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tg.stone of tears-第33章

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t he was frightening them and they wouldn’t want to help。
 There are specific rules he must follow。 We all must; they are inviolate。 There is no room for negotiation。 He must put himself in our hands and must e with us to the Palace of the Prophets。’ Sister Grace’s eyes were sad as she said; ‘Alone。’
 ‘For how long?’ Richard demanded。 ‘How long does it take?’
 Sister Grace’s black hair shone in the torchlight as she turned her head to him。 ‘It depends on how quickly you learn。 It takes as long as it takes。 You have to stay until it is finished。’
 Kahlan felt a tightness in her chest as Richard slipped his arm around her waist。 ‘Can I visit him?’
 Sister Grace shook her head slowly。 ‘No。 And there is more。’ Her eyes flicked to the Agiel for an instant。 She reached into her cloak and pulled something out。 It was a ring of metal; hardly more than a hand across。 Even though it seemed unbroken; Sister Grace did something and it unlatched; opening into hinged half circles。 Its dull silver color reflected the firelight。 She held it up in front of Richard。 This is called the Rada’Han。 It is a collar。 You must wear it。’
 Richard took a step back; his hand ing away from Kahlan’s waist and going to his throat。 His face paled and his eyes widened。 ‘Why?’ he asked in a whisper。
 The rules begin。 Discussion is over。’ Sister Verna and Sister Elizabeth moved behind Sister Grace as she spoke; standing with their hands at their sides as the black haired woman held the collar out in her hands。 This is no game。 From now on; it can go only by the rules。 Listen carefully; Richard。
 ‘You will be offered three chances to take the Rada’Han; three chances to take our help; a Sister for each chance。 There are three reasons for the Rada’Han; a Sister to reveal each。 Before each offer; and chance to refuse; a different Sister will give you one of the reasons。 After each reason; you will be offered the chance to accept or refuse。
 ‘After the third refusal; as I hope you never learn; there are no more chances。 You will receive no further help from the Sisters of the Light。 You will die from the power of the gift。’
 Richard’s hand still clutched at his throat。 His voice was still hardly more than a whisper。 ‘Why do I have to wear a collar?’
 Sister Grace stiffened with authority。 ‘No discussion。 You will listen。 You must put the Rada’Han around your neck yourself; of your own free will。 Once it is on; you will not be able to remove it。 It can only be removed by a Sister of the Light。 It will stay on until we say it es off。 We will only say that when you are trained。 Not before。’
 Richard’s chest heaved with each labored breath。 His stare was fixed on the collar。 His eyes had a strange; wild; haunted look Kahlan had never seen before。 She was frozen at seeing his terror; at her own terror。
 Sister Grace held his eyes with a vengeance when he looked up at her。 ‘Your first offer is at hand。 Each offer es from a different sister。 The first offer es from me。
 ‘I; Sister of the Light; Grace Rendall; give the first reason for the Rada’Han; give the first chance to be helped。 The first reason for the Rada’Han is to control the headaches and open your mind so you may be taught to use the gift。
 ‘You now have the chance to accept or to refuse。 I strongly advise you to accept the first offer of our help。 Please believe me; it will only be much more difficult for you to accept the second time; and worse yet the third time。
 ‘Please; Richard; accept the offer now; on the first of the three reasons and offers。 Your life depends on this。’
 She stood still; waiting。 His gaze went back to the dull silver collar。 He looked on the verge of panic。 The room was dead quiet except for the slow crackle of the fire and the soft hiss of the torches。
 He looked up; and his mouth opened; but no words came as he stared unblinking at her intense gaze。
 At last he blinked and spoke in a hoarse whisper。 ‘I will not wear a collar。 I will never again wear a collar。 For anyone。 For any reason。 Never。’
 She straightened a little; lowering the collar; looking genuinely surprised。 ‘You refuse the offer and the Rada’Han?’
