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tg.stone of tears-第92章

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 ‘What makes you think it was meant for me! She was probably hoping to defend herself from the men who are chasing her!’
 ‘There are no men chasing her。 She is a sentry。 You are always telling me to stop treating you like a child; Richard。 Stop acting like one。 I know about these people; how they do things。 She meant to kill us。’
 He could feel the muscles in his jaw flex as he gritted his teeth。 ‘We could have tried to get away when she first spotted us。’
 She nodded。 ‘Yes; and we would have died。 I am telling you; Richard; I know these people。 The wilds are layered like an onion with different peoples; all of whom; will kill us if they find us。 Had we let her reach her kind; they would have caught us and killed us。
 ‘Don’t let the anger of your sword close your eyes。 She has a poison knife in her hand; she had it to your back; and she fell into your arms to be able to get close enough to use it。 You foolishly let her do so。’ She turned a little and swept an arm behind。 ‘Where are the ones chasing her?’ She let the arm drop to her side。 There is no one else。 I could sense them with my Han if there were。 She was alone。 I have just saved your life。’
 He drove the Sword of Truth back into its scabbard。 ‘You have done me no great favor; Sister Verna。’
 He didn’t know what to believe。 He knew only that he was sick of magic; and weary of death。 ‘What is that knife you keep up your sleeve? What’s the light in their eyes when you kill with it?’
 ‘It’s called a dacra。 I guess it could be pared to the poison blade she was carrying。 With the dacra it’s not the wound itself that kills; the dacra extinguishes the spark of life。’ Her eyes lowered。 ‘It’s a painful thing to steal a life。 Sometimes; it is the only way。 This; tonight; was the only way to save our lives; whether you choose to believe it or not。’
 ‘All I know; Sister Verna; is that you use it without hesitation; and that you didn’t even try anything else。’ He started to turn away。 ‘I’m going to bury her。’
 ‘Richard。’ She smoothed her skirt。 ‘I hope you understand; and that you don’t misinterpret our actions; but when we reach the palace; we may have to take the Sword of Truth from you。 For your own good。’
 ‘Why? How could that be for my own good?’
 She clasped her hands together again。 The prophecy that you have invoked; the one that says ‘He is the bringer of death; and he shall so name himself;’ is a very dangerous prophecy。 It goes on to say that the holder of the sword is able to call the dead forth; call the past into the present。’
 ‘What does that mean?’
 ‘We don’t know。’
 ‘Prophecies;’ he muttered。 ‘Prophecies are just stupid riddles; Sister。 You invest too much concern in them。 You admit that you don’t understand them; yet try to follow them。 Only a fool follows blindly what he doesn’t understand。 If it were true; I would call the dead forth and give this woman’s life back to her。’
 ‘We know a lot more about them than you think。 I believe it would be for the best if we took the sword; just for safekeeping; until we understand the prophecy better。’
 ‘Sister Verna; if someone took the dacra from you; would you still be a Sister?’
 ‘Of course。 The dacra is simply a tool to help us in our job。 It doesn’t make us who we are。’
 He smiled a cold smile。 ‘It’s the same with the sword。 With or without it; I am still the Seeker。 I would be no less a danger to you。 Taking it away from me will not save you。’
 Her fists tightened。 ‘It is not the same。’
 ‘You are not taking the sword;’ he said flatly。 ‘You could never understand how much I hate this sword; hate its magic; and how much I wish to be rid of it; but it was given to me when I was named Seeker。 It was given to me to be mine for as long as I wish to hold it。 I am the Seeker; and I; not you; or anyone else; will decide when I am to give it up。’
 Her eyes narrowed。 ‘Named Seeker? You did not find the sword? Or purchase it? It was given by a wizard? You were named Seeker? A real Seeker? By a wizard?’
 ‘I was。’
 ‘Who was this wizard?’
 The one I told you of before: Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander。’
 ‘You met him just this once; when he gave you the sword?’
 ‘No。 I have spent my whole life with him。 He practically raised me。 He is my grandfather。’
 There was a long moment of dead silence。 ‘And he named you Seeker; because he refused to teach you to control the gift? To be a wizard?’
