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thought…filled questions; clearly catching on to what she did。 When she
was least expecting it; he said; 〃That professor…what did you say his
name was; Alex?…looked interested in you。 Have you gone out with him?〃

〃I told you that I don't date;〃 she chided。

〃Ah;〃 he drawled。 〃That's right。 I forgot。 He's asked you out; though;
hasn't he?〃

Anne saw no point in denying it。 〃Several times。 I'm not interested in
dating him; though。 That dinner was a group get…together。〃 When she saw
him relax; she made her move。 〃What about your date that night…excuse
me; your panion?〃 Jealousy was a tough thing to hide。

Mitch played it up with a knowing grin。 〃What about her?〃

〃Who is she?〃

〃Her name's Liz。〃

〃Do you see her often?〃



〃Aren't you glad you asked?〃

〃Not particularly。〃 She pried herself away from him and slid to the far
end of the sofa。 He didn't seem bothered; simply lifted her feet to his
thighs。 He slide a lazy hand under the wool of her slacks to massage her
calf。 It felt too good for Anne to object。

〃Jealous?〃 he asked。


〃That's good。〃 He was grinning more broadly than before。

Anne scowled。 〃You're an arrogant brute;〃 she began and turned the
discussion around。 〃So tell me what you do。 You must have some line of
work。 Is it in the city?〃

He answered her calmly and clearly。 〃My corporation has headquarters in
the city; but we operate all over the country。〃

〃Your corporation?〃

Strangely; where it might have been appropriate; the arrogance vanished。
〃I head a corporation。 Does that bother you?〃

With a sudden; irrational anger; she asked; 〃Why would it bother me?

It has nothing to do with me。〃

He leaned forward and pulled her again to his side。 〃All I meant;〃 he
said; teasing; 〃was that…well; to be perfectly honest; I've been told I
make a good catch。 Being the president of a large corporation doesn't
help to discourage overeager women。〃

Anne snorted。 〃Any woman who'd want your strong black coffee and your
long hot showers has to be crazy。 As for me〃…she put her nose in the
air…〃no amount of money can pensate for your squandering my

He gave her middle a playful squeeze。 She was acutely aware of the arm
beneath her breasts。 More breathlessly; she said; 〃So。 What does your
corporation do?〃

〃We develop real estate; office parks; shopping centers; and so on。〃

〃Define 'and so on。〃'

〃Oh; we have 。。。 other interests。〃

〃Confidential ones;〃 she surmised。

〃For now。〃

〃The mystery of the year。〃

He responded to that by shifting her sideways and down。 He followed;
holding himself on his elbows。 〃You talk too much。〃 His eyes caressed
her face; but it wasn't her face he was talking about when he said; 〃You
not only look good; you feel good。〃 His body inched over hers; giving
her a good feel in return。

If Anne hadn't been breathless before; she was now。 She wasn't fighting
him; because she realized that the attraction wasn't only physical; at
least on her part。 It had gone beyond that。

She wrapped her arms around his neck and exerted the slightest pressure
at his nape。 It brought him in for a kiss that held all the passion
missing from the earlier hug。 She shivered when his tongue slid into her
mouth and their breath mingled。 With his shoulders flexing under her
palms; her head began to spin。 He intoxicated her。 But she didn't want
him leaving her; and said so with a cry when he angled his body off;
then cried out again; differently now; when his hand found her breast。

He trailed kisses from her eyes; down her cheeks to her neck; while she
unbuttoned his shirt。 His bare chest was an Eden of sinew and fuzz; a
potent aphrodisiac。 She was ready to burst when his hand left her breast
and held her neck so that he could kiss her harder。 She weled it;
needed it。 〃Annie; Annie; Annie;〃 he groaned; ragged against her lips;
〃what am I going to do with you?〃

She held his head; then dropped her fingers down his throat and; again;
into the tawny hair on his chest。 〃Look who started it;〃 she whispered
but she was fascinated by the bunch of muscles under her hand。 She moved
her palms around; then over his nipples。

He made a frustrated sound and sat up; hauling her along with him。
Abruptly he released her and leaned forward。 He put his elbows on his
knees and his head in his palms。

Everything about him cried of sudden distress。 Anne rubbed the taut
muscles at the back of his neck。 〃What is it?〃

