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ancient poems-第12章

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thought of the farmer soon run in her mind; A way for to have him she quickly did find。

Coat; waistcoat; and breeches she then did put on; And a hunting she went with her dog and her gun; She hunted all round where the farmer did dwell; Because in her heart she did love him full well:

She oftentimes fired; but nothing she killed; At length the young farmer came into the field; And to discourse with him it was her intent; With her dog and her gun to meet him she went。

'I thought you had been at the wedding;' she cried; 'To wait on the squire; and give him his bride。' 'No; sir;' said the farmer; 'if the truth I may tell; I'll not give her away; for I love her too well'

'Suppose that the lady should grant you her love; You know that the squire your rival will prove。' 'Why; then;' says the farmer; 'I'll take sword in hand; By honour I'll gain her when she shall command。'

It pleased the lady to find him so bold; She gave him a glove that was flowered with gold; And told him she found it when coming along; As she was a hunting with her dog and gun。

The lady went home with a heart full of love; And gave out a notice that she'd lost a glove; And said; 'Who has found it; and brings it to me; Whoever he is; he my husband shall be。'

The farmer was pleased when he heard of the news; With heart full of joy to the lady he goes: 'Dear; honoured lady; I've picked up your glove; And hope you'll be pleased to grant me your love。'

'It's already granted; I will be your bride; I love the sweet breath of a farmer;' she cried。 'I'll be mistress of my dairy; and milking my cow; While my jolly brisk farmer is whistling at plough。'

And when she was married she told of her fun; How she went a hunting with her dog and gun: 'And now I've got him so fast in my snare; I'll enjoy him for ever; I vow and declare!'


'THIS ballad of KING JAMES I。 AND THE TINKLER was probably written  either in; or shortly after; the reign of the monarch who is the  hero。  The incident recorded is said to be a fact; though the  locality is doubtful。  By some the scene is laid at Norwood; in  Surrey; by others in some part of the English border。  The ballad  is alluded to by Percy; but is not inserted either in the RELIQUES;  or in any other popular collection。  It is to be found only in a  few broadsides and chap…books of modern date。  The present version  is a traditional one; taken down; as here given; from the recital  of the late Francis King。 (6)  It is much superior to the common  broadside edition with which it has been collated; and from which  the thirteenth and fifteenth verses were obtained。  The ballad is  very popular on the Border; and in the dales of Cumberland;  Westmoreland; and Craven。  The late Robert Anderson; the Cumbrian  bard; represents Deavie; in his song of the CLAY DAUBIN; as singing  THE KING AND THE TINKLER。'

AND now; to be brief; let's pass over the rest; Who seldom or never were given to jest; And come to King Jamie; the first of our throne; A pleasanter monarch sure never was known。

As he was a hunting the swift fallow…deer; He dropped all his nobles; and when he got clear; In hope of some pastime away he did ride; Till he came to an alehouse; hard by a wood…side。

And there with a tinkler he happened to meet; And him in kind sort he so freely did greet: 'Pray thee; good fellow; what hast in thy jug; Which under thy arm thou dost lovingly hug?'

'By the mass!' quoth the tinkler; 'it's nappy brown ale; And for to drink to thee; friend; I will not fail; For although thy jacket looks gallant and fine; I think that my twopence as good is as thine。'

'By my soul! honest fellow; the truth thou hast spoke;' And straight he sat down with the tinkler to joke; They drank to the King; and they pledged to each other; Who'd seen 'em had thought they were brother and brother。

As they were a…drinking the King pleased to say; 'What news; honest fellow? come tell me; I pray?' 'There's nothing of news; beyond that I hear The King's on the border a…chasing the deer。

'And truly I wish I so happy may be Whilst he is a hunting the King I might see; For although I've travelled the land many ways I never have yet seen a King in my days。'

The King; with a hearty brisk laughter; replied; 'I tell thee; good fellow; if thou canst but ride; Thou shalt get up behind me; and I will thee bring To the presence of Jamie; thy sovereign King。'

'But he'll be surrounded with nobles so gay; And how shall we tell him from them; sir; I pray?' 'Thou'lt easily ken him when once thou art there; The King will be covered; his nobles all bare。'

He got up behind him and likewise his sack; His budget of leather; and tools at his back; They rode till they came to the merry greenwood; His nobles came round him; bareheaded they stood。

The tinkler then seeing so many appear; He slily did whisper the King in his ear: Saying; 'They're all clothed so gloriously gay; But which amongst them is the King; sir; I pray?'

