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ancient poems-第25章

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Ich have been twice our Whitson Lord; Ich have had ladies many vare; And eke thou hast my heart in hold; And in my minde zeemes passing rare。 CHO。  And eke thou hast his heart in hold; And in his minde zeemes passing rare。

Ich will put on my best white sloppe; And Ich will weare my yellow hose; And on my head a good gray hat; And in't Ich sticke a lovely rose。 CHO。  And on his head a good grey hat; And in't he'll stick a lovely rose。

Wherefore cease off; make no delay; And if you'll love me; love me now; Or els Ich zeeke zome oder where; … For Ich cannot come every day to woo。 CHO。  Or else he'll zeeke zome oder where; For he cannot come every day to woo。 (34)


'THIS song; on the same subject as the preceding; is as old as the  reign of Henry VIII。; the first verse; says Mr。 Chappell; being  found elaborately set to music in a manuscript of that date。  The  air is given in POPULAR MUSIC; I。; 87。'

QUOTH John to Joan; wilt thou have me? I prythee now; wilt? and I'ze marry with thee; My cow; my calf; my house; my rents; And all my lands and tenements: Oh; say; my Joan; will not that do? I cannot come every day to woo。

I've corn and hay in the barn hard by; And three fat hogs pent up in the sty: I have a mare; and she is coal black; I ride on her tail to save my back。 Then say; &c。

I have a cheese upon the shelf; And I cannot eat it all myself; I've three good marks that lie in a rag; In the nook of the chimney; instead of a bag。 Then say; &c。

To marry I would have thy consent; But faith I never could compliment; I can say nought but 'hoy; gee ho;' Words that belong to the cart and the plow。 Then say; &c。


'THIS old ditty; in its incidents; bears a resemblance to DUMBLE… DUM…DEARY; see ANTE; p。 149。  It used to be a popular song in the  Yorkshire dales。  We have been obliged to supply an HIATUS in the  second verse; and to make an alteration in the last; where we have  converted the 'red…nosed parson' of the original into a squire。'

HARRY courted modest Mary; Mary was always brisk and airy; Harry was country neat as could be; But his words were rough; and his duds were muddy。

Harry when he first bespoke her; 'Kept a dandling the kitchen poker;' Mary spoke her words like Venus; But said; 'There's something I fear between us。

'Have you got cups of China mettle; Canister; cream…jug; tongs; or kettle?' 'Odzooks; I've bowls; and siles; and dishes; Enow to supply any prudent wishes。

'I've got none o' your cups of Chaney; Canister; cream…jug; I've not any; I've a three…footed pot and a good brass kettle; Pray what do you want with your Chaney mettle?

'A shippen full of rye for to fother; A house full of goods; one mack or another; I'll thrash in the lathe while you sit spinning; O; Molly; I think that's a good beginning。'

'I'll not sit at my wheel a…spinning; Or rise in the morn to wash your linen; I'll lie in bed till the clock strikes eleven … ' 'Oh; grant me patience gracious Heaven!

'Why then thou must marry some red…nosed squire; 'Who'll buy thee a settle to sit by the fire;' For I'll to Margery in the valley; She is my girl; so farewell Malley。'


'OUR copy of this song is taken from one in the Roxburgh  Collection; where it is called; THE COUNTRY FARMER'S VAIN GLORY; IN  A NEW SONG OF HARVEST HOME; SUNG TO A NEW TUNE MUCH IN REQUEST。   LICENSED ACCORDING TO ORDER。  The tune is published in POPULAR  MUSIC。  A copy of this song; with the music; may be found in  D'Urfey's PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY。  It varies from ours; but  D'Urfey is so loose and inaccurate in his texts; that any other  version is more likely to be correct。  The broadside from which the  following is copied was 'Printed for P。 Brooksby; J。 Dencon  'Deacon'; J。 Blai'r'; and J。 Back。''

OUR oats they are howed; and our barley's reaped; Our hay is mowed; and our hovels heaped; Harvest home! harvest home! We'll merrily roar out our harvest home! Harvest home! harvest home! We'll merrily roar out our harvest home! We'll merrily roar out our harvest home!

