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tg.stone of tears-第237章

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 Mistress Sanderholt was surprised when Richard took another bowl of soup and chunk of bread。
 ‘Mistress Sanderholt; you make the best spice soup in the world; after mine。’
 In the kitchen beyond; the help was busily going about breakfast preparations。 She closed the door。
 ‘Richard; I am pleased you are so much better。 I was worried you would do something terrible last night; you were grieving so。 But this is too much of a change。 Something must have happened to make you have such a turnaround in spirit。’
 He looked up at her as he chewed。 He swallowed the bread。 ‘I will tell you if you promise to keep it a secret; for now。 It could cause serious trouble if you told anyone。’
 ‘I promise; then。’
 ‘Kahlan is not dead。’
 She stared blankly at him。 ‘Richard; you are worse than I thought。 I myself saw 。。。’
 ‘I know what you saw。 The wizard you saw is my grandfather。 He used a spell to make everyone think she was executed; so they would not be hunted down; so that they could escape。 She is safe。’
 She threw her arms around his neck。 ‘Oh; dear spirits be praised!’
 ‘Indeed;’ Richard said with a grin。
 Richard took the bowl of soup outside to watch the dawn。 He was too exhilarated to be cooped up indoors。 He sat on the vast steps; looking around at the magnificent palace soaring up all around him。 Towers and spires and sweeping roofs loomed in the early dawn light。
 As he ate his soup; he watched a gargoyle atop the edge of a nearby; enormous frieze supported by fluted columns。 The pink clouds were just beginning to glow behind it; silhouetting the grotesque; hunched shape。
 Richard had just put a spoonful of spice soup in his mouth when he thought he saw the gargoyle take a deep breath。 Richard set the bowl down。 He rose to his feet; his eyes never leaving the dark shape。 It moved again; just a little twitch。
 ‘Gratch! Gratch; is that you!’
 The shape didn’t move。 Maybe it was just his imagination。 Richard held his arms open wide。
 ‘Gratch! Please; if that’s you; forgive me。 Gratch; I’ve missed you!’
 It was still a moment; and then the wings stretched out。 It leapt from the corner of the building and swooped down in a glide toward him。 With a flutter of wings; the huge gar landed on the steps a short distance away。
 ‘Gratch! Oh; Gratch; I’ve missed you!’ The gar watched with glowing green eyes。 ‘I don’t know if you can understand; but I didn’t mean what I said。 I was only trying to save your life。 Please; forgive me? Richard loves Gratch。’
 His wings fluttered。 A cloud of breath came from between long fangs。 His ears perked up。
 ‘Grrratch luuug Raaaach aaarg。’
 The gar bounded into Richard’s arms; knocking him to the steps。 Richard hugged the furry beast; and Gratch enfolded him in arms and wings。 Each stroked the other’s back; and each grinned in his own way。
 When they finally sat up; Gratch hunched down; staring curiously at Richard’s face。 With the back of a huge claw; he stroked Richard’s jaw。
 Richard felt his smooth face as he smiled。 ‘It’s gone。 I’m not going to have a beard anymore。’
 Gratch’s nose wrinkled in disgust。 He let out a gurgling growl of displeasure。
 Richard laughed。 ‘You’ll get used to it。’ They sat together in the quiet of the dawn。 ‘Do you know; Gratch; that I’m a wizard?’
 Gratch gurgled a laugh and frowned dubiously。 Richard wondered how a gar could know what a wizard was。 Gratch never failed to astonish him with what he knew; with what he could grasp。
 ‘No; really。 I am。 Here; let me show you; I’ll make fire。’
 Richard held his palm out。 He called the power from the calm center。 Try as he might; nothing happened。 He could not make so much as a spark。 He sighed as Gratch howled in a roar of laughter; his wings flapping with the joke。
 A sudden memory came to him … something Denna had told him。 He had asked her how he had done all those things with magic。 She had looked at him with that all…knowing smile of peace; and said; Be proud you made the right choices; Richard; the choices that allowed to happen what came about; but do not call arrogance to your heart by believing that all that happened was your doing。
 Richard wondered where the line was。 He realized he had a lot to learn before he was a real wizard。 He wasn’t even sure he wanted to be a wizard; but he now accepted who he was …one born with the gift; born to be the pebble in the pond; son of Darken Rahl; but lucky enough to have been raised by people who loved him。 He felt the hilt of the sword at his elbow。 It had been made for him。
 He was the Seeker。 The true Seeker。
 Richard’s thoughts again touched the spirit who had brought him more happiness than in life had brought him pain。 He was deeply gratified that Denna had found peace。 He could want nothing more for her; for someone he loved。
 He came out of his thoughts and patted the gar’s arm。 ‘You wait here a minute; Gratch。 I’ll get you something。’
 Richard ran into the kitchen and retrieved a leg of mutton。 As he ran back down the steps; Gratch danced from one foot to the other in excitement。 Together; they sat on the steps; Richard eating his soup; and Gratch tearing into the meat with his fangs。
 When they had finished … Gratch had even eaten the bone … Richard pulled out a long lock of Kahlan’s hair。
 This is from the woman I love。’ Gratch considered; then looked up as he gently reached out。 ‘I want you to have it。 I told her about you; and what you mean to me。 She will love you just as I love you; Gratch。 She will never chase you away。 You can be with us whenever you want; for as long as you want。 Here; give it back a moment。’
 Gratch held out the length of hair。 Richard took off the thong holding Scarlet’s tooth。 It would do him no good any longer; he had already called her with it。 He tied the long lock of hair to the thong; and then hung the whole thing over Gratch’s head。
 With a claw; Gratch stroked the long hair。 His grin wrinkled his nose and showed the full length of his fangs。
 ‘I’m going to go to her now。 Would you like to e along?’
 Gratch nodded his enthusiasm; his head bobbing; his ears twitching; and his wings fluttering。
 Richard looked down on the city。 Troops were moving about。 A lot of troops。 Imperial Order troops。 It wouldn’t be long before they gained the courage to investigate the death of the council; even if it was at the hands of a wizard。
 Richard smiled。 Then I guess I better find a horse; and we can be on our way。 I think it best if we were away from here。’
 He looked out on the brightening day。 A breeze with a hint of warmth ruffled his mriswith cape。 Before long it would be spring。
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