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 〃If he's your pet;〃 Princess Violet said; 〃why do you allow him to eat like that?〃
 Denna looked over to the Princess。 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃Well; if he's your pet〃…the Princess smiled…〃he should eat off the floor; without his hands。〃
 Denna grinned; a glint in her eye。 〃Do as she says。〃
 〃Put it on the floor;〃 Princess Violet said; 〃and eat it like a dog; for us all to see。 Let everyone see that the Seeker is no better than a dog。〃
 Richard was too hungry to do anything to lose his meal。 He concentrated on a mental image of Denna's braid and set the bowl carefully on the floor as he glanced into Princess Violet's eyes; to her smirk; and ate the gruel to the sound of laughter。 He licked the bowl clean; telling himself it was because he needed the strength; in case he ever got the chance to use it。
 After the Queen and her guests had finished eating; a man in chains was brought in and made to stand in the center of the room。 Richard recognized him。 He was one of the men Kahlan had freed from the dungeon。 They exchanged a brief look of understanding; despair。
 There was talk of crimes and foul deeds done。 Richard did his best to ignore it; he knew it was merely a pretext。 The Queen gave a short lecture on the man's crimes; then turned to the Princess
 〃Perhaps the Princess would like to pronounce this man's punishment?〃
 Princess Violet stood; beaming。 〃For his crimes against the Crown; one hundred lashes。 Then; for his crimes against the people; his head。〃
 A murmur of agreement swept the room。 Richard felt sick; but at the same time he wished he could exchange places with the man。 The one hundred lashes would be easy; and there would be an axe at the end of it。
 Princess Violet turned to Denna as she sat back down。 〃Sometime I would enjoy seeing how you handle your punishments。〃
 〃Stop down anytime you wish。〃 Denna glanced over her shoulder。 〃I'll let you watch。〃
 When they were back in the stone room; Denna wasted no time in getting his shirt off; and he was soon hanging from the beam again。 She coolly informed him that his eyes had strayed too much at dinner。 Richard's heart sank。 The shackles around his wrists burned into his flesh once more。 Denna's talents had him covered in sweat in no time; gasping for air; crying out in agony。 She told him it was still early and she wanted to get in a lot of training before the evening ended。
 Richard's muscles flexed and tightened; lifting him off the floor as Denna twisted the Agiel into his back。 He begged her to stop; but she didn't。 When he sagged once more in the shackles; he saw a silhouette in the doorway。
 〃I like the way you can make him beg;〃 Princess Violet said。
 The Mord…Sith smiled to her。 〃e closer; my dear; and I'll show you more。〃
 Denna hugged him with one arm; pressing herself into his wounds。 She kissed his ear and whispered to him。 〃Let's show the Princess how well you can beg; shall we?〃
 Richard vowed to himself he wouldn't; but it wasn't long before he broke his vow。 Denna put on a demonstration for Princess Violet; showing her the different ways she could hurt him。 She seemed proud to show off her talents。
 〃Can I try?〃 the Princess asked。
 Denna…looked down at her a moment。 〃Why; of course; my dear。 I'm sure my pet wouldn't mind。〃 She smiled at him。 〃Now would you?〃 〃Please; Mistress Denna; don't let her。 Please。 She's just a little girl。 I'll do anything you say; but don't let her。 Please。〃
 〃There; you see; my dear; he doesn't mind at all。〃
 Denna handed her the Agiel。
 Princess Violet stood grinning up at him while she fingered the Agiel。 Experimentally; she poked it at his thigh muscle; happy at the way it made him flinch in pain。 Pleased with the results; she walked around him; poking it into his flesh。
 〃It's easy!〃 she said。 〃I never thought it would be this easy to make someone bleed。〃
 Denna stood with her arms folded across her breasts; watching him with a smile while the Princess became bolder。 It wasn't long before her cruelty came fully to the surface。 She delighted in her new game。
 〃Remember what you did to me?〃 she asked him。 She jabbed the Agiel into his side。 〃Remember how you embarrassed me? I guess you're getting what you deserve; don't you think?〃 Richard kept his teeth clenched tightly together。 〃Answer me! Don't you think this is what you deserve?〃
 Richard kept his eyes closed as he tried to control his grip on the pain。
 〃Answer me! And then beg me to stop。 I want to do it while you beg。〃
