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hing I want to show you; and it's in that direction。〃 
〃Is it 。。。 scary?〃 In her timid look I saw the little girl she had been back when men wore straw boaters in the summer and raccoon coats in the winter。 
〃No〃; I said; smiling。 〃Not scary。〃 
〃All right。〃 She took the pages。 〃I'm going to take these down to my room。 I'll see you out on the croquet course around。。。〃 She riffled the manuscript; estimating。 〃Four? Is that all right?〃 
〃Perfect;〃 I said; thinking of the too…curious Brad Dolan。 He would be gone by then。 
She reached out; gave my arm a little squeeze; and left the room。 I stood where I was for a moment; looking down at the table; taking in the fact that it was bare again except for the breakfast tray Elaine had brought me that morning; my scattered papers at last gone。 I somehow couldn't believe I was done 。。。 and as you can see; since all this was written after I recorded John Coffey's execution and gave the last batch of pages to Elaine; I was not。 And even then; part of me knew why。 
I filched the last piece of cold toast off the tray; went downstairs; and out onto the croquet course。 There I sat in the sun; watching half a dozen pairs and one slow but cheerful foursome pass by waving their mallets; thinking my old man's thoughts and letting the sun warm my old man's bones。 
Around two…forty…five; the three…to…eleven shift started to trickle in from the parking lot; and at three; the day…shift folks left。 Most were in groups; but Brad Dolan; I saw; was walking alone。 That was sort of a happy sight; maybe the world hasn't gone entirely to hell; after all。 One of his joke…books was sticking out of his back pocket。 The path to the parking lot goes by the croquet course; so he saw me there; but he didn't give me either a wave or a scowl。 That was fine by me。 He got into his old Chevrolet with the bumper sticker reading I HAVE SEEN GOD AND HIS NAME IS NEWT。 Then he was gone to wherever he goes when he isn't here; laying a thin trail of discount motor oil behind。 
Around four o'clock; Elaine joined me; just as she had promised。 From the look of her eyes; she'd done a little more crying。 She put her arms around me and hugged me tight。 〃Poor John Coffey〃; she said。 〃And poor Paul Edgebe; too。〃 
Poor Paul; I heard Jan saying。 Poor old guy。 
Elaine began to cry again。 I held her; there on the croquet course in the late sunshine。 Our shadows looked as if they were dancing。 Perhaps in the Make Believe Ballroom we used to listen to on the radio back in those days。 
At last she got herself under control and drew back from me。 She found a Kleenex in her blouse pocket and wiped her streaming eyes with it。 〃What happened to the Warden's wife; Paul? What happened with Melly?〃 
〃She was considered the marvel of the age; at least by the doctors at Indianola Hospital;〃 I said。 I took her arm and we began to walk toward the path which led away from the employees; parking lot and into the woods。 Toward the shed down by the wall between Georgia Pines and the world of younger people。 〃She died … of a heart attack; not a brain tumor … ten or eleven years later。 In forty…three; I think。 Hal died of a stroke right around Pearl Harbor Day…could have been on Pearl Harbor Day; for all I remember … so she outlived him by two years。 Sort of ironic。〃 
〃And Janice?〃 
〃I'm not quite prepared for that today〃; I said。 〃I'll tell you another time。〃 
〃Promise。〃 But that was one I never kept。 Three months after the day we walked down into the woods together (I would have held her hand; if I hadn't been afraid of hurting her bunched and swollen fingers); Elaine Connelly died quietly in her bed。 As with Melinda Moores; death came as the result of a heart attack。 The orderly who found her said she looked peaceful; as if it had e suddenly and without much pain。 I hope he was right about that。 I loved Elaine。 And I miss her。 Her and Janice and Brutal and just all of them。 
We reached the second shed on the path; the one down by the wall。 It stood back in a bower of scrub pines; its sagging roof and boarded…over windows laced and dappled with shadows。 I started toward it。 Elaine hung back a moment; looking fearful。 
〃It's all right;〃 I said。 〃Really。 e on。〃 
There was no latch on the door … there had been once; but it had been torn away … and so I used a folded…over square of cardboard to wedge it shut。 I pulled it free now; and stepped into the shed。 I left the door as wide open as it would go; because it was dark inside。 
〃Paul; what? 。。。 Oh。 Oh!〃 That second 〃oh〃 was just shy of a scream。 