 ‘I refuse。’
 Sister Grace stood a while; staring with what seemed to be a mix of sadness and worry。 Pale; she turned to the two Sisters behind her。 ‘Forgive me; Sisters; I have failed。’ She handed the Rada’Han to Sister Elizabeth。 ‘It is upon you now。’
 ‘The Light forgives you;’ Sister Elizabeth whispered as she kissed Sister Grace on each white cheek。
 ‘The Light forgives you;’ Sister Verna whispered; giving the same kisses。
 Sister Grace turned back to Richard; her voice less steady。 ‘May the Light cradle you always with gentle hands。 May you someday find the way。’
 Holding Richard’s gaze; she brought her hand up; giving it a flick。 A knife appeared from her sleeve。 But rather than a blade; it had what seemed to be a pointed; round rod ing from the silver handle。
 Richard leapt back; drawing the sword in one swift; smooth motion。 Its distinctive ring sounded in the air。
 Deftly; Sister Grace flipped the knife in her hand so it stopped with the blade pointing not toward Richard; but toward herself。 She held it with practiced grace; without taking her eyes from Richard。
 And then she plunged the knife between her breasts。
 There was a flash of light that seemed to e from within her eyes; and she collapsed to the ground; dead。
 Richard and Kahlan both took a step back in wide…eyed shock and horror。 Sister Verna bent and pulled the knife from the dead woman。 She stood and looked at Richard。
 ‘As we told you: this is no game。’ She slipped the silver knife into her cloak。 ‘You must bury her body yourself。 If you let another do it for you; you will have nightmares for the rest of your life; nightmares caused by magic。 There is no cure for them。 Don’t forget; you must bury her yourself。’ Both Sisters pulled their hoods up。 ‘You have been offered the first of three chances; and refused。 We will return。’
 The two Sisters glided to the door and were gone。
 The sword’s point slowly settled to the ground。 Richard stared at the dead woman; tears running down his face。
 ‘I won’t wear a collar again;’ he whispered to no one but himself。 ‘Not for anyone。’
 With labored movements; he retrieved a small shovel and a handle from his pack; and hooked them onto his belt。 He then rolled Sister Grace onto her back; folded her hands across her; and lifted her lifeless form in his arms。 One arm slipped from its place; loose; swinging。 Her head hung down; limp。 Her dead eyes stared。 Black hair dangled。 There was a small blossom of blood on the front of her white blouse。
 Richard’s pained eyes sought Kahlan。 ‘I’m going to bury her。 I would like to go alone。’
 Kahlan nodded and watched him shoulder the door open。 After it had been pushed shut; she sank to the ground and started crying。
 She was sitting; staring into the fire; when Richard came back。 He had been gone a long time。 After Kahlan had stopped crying; she had gone to tell Savidlin and Weselan what had happened; and then came back to the spirit house to wait for Richard。 They had told her to e get them if she needed anything。
 Richard sat down next to her and put his arms around her; his head on her shoulder。 She ran her fingers through the back of his hair and held him close。 She wanted to say something; but was afraid to say anything; so she just held him。
 ‘I hate magic;’ he whispered at last。 ‘It’s going to e between us again。’
 ‘We won’t let it。 We just won’t。 We will think of something。’
 ‘Why did she have to kill herself?’
 ‘I don’t know;’ Kahlan whispered。
 Richard took his arms away and fingered some of Nissel’s leaves out of his shirt pocket。 He sat chewing them as he gazed into the fire; a slight frown of pain on his face。
 ‘I feel like running away; but I don’t know where to go。 How do you run away from something inside you?’
 Kahlan rubbed her fingers back and forth on his leg。 ‘Richard; I know this is hard for you to hear; but please listen。 Magic isn’t bad。’ He didn’t object; so she went on。 ‘How people use it is sometimes bad。 Like the way Darken Rahl used it。 I have had magic all my life。 I’ve had to learn to live with who I am。 Do you hate me because I have magic?’
 ‘Of course not。’
 ‘Do you love me despite my magic?’
 He thought a minute。 ‘No。 I love everything about you; and your magic is part of you。 That was how I got past the Confessor’s magic。 If I had loved you despite your power; I wouldn’t have been accepting you for who you are。 Your magic would have destroyed me。’
 ‘So you see? Magic isn’t all bad。 The two people you love most in the world have magic。 Zedd and me。 Please listen。 You have the gift。 It is called a gift; not a curse。 It is a wonderful; rare thing。 It could be something used to help others。 You have already used it to help others。 Maybe you should try to think of it in this way; instea
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