The King did with hearty good laughter; reply; 'By my soul! my good fellow; it's thou or it's I! The rest are bareheaded; uncovered all round。' … With his bag and his budget he fell to the ground;

Like one that was frightened quite out of his wits; Then on his knees he instantly gets; Beseeching for mercy; the King to him said; 'Thou art a good fellow; so be not afraid。

'Come; tell thy name?'  'I am John of the Dale; A mender of kettles; a lover of ale。' 'Rise up; Sir John; I will honour thee here; … I make thee a knight of three thousand a year!'

This was a good thing for the tinkler indeed; Then unto the court he was sent for with speed; Where great store of pleasure and pastime was seen; In the royal presence of King and of Queen。

Sir John of the Dale he has land; he has fee; At the court of the king who so happy as he? Yet still in his hall hangs the tinkler's old sack; And the budget of tools which he bore at his back。


'THIS old and very humorous ballad has long been a favourite on  both sides of the Border; but had never appeared in print till  about 1845; when a Northumbrian gentleman printed a few copies for  private circulation; from one of which the following is taken。  In  the present impression some trifling typographical mistakes are  corrected; and the phraseology has been rendered uniform  throughout。  KEACH I' THE CREEL means the catch in the basket。'

A FAIR young May went up the street; Some white fish for to buy; And a bonny clerk's fa'n i' luve wi' her; And he's followed her by and by; by; And he's followed her by and by。

'O! where live ye my bonny lass; I pray thee tell to me; For gin the nicht were ever sae mirk; I wad come and visit thee; thee; I wad come and visit thee。'

'O! my father he aye locks the door; My mither keeps the key; And gin ye were ever sic a wily wicht; Ye canna win in to me; me; Ye canna win in to me。'

But the clerk he had ae true brother; And a wily wicht was he; And he has made a lang ladder; Was thirty steps and three; three; Was thirty steps and three。

He has made a cleek but and a creel … A creel but and a pin; And he's away to the chimley…top; And he's letten the bonny clerk in; in; And he's letten the bonny clerk in。

The auld wife; being not asleep; Tho' late; late was the hour; I'll lay my life;' quo' the silly auld wife; 'There's a man i' our dochter's bower; bower; There's a man i' our dochter's bower。'

The auld man he gat owre the bed; To see if the thing was true; But she's ta'en the bonny clerk in her arms; And covered him owre wi' blue; blue; And covered him owre wi' blue。

'O! where are ye gaun now; father?' she says; 'And where are ye gaun sae late? Ye've disturbed me in my evening prayers; And O! but they were sweit; sweit; And O! but they were sweit。'

'O! ill betide ye; silly auld wife; And an ill death may ye dee; She has the muckle buik in her arms; And she's prayin' for you and me; me; And she's prayin' for you and me。'

The auld wife being not asleep; Then something mair was said; 'I'll lay my life;' quo' the silly auld wife; 'There's a man by our dochter's bed; bed; There's a man by our dochter's bed。'

The auld wife she gat owre the bed; To see if the thing was true; But what the wrack took the auld wife's fit? For into the creel she flew; flew; For into the creel she flew。

The man that was at the chimley…top; Finding the creel was fu'; He wrappit the rape round his left shouther; And fast to him he drew; drew: And fast to him he drew。

'O; help! O; help! O; hinny; noo; help! O; help! O; hinny; do! For HIM that ye aye wished me at; He's carryin' me off just noo; noo; He's carryin' me off just noo。'

'O! if the foul thief's gotten ye; I wish he may keep his haud; For a' the lee lang winter nicht; Ye'll never lie in your bed; bed; Ye'll never lie in your bed。'

He's towed her up; he's towed her down; He's towed her through an' through; 'O; Gude! assist;' quo' the silly auld wife; 'For I'm just departin' noo; noo; For I'm just departin' noo。'

He's towed her up; he's towed her down; He's gien her a richt down fa'; Till every rib i' the auld wife's side; Played nick nack on the wa'; wa'; Played nick nack on the w
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