There was a table pushed off to one side。 On it was a flashlight and a brown paper bag。 On the dirty floor was a Hav…A…Tampa cigar box I'd gotten from the concession man who refills the home's soft…drink and candy machines。 I'd asked him for it special; and since his pany also sells tobacco products; it was easy for him to get。 I offered to pay him for it … they were valuable modities when I worked at Cold Mountain; as I may have told you … but he just laughed me off。 
Peering over the edge of it were a pair of bright little oilspot eyes。 
〃Mr。 Jingles;〃 I said in a low voice。 〃e over here。 e on over here; old boy; and see this lady。〃 
I squatted down … it hurt; but I managed … and held out my hand。 At first I didn't think he was going to be able to get over the side of the box this time; but he made it with one final lunge。 He landed on his side; then regained his feet; and came over to me。 He ran with a hitching limp in one of his back legs; the injury that Percy had inflicted had e back in Mr。 Jingles's old age。 His old; old age。 Except for the top of his head and the tip of his tail; his fur had gone entirely gray。 
He hopped onto the palm of my hand。 I raised him up and he stretched his neck out; sniffing at my breath with his ears laid back and his tiny dark eyes avid。 I held my hand out toward Elaine; who looked at the mouse with wide…eyed wonder; her lips parted。 
〃It can't be〃; she said; and raised her eyes to me。 〃Oh Paul; it isn't 。 。。 it can't be!〃 
〃Watch;〃 I said; 〃and then tell me that。〃 
From the bag on the table I took a spool which I had colored myself … not with Crayolas but with Magic Markers; an invention undreamed of in 1932。 It came to the same; though。 It was as bright as Del's had been; maybe brighter。 Messieurs et mesdames; I thought。 Bienvenue au cirque du mousie! 
I squatted again; and Mr。 Jingles ran off my palm。 He was old; but as obsessed as ever。 From the moment I had taken the spool out of the bag; he'd had eyes for nothing else。 I rolled it across the shed's uneven; splintery floor; and he was after it at once。 He didn't run with his old speed; and his limp was painful to watch; but why should he have been either fast or surefooted? As I've said; he was old; a Methuselah of a mouse。 Sixty…four; at least。 
He reached the spool; which struck the far wall and bounced back。 He went around it; then lay down on his side。 Elaine started forward and I held her back。 After a moment; Mr。 Jingles found his feet again。 Slowly; so slowly; he nosed the spool back to me。 When he'd first e … I'd found him lying on the steps leading to the kitchen in just that same way; as if he'd travelled a long distance and was exhausted … he had still been able to guide the spool with his paws; as he had done all those years ago on the Green Mile。 That was beyond him; now; his hindquarters would no longer support him。 Yet his nose was as educated as ever。 He just had to go from one end of the spool to the other to keep it on course。 When he reached me; I picked him up in one hand … no more than a feather; he weighed … and the spool in the other。 His bright dark eyes never left it。 
〃Don't do it again; Paul;〃 Elaine said in a broken voice。 〃I can't bear to watch him。〃 
I understood how she felt; but thought she was wrong to ask it。 He loved chasing and fetching the spool; after all the years; he still loved it just as much。 We should all be so fortunate in our passions。 
〃There are peppermint candies in the bag; too;〃 I said。 〃Canada Mints。 I think he still likes them … he won't stop sniffing; if I hold one out to him … but his digestion has gotten too bad to eat them。 I bring him toast; instead。〃 
I squatted again; broke a small fragment off the piece I'd brought with me from the sunroom; and put it on the floor。 Mr。 Jingles sniffed at it; then picked it up in his paws and began to eat。 His tail was coiled neatly around him。 He finished; then looked expectantly up。 
〃Sometimes us old fellas can surprise you with our appetites〃; I said to Elaine; and handed her the toast。 〃You try。〃 
She broke off another fragment and dropped it on the floor。 Mr。 Jingles approached it; sniffed; looked at Elaine 。。。 then picked it up and began to eat。 
〃You see?〃 I said。 〃He knows you're not a floater。 
〃Where did he e from; Paul?〃 
〃Haven't a clue。 One day when I went out for my early…morning walk; he was just here; lying on the kitchen steps。 I knew who he was right away; but I got a spool out of the laundry room occasional basket just to be sure。 And I got him a cigar box。 Lined it with the softest stuff I could find。 He's like us; Ellie; I think…most days just one big sore place。 Still; he h
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