 〃You better answer her;〃 Denna said。 〃She seems to learn fast。〃
 〃Please; Mistress Denna; don't teach her this。 What you are doing to her is worse than what you are doing to me。 She's only a little girl。 Please don't do this to her。 Don't let her learn these things。〃
 〃I'll learn what I please。 You better start begging。 Right now!〃
 Even though he knew he was only making it worse for himself; Richard waited 'until he could absolutely bear it no longer before he let himself answer。 〃I'm sorry; Princess Violet;〃 he gasped。 〃Please forgive me。 I was wrong。〃
 Richard found that answering her was a mistake; it only seemed to excite her。 It didn't take her long; though; before she learned to make him beg; and cry; even though he tried not to。 Richard couldn't believe the absurdity of a little girl doing this。 Much less enjoying it。 This was madness
 She held the Agiel against his stomach while she leered up at him。 〃But this is less than that Confessor deserves。 She will get more than this someday。 And I'm going to be the one to do it。 My mother said I get to be the one when she es back。 I want you to beg me to hurt her。 Let's hear you beg me to chop off the Mother Confessor's head。〃
 Richard had no idea what it was; but something inside him came awake。
 Princess Violet gritted her teeth and jammed the Agiel into his gut hard as she could; twisting it。 〃Beg me! Beg me to kill that ugly Kahlan!〃
 The pain made Richard scream at the top of his lungs。;
 Denna stepped between them; snatching the Agiel from Princess Violet's hand。 〃Enough! You will kill him if you use the Agiel in that way。〃
 〃Thank you; Mistress Denna;〃 he panted。 He felt a peculiar affection for her; at the way she stepped to his defense。
 Princess Violet took a step back; her face a picture of bad temper。 〃I don't care if I kill him!〃
 Denna's voice was cool and authoritative。 〃Well; I do。 He is too valuable to waste in this manner。〃 Denna was clearly the one in charge around here。 Not the Princess; not even the Queen。 Denna was an agent of Darken Rahl。
 Princess Violet glared at him。 〃My mother says that Confessor Kahlan will e back and that we'll have a surprise for her the next time she es here。 I just want you to know because my mother said you'll be dead by then。 My mother says I get to decide what to do to her。 First; I'm going to cut off her hair。〃 Her hands were in fists; her face red。 〃Then I'm going to let all the guards rape her; every one! Then I'm going to put her in the dungeon for a few years so they'll have someone to play with! Then when I get tired of hurting her; I'll have her head chopped off and put it on a pole where I can watch it rot!〃
 Richard actually felt sorry for the little Princess。 The sadness for her came over him in a wave。 At that feeling; he was surprised to feel the thing in him that had e awake rise up。
 Princess Violet squeezed her eyes shut and stuck her tongue out far as she could。
 It was like a red flag
 The strength of the awakened power exploded through him。
 When his boot came up under her jaw he could feel it shatter like a crystal goblet on a stone floor。 The impact of the blow lifted the Princess into the air。 Her own teeth severed her tongue before they; too; shattered。 She landed on her back; a good distance away; trying to scream through the gushing blood。
 Denna's eyes snapped to him。 For an instant; he saw fear pass across them。 Richard had no idea how he was able to what he had done; why the magic hadn't stopped him; and from the look on Denna's face; he knew he shouldn't have been able to do it。
 〃I warned her before;〃 Richard said; holding Denna's glare。 〃Promise made。 Promise kept。〃 He smiled。 〃Thank you; Mistress Denna; for saving my life。 I owe you。〃
 She stared at him a moment before her expression turned dark。 She stalked out of the room。 He watched the Princess writhing on the floor as he hung in the shackles。
 〃Turn over; Violet; or you'll drown in your own blood。 Turn over!〃
 The Princess managed to flip herself over; a red pool spreading under her: Men appeared in a rush; tending to her。 Denna watched。 They lifted her carefully; carrying her away。 He could hear their urgent voices fading; disappearing down the hall。
 And then he was alone with Denna。
 The strap hinges creaked as she pushed the door closed with one long…nailed finger。 Richard had learned over the last few days that Denna truly did have a perverse kindness to her。 He had learned to interpret the way she used the Agiel; to interpret her mood through
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