 
I came out of Wharton's cell; dropping my clipboard and pulling my 。38。 For the second time that day I had forgotten the infection that was heating up my middle。 I didn't doubt the story the others told of Wharton's blank face and dull eyes when they recounted it later; but that wasn't the Wharton I saw。 What I saw was the face of an animal … not an intelligent animal; but one filled with cunning 。。。 and meanness 。。。 and joy。 Yes。 He was doing what he had been made to do。 The place and the circumstances didn't matter。 The other thing I saw was Dean Stanton's red; swelling face。 He was dying in front of my eyes。 Wharton saw the gun in my hand and turned Dean toward it; so that I'd almost certainly have to hit one to hit the other。 From over Dean's shoulder; one blazing blue eye dared me to shoot。 Wharton's other eye was hidden by Dean's hair。 Behind them I saw Percy standing irresolute; with his baton half…raised。 And then; filling the open doorway to the prison yard; a miracle in the flesh: Brutus Howell。 They had finished moving the last of the infirmary equipment; and he had e over to see who wanted coffee。 
He acted without a moment's hesitation … shoved Percy aside and into the wall with tooth…rattling force; pulled his own baton out of its loop; and brought it crashing down on the back of Wharton's head with all the force in his massive right arm。 There was a dull whock! Sound … an almost hollow sound; as if there were no brain at all under Wharton's skull … and the chain finally loosened around Dean's neck。 Wharton went down like a sack of meal and Dean crawled away; hacking harshly and holding one hand to his throat; his eyes bulging。 
I knelt by him and he shook his head violently。 〃Okay;〃 he rasped。 〃Take care 。。。 him!〃 He motioned at Wharton。 〃Lock! Cell!〃 
I didn't think he'd need a cell; as hard as Brutal had hit him; I thought he'd need a coffin。 No such luck; though。 Wharton was conked out; but a long way from dead。 He lay sprawled on his side; one arm thrown out so that the tips of his fingers touched the linoleum of the Green Mile; his eyes shut; his breathing slow but regular。 There was even a peaceful little smile on his face; as if he'd gone to sleep listening to his favorite lullaby。 A tiny red rill of blood was seeping out of his hair and staining the collar of his new prison shirt。 That was all。 
〃Percy;〃 I said。 〃Help me!〃 
Percy didn't move; only stood against the wall; staring with wide; stunned eyes。 I don't think he knew exactly where he was。 
〃Percy; goddammit; grab hold of him!〃 
He got moving; then; and Harry helped him。 Together the three of us hauled the unconscious Mr。 Wharton into his cell while Brutal helped Dean to his feet and held him as gently as any mother while Dean bent over and hacked air back into his lungs。 
Our new problem child didn't wake up for almost three hours; but when he did; he showed absolutely no ill effects from Brutal's savage hit。 He came to the way he moved … fast。 At one moment he was lying on his bunk; dead to the world。 At the next he was standing at the bars … he was silent as a cat … and staring out at me as I sat at the duty desk; writing a report on the incident。 When I finally sensed someone looking at me and glanced up; there he was; his grin displaying a set of blackening; dying teeth with several gaps among them already。 It gave me a jump to see him there like that。 I tried not to show it; but I think he knew。 〃Hey; flunky;〃 he said。 〃Next time it'll be you。 And I won't miss。〃 
〃Hello; Wharton;〃 I said; as evenly as I could。 〃Under the circumstances; I guess I can skip the speech and the Wele Wagon; don't you think?〃 
His grin faltered just a little。 It wasn't the sort of response he had expected; and probably wasn't the one I would have given under other circumstances。 But something had happened while Wharton was unconscious。 It is; I suppose; one of the major things I have trudged through all these pages to tell you about。 Now let's just see if you believe it。 
Except for shouting once at Delacroix; Percy kept his mouth shut once the excitement was over。 This was probably the result of shock rather than any effort at tact … Percy Wetmore knew as much about tact as I do about the native tribes of darkest Africa; in my opinion … but it was a damned good thing; just the same。 If he'd started in whining about how Brutal had pushed him into the wall or wondering why no one had told him that nasty men like Wild Billy Wharton sometimes turned up on E Block; I think we would have killed him。 Then we could have toured the Green Mile in a whole new way。 That's sort of a funny idea; when you consider it。 I missed my chance to make like James Cagney in White Heat。 
Anyway; when we were sure that Dean was going to keep breathing and that he wasn't going to pass out on the spot; Harry and Brutal escorted him over to the infirmary。 Delacroix; who had been absolutely silent during the scuffle (he had been in prison lots of times; that one; and knew when it was prudent to keep his yap shut and when it was relatively safe to open it again); began bawling loudly down the corridor as Harry and Brutal helped Dean out。 Delacroix wanted to know what had happened。 You would have thought his constitutional rights had been violated。 
〃Shut up; you little queer!〃 Percy yelled back; so furious that the veins stood out on the sides of his neck。 I put a hand on his arm and felt it quivering beneath his shirt。 Some of this was residual fright; of course (every now and then I had to remind myself that part of Percy's problem was that he was only twenty…one; not much older than Wharton); but I think most of it was rage。 He hated Delacroix。 I don't know just why; but he did。 
〃Go see if Warden Moores is still here;〃 I told Percy。 〃If he is; give him a plete verbal report on what happened。 Tell him he'll have my written report on his desk tomorrow; if I can manage it。〃 
Percy swelled visibly at this responsibility; for a horrible moment or two; I actually thought he might salute。 〃Yes; sir。 I will。〃 
〃Begin by telling him that the situation in E Block is normal。 It's not a story; and the warden won't appreciate you dragging it out to heighten the suspense。〃 
〃I won't。〃 
〃Okay。 Off you go。〃 
He started for the door; then turned back。 The one thing you c
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