We cheated the parson; we'll cheat him again; For why should the vicar have one in ten? One in ten! one in ten! For why should the vicar have one in ten? For why should the vicar have one in ten? For staying while dinner is cold and hot; And pudding and dumpling's burnt to pot; Burnt to pot! burnt to pot! Till pudding and dumpling's burnt to pot; Burnt to pot! burnt to pot!

We'll drink off the liquor while we can stand; And hey for the honour of old England! Old England! old England! And hey for the honour of old England! Old England! old England!


'FROM an old copy without printer's name or date。'

COME; Roger and Nell; Come; Simpkin and Bell; Each lad with his lass hither come; With singing and dancing; And pleasure advancing; To celebrate harvest…home!

CHORUS。  'Tis Ceres bids play; And keep holiday; To celebrate harvest…home! Harvest…home! Harvest…home! To celebrate harvest…home!

Our labour is o'er; Our barns; in full store; Now swell with rich gifts of the land; Let each man then take; For the prong and the rake; His can and his lass in his hand。 For Ceres; &c。

No courtier can be So happy as we; In innocence; pastime; and mirth; While thus we carouse; With our sweetheart or spouse; And rejoice o'er the fruits of the earth。 For Ceres; &c。


'THIS favourite song; copied from a chap…book called THE WHISTLING  PLOUGHMAN; published at the commencement of the present century; is  written in imitation of Ariel's song; in the TEMPEST。  It is  probably taken from some defunct ballad…opera。'

NOW our work's done; thus we feast; After labour comes our rest; Joy shall reign in every breast; And right welcome is each guest: After harvest merrily; Merrily; merrily; will we sing now; After the harvest that heaps up the mow。

Now the plowman he shall plow; And shall whistle as he go; Whether it be fair or blow; For another barley mow; O'er the furrow merrily: Merrily; merrily; will we sing now; After the harvest; the fruit of the plow。

Toil and plenty; toil and ease; Still the husbandman he sees; Whether when the winter freeze; Or in summer's gentle breeze; Still he labours merrily; Merrily; merrily; after the plow; He looks to the harvest; that gives us the mow。


'THIS song is sung at country meetings in Devon and Cornwall;  particularly on completing the carrying of the barley; when the  rick; or mow of barley; is finished。  On putting up the last sheaf;  which is called the craw (or crow) sheaf; the man who has it cries  out 'I have it; I have it; I have it;' another demands; 'What  have'ee; what have'ee; what have'ee?' and the answer is; 'A craw! a  craw! a craw!' upon which there is some cheering; &c。; and a supper  afterwards。  The effect of the BARLEY…MOW SONG cannot be given in  words; it should be heard; to be appreciated properly; …  particularly with the West…country dialect。'

HERE'S a health to the barley…mow; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! We'll drink it out of the jolly brown bowl; Here's a health to the barley…mow! CHO。  Here's a health to the barley…mow; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow!

We'll drink it out of the nipperkin; boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The nipperkin and the jolly brown bowl; CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the quarter…pint; boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The quarter…pint; nipperkin; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the half…a…pint; boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The half…a…pint; quarter…pint; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the pint; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The pint; the half…a…pint; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the quart; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The quart; the pint; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

Well drink it out of the pottle; my boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The pottle; the quart; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the gallon; my boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The gallon; the pottle; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the half…anker; boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The half…anker; gallon; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the anker; my boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The anker; the half…anker; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the half…hogshead; boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The half…hogshead; anker; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the hogshead; my boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The hogshead; the half…hogshead; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the pipe; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The pipe; the hogshead; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the well; my brave boys; Here's a health to the barley…mow! The well; the pipe; &c。 CHO。  Here's a health; &c。

We'll drink it out of the river; my boys; Here's a healt
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