He gave her a sidelong glance。 〃You don't know?〃 When she didn't answer;
he shrugged off her hand and pushed himself into a far corner of the
sofa。 〃I thought I'd be able to chalk what we have here up to a vacation
thing; but each time I go home; I can't put you out of my mind。 I want
you; Anne。 Want you bad。〃

She was dizzy with pleasure。 〃Why does that upset you?〃

He stared; then came forward。 〃Do you know what I'm talking about here?〃

〃Yes。 I'm not stupid。 You're asking yourself the same questions I've
spent hours asking myself。 What am I doing here? Why did I e? What do
I want to happen? Where's my sense of propriety? The list goes on and
on。〃 She caught a breath。 〃What do you want me to say? I know what
you're saying; but I don't know what to do either!〃

Mitch sighed and drew her back to his chest。 〃It's gone past that; Anne。
I'm asking myself whether I'm ready to see you in public; in New York;
and whether you're ready for that。 I'm asking whether I'm ready for more
of a mitment than just a physical one; and whether you're ready for
that。〃 He tipped up her face。 〃I want to sleep with you; Anne; but I
can't do that and then walk away when it's done。 For the first time in
so long it's not just a physical need。〃

He had echoed her thoughts。 Anne was more interested in him than in
anyone else since Jeff's death; but she wasn't ready for a full…time;
open relationship。 There was still that loose end to tie up in court;
still that emotional barrier。

He pressed her cheek to the beat of his heart。 〃I wouldn't want to hurt
you for the world; Annie。 You deserve the best。 You need a guy's full
attention and devotion。 I have too many other responsibilities right

It was the right answer; still she felt discouragement and loss。 She
held on; and was held for long seconds。 When she looked up; he brushed a
tear from her cheek。

〃I won't ask much;〃 she whispered falteringly。 〃I'm not sure what I want
any more than you are。 The only thing I ask is that you be here for me
to e to every once in a while。〃

He tightened his arms around her。 〃I will; honey; I will。〃

The New Year arrived with a surge of high spirit that neither of them;
weeks before; would have imagined possible。 They ate at a small inn
where the restaurant was elegant; intimate; and quaint。 For Anne it was
like a first date。 She wore her favorite navy knit; which she had packed
for the occasion。 Its softness offset her darkness; its gentle wrap
showed curves that had begun to return。 She wanted to look
sophisticated; and to that end; wore makeup for the first time here。

Mitch rewarded her with a glow in his eyes。 He looked gorgeous in his
fine wool slacks and tailored blazer。 They made a stunning duo; drawing
the attention of more than one pair of curious eyes。

He avoided intimacy beyond a light hand on her waist when he escorted
her to their table。 Later; back at the cabin; they rang in the midnight
hour with champagne toasts。

And the light…hearted tone held through the week。 They took daily walks
in the crisp; cold air。 The woods were an enchanted place in winter; a
safe harbor from winds that whipped across the meadow but couldn't
perate the evergreens。 Bundled in woolen and down; they hiked over
ponds of solid ice and followed the crusty line of the brook from
mountaintop to valley。 The snow squeaked under their boots; but; aside
from their voices; it was the only noise in the forest。

Shielded by spruce; pine; and cedar; they walked for hours through the
blue…shadowed land; returning to the cabin only when their hands and
feet were numb。 More often than not then; they settled in at the kitchen
window to watch chickadees at the feeder that Mitch had staked into the

It was a time of quiet serenity。 Anne did little reading and even less
work。 Rather; she spent hours in calm reverie before the fire; a triumph
in and of itself。 She was happy。 She wasn't brooding or mourning。 She
didn't want to be anywhere else; with anyone else in the world。

During one of these relaxing moments; on the last evening of their stay;
Mitch suddenly went to his bedroom and returned with a small box。 It was
wrapped in white and had a pale blue ribbon。

〃What's this?〃 she asked in surprise。

〃Open it。〃

She pulled at the bow with unsteady fingers。 〃When did you get this?〃

She hadn't expected a gift。 His presence was enough。

〃I was in Brazil right after Thanksgiving。 It was made by one of the
local artisans in a small village in the interior。〃

The top of the box fell back to reveal a ring; a rectangular piece of
enamelware framed in gold and mounted on a fine gold band。 Anne gasped
at the beauty of the intricately painted design; a semiabstract por
trait of s
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