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the critique of judgement-第45章

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 of taste is based on concepts; for otherwise; despite diversity of judgement; there could be no room even for contention in the matter (a claim to the necessary agreement of others with this judgement)。

           SS 57。 Solution of the antinomy of taste。

  There is no possibility of removing the conflict of the above principles; which underlie every judgement of taste (and which are only the two peculiarities of the judgement of taste previously set out in the Analytic) except by showing that the concept to which the object is to refer in a judgement of this kind is not taken in the same sense in both maxims of the aesthetic judgement; that this double sense; or point of view; in our estimate; is necessary for our power of transcendental judgement; and that nevertheless the false appearance arising from the confusion of one with the other is a natural illusion; and so unavoidable。   The judgement of taste must have reference to some concept or other; as otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for it to lay claim to necessary validity for every one。 Yet it need not on that account be provable from a concept。 For a concept may be either determinable; or else at once intrinsically undetermined and indeterminable。 A concept of the understanding; which is determinable by means of predicates borrowed from sensible intuition and capable of corresponding to it; is of the first kind。 But of the second kind is the transcendental rational concept of the supersensible; which lies at the basis of all that sensible intuition and is; therefore; incapable of being further determined theoretically。   Now the judgement of taste applies to objects of sense; but not so as to determine a concept of them for the understanding; for it is not a cognitive judgement。 Hence it is a singular representation of intuition referable to the feeling of pleasure; and; as such; only a private judgement。 And to that extent it would be limited in its validity to the individual judging: the object is for me an object of delight; for others it may be otherwise; every one to his taste。   For all that; the judgement of taste contains beyond doubt an enlarged reference on the part of the representation of the object (and at the same time on the part of the subject also); which lays the foundation of an extension of judgements of this kind to necessity for every one。 This must of necessity be founded upon some concept or other; but such a concept as does not admit of being determined by intuition; and affords no knowledge of anything。 Hence; too; it is a concept which does not afford proof of the judgement of taste。 But the mere pure rational concept of the supersensible lying at the basis of the object (and of the judging subject for that matter) as object of sense; and thus as phenomenon; is just such a concept。 For unless such a point of view were adopted there would be no means of saving the claim of the judgement of taste to universal validity。 And if the concept forming the required basis were a concept of understanding; though a mere confused one; as; let us say; of perfection; answering to which the sensible intuition of the beautiful might be adduced; then it would be at least intrinsically possible to found the judgement of taste upon proofs; which contradicts the thesis。   All contradiction disappears; however; if I say: The judgement of taste does depend upon a concept (of a general ground of the subjective finality of nature for the power of judgement); but one from which nothing can be cognized in respect of the object; and nothing proved; because it is in itself indeterminable and useless for knowledge。 Yet; by means of this very concept; it acquires at the same time validity for every one (but with each individual; no doubt; as a singular judgement immediately accompanying his intuition): because its determining ground lies; perhaps; in the concept of what may be regarded as the supersensible substrate of humanity。   The solution of an antinomy turns solely on the possibility of two apparently conflicting propositions not being in fact contradictory; but rather being capable of consisting together; although the explanation of the possibility of their concept transcends our faculties of cognition。 That this illusion is also natural and for human reason unavoidable; as well as why it is so; and remains so; although upon the solution of the apparent contradiction it no longer misleads us; may be made intelligible from the above considerations。   For the concept; which the universal validity of a judgement must have for its basis; is taken in the same sense in both the conflicting judgements; yet two opposite predicates are asserted of it。 The thesis should therefore read: The judgement of taste is not based on determinate concepts; but the antithesis: The judgement of taste does rest upon a concept; although an indeterminate one (that; namely; of the supersensible substrate of phenomena); and then there would be no conflict between them。   Beyond removing this conflict between the claims and counter…claims of taste we can do nothing。 To supply a determinate objective principle of taste in accordance with which its judgements might be derived; tested; and proved; is an absolute impossibility; for then it would not be a judgement of taste。 The subjective principle…that is to say; the indeterminate idea of the supersensible within us …can only be indicated as the unique key to the riddle of this faculty; itself concealed from us in its sources; and there is no means of making it any more intelligible。   The antinomy here exhibited and resolved rests upon the proper concept of taste as a merely reflective aesthetic judgement; and the two seemingly conflicting principles are reconciled on the ground that they may both be true; and this is sufficient。 If; on the other hand; owing to the fact that the representation lying at the basis of the judgement of taste is singular; the determining ground of taste is taken; as by some it is; to be agreeableness; or; as others; looking to its universal validity; would have it; the principle of perfection; and if the definition of taste is framed accordingly; the result is an antinomy which is absolutely irresolvable unless we show the falsity of both propositions as contraries (not as simple contradictories)。 This would force the conclusion that the concept upon which each is founded is self…contradictory。 Thus it is evident that the removal of the antinomy of the aesthetic judgement pursues a course similar to that followed by the Critique in the solution of the antinomies of pure theoretical reason; and that the antinomies; both here and in the Critique of Practical Reason; compel us; whether we like it or not; to look beyond the horizon of the sensible; and to seek in the supersensible the point of union of all our faculties a priori: for we are left with no other expedient to bring reason into harmony with itself。

                       REMARK 1。

  We find such frequent occasion in transcendental philosophy for distinguishing ideas from concepts of the understanding that it may be of use to introduce technical terms answering to the distinction between them。 I think that no objection will be raised to my proposing some。 Ideas; in the most comprehensive sense of the word; are representations referred to an object according to a certain principle (subjective or objective); in so far as they can still never become a cognition of it。 They are either referred to an intuition; in accordance with a merely subjective principle of the harmony of the cognitive faculties (imagination and understanding); and are then called aesthetic; or else they are referred to a concept according to an objective principle and yet are incapable of ever furnishing a cognition of the object; and are called rational ideas。 In the latter case; the concept is a transcendent concept; and; as such; differs from a concept of understanding; for which an adequately answering experience may always be supplied; and which; on that account; is called immanent。   An aesthetic idea cannot become a cognition; because it is an intuition (of the imagination) for which an adequate concept can never be found。 A rational idea can never become a cognition; because it involves a concept (of the supersensible); for which a commensurate intuition can never be given。   Now the aesthetic idea might; I think; be called an inexponible representation of the imagination; the rational idea; on the other hand; an indemonstrable concept of reason。 The production of both is presupposed to be not altogether groundless; but rather (following the above explanation of an idea in general) to take place in obedience to certain principles of the cognitive faculties to which they belong (subjective principles in the case of the former and objective in that of the latter)。   Concepts of the understanding must; as such; always be demonstrable (if; as in anatomy; demonstration is understood in the sense merely of presentation)。 In other words; the object answering to such concepts must always be capable of being given an intuition (pure or empirical); for only in this way can they become cognitions。 The concept of magnitude may be given a priori in the intuition of space; e。g。; of the ri
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