 ‘Refused! When he realized I had the gift; he practically begged to teach me to be a wizard。’
 ‘He offered?’ she whispered。
 That’s right。 I told him I didn’t want to be a wizard。’ Something was wrong。 She seemed disturbed by this news。 ‘He said the offer still stands。 Why?’
 She rubbed her hands absently。 ‘It is just 。。。 unusual; that’s all。 Many things about you are unusual。’
 Richard didn’t know if he believed her。 He wondered if maybe he didn’t need the collar; if Zedd could have helped him without it。
 But Kahlan had wanted it on him。 She had wanted him taken away。 His insides twisted with that pain。
 The sword was the only thing he had of Zedd。 It was given to him when he was still back in Westland; when he was home。 He missed his home; his woods。 The sword was the only thing left of Zedd; and home。
 ‘Sister; I was named Seeker; and given this sword; for as long as I wish to keep it and be Seeker。 I will be the one to decide when the time has e to give it up。 If you wish to take it away from me; then try to do it now。
 ‘If you try; one of us is going to die in the attempt。 At the moment; I don’t much care which one of us it is。 But I intend to fight to the death。 It’s mine by right; and you are not taking it as long as there is a breath of life in me。’
 He listened to the distant howl of an animal dying a sudden; violent death; and then to the long; empty silence that followed。
 ‘Since you were given the sword; and did not simply find it; or purchase it; you may keep it。 I will not take it from you。 I cannot speak for the others; but I will try to see to your wishes。 It is the gift we must tend to。 It is that magic we must teach you to control。’
 She drew herself up and regarded him with an expression of such cold danger it made him have to fight the urge to shrink back。 ‘But if you ever again draw it against me; I will make you me the day the Creator let you take your first breath。’ Her jaw muscles tightened。 ‘Do we understand each other?’
 ‘What’s so important about me that you would kill to capture me?’
 Her cold posure was more frightening than if she had yelled at him。 ‘Our job is to help those with the gift; because the gift is given by the Creator。 We serve the Creator。 It is for him we die。 I’ve lost two of my oldest friends because of you。 I’ve wept myself to sleep with grief for them。 I’ve had to kill this woman tonight; and I may have to kill others before we reach the palace。’
 Richard had the feeling it would be best to keep quiet; but he couldn’t。 She had a way of stirring the coals of his anger to flame。 ‘Don’t try to assuage your guilt over what you’ve done at my expense; Sister。’
 Her face heated with color that he could see; even in the moonlight。 ‘I’ve tried to be patient with you; Richard。 I’ve given you leeway because you’ve been pulled from the only life you have known; and been thrust into a situation you fear and don’t understand; but my patience is near its end。
 ‘I’ve tried my best not to see the lifeless bodies of my friends when I look into your eyes。 Or when you tell me I’m heartless。 I’ve tried not to think about you being the one standing at their burial; not me; and about the things I would have said over their fresh graves。 There are things going on that are beyond my understanding; beyond my expectations; beyond what I was led to believe。 Were it up to me; I’m of a mind to grant you your wish and remove your Rada’Han; and let you die in madness and pain。
 ‘But it’s not up to me。 It is the Creator’s work I do。’
 Although the hot coals of his temper hadn’t been doused; they had cooled。 ‘Sister Verna; I’m sorry。’ He wished she would scream at him。 That would be better than her calm anger; her quiet displeasure。
 ‘You are angered because you think I treat you as a child; and not as a man; and yet you have given me no reason to do otherwise。 I know where you stand; in your abilities; and where you have yet to travel。 In that journey you are no more than a babe who bawls to be turned loose in the world; yet cannot even walk。
 The collar you wear is capable of controlling you。 It is also capable of giving you pain。 Great pain。 Up until now; I have avoided using it; and have tried instead to encourage you in other ways to accept what must be done。 But if I have to; I will use it。 The Creator knows I’ve tried everything else。
 ‘We will soon be in a land much more dangerous than this。 We will have to deal with the people there to get through。 The Sisters have arrangements with them; to be allowed to pass。 You wi
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