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subjection can the 'squire make to our coming together Thof my
father wan't a gentleman; my mother was an honest woman I didn't
come on the wrong side of the blanket; girl My parents were
marred according to the right of holy mother crutch; in the face
of men and angles Mark that; Mary Jones。
Mr Clinker (Loyd I would say) had best look to his tackle。 There
be other chaps in the market; as the saying is What would he say
if I should except the soot and sarvice of the young squire's
valley? Mr Machappy is a gentleman born; and has been abroad in
the wars He has a world of buck larning; and speaks French; and
Ditch; and Scotch; and all manner of outlandish lingos; to be
sure he's a little the worse for the ware; and is much given to
drink; but then he's good…tempered in his liquor; and a prudent
woman mought wind him about her finger But I have no thoughts of
him; I'll assure you I scorn for to do; or to say; or to think
any thing that mought give unbreech to Mr Loyd; without furder
occasion But then I have such vapours; Molly I sit and cry by
myself; and take ass of etida; and smill to burnt fathers; and
kindal…snuffs; and I pray constantly for grease; that I may have
a glimpse of the new…light; to shew me the way through this
wretched veil of tares。 And yet; I want for nothing in this family
of love; where every sole is so kind and so courteous; that wan
would think they are so many saints in haven。 Dear Molly; I
recommend myself to your prayers; being; with my sarvice to Saul;
your ever loving;
and discounselled friend;
Oct。 14。
You cannot imagine what pleasure I have in seeing your hand…writing;
after such a long cessation on your side of our
correspondence Yet; Heaven knows; I have often seen your
hand…writing with disgust I mean; when it appeared in abbreviations
of apothecary's Latin I like your hint of making interest for
the reversion of the collector's place; for Mr Lismahago; who is
much pleased with the scheme; and presents you with his
compliments and best thanks for thinking so kindly of his
concerns The man seems to mend; upon further acquaintance。 That
harsh reserve; which formed a disagreeable husk about his
character; begins to peel off in the course of our communication
I have great hopes that he and Tabby will be as happily paired
as any two draught animals in the kingdom; and I make no doubt
but that he will prove a valuable acquisition to our little
society; in the article of conversation; by the fire…side in
Your objection to my passing this season of the year at such a
distance from home; would have more weight if I did not find
myself perfectly at my ease where I am; and my health so much
improved; that I am disposed to bid defiance to gout and
rheumatism I begin to think I have put myself on the
superannuated list too soon; and absurdly sought for health in
the retreats of laziness I am persuaded that all valetudinarians
are too sedentary; too regular; and too cautious We should
sometimes increase the motion of the machine; to unclog the
wheels of life; and now and then take a plunge amidst the waves
of excess; in order to caseharden the constitution。 I have even
found a change of company
as necessary as a change of air; to promote a vigorous
circulation of the spirits; which is the very essence and
criterion of good health。
Since my last; I have been performing the duties of friendship;
that required a great deal of exercise; from which I hope to
derive some benefit Understanding; by the greatest accident in
the world; that Mr Baynard's wife was dangerously ill of a
pleuritic fever; I borrowed Dennison's post…chaise; and went
across the country to his habitation; attended only by Loyd
(quondam Clinker) on horseback。 As the distance is not above
thirty miles; I arrived about four in the afternoon; and meeting
the physician at the door; was informed that his patient had just
expired。 I was instantly seized with a violent emotion; but it
was not grief。 The family being in confusion; I ran up stairs
into the chamber; where; indeed; they were all assembled。 The
aunt stood wringing her hands in a kind of stupefaction of
sorrow; but my friend acted all the extravagancies of affliction
He held the body in his arms; and poured forth such a
lamentation; that one would have thought he had lost the most
amiable consort and valuable companion upon earth。
Affection may certainly exist independent of esteem; nay; the
same object may be lovely in one respect; and detestable in
another The mind has a surprising faculty of accommodating; and
even attaching itself; in such a manner; by dint of use; to
things that are in their own nature disagreeable; and even
pernicious; that it cannot bear to be delivered from them without
reluctance and regret。 Baynard was so absorbed in his delirium;
that he did not perceive me when I entered; and desired one of
the women to conduct the aunt into her own chamber。 At the same
time I begged the tutor to withdraw the boy; who stood gaping in
a corner; very little affected with the distress of the scene。
These steps being taken; I waited till the first violence of my
friend's transport was abated; then disengaged him gently from
the melancholy object; and led him by the hand into another
apartment; though he struggled so hard; that I was obliged to
have recourse to the assistance of his valet de chambre In a few
minutes; however; he recollected himself; and folding me in his
arms; 'This (cried he); is a friendly office; indeed! I know not
how you came hither; but; I think; Heaven sent you to prevent my
going distracted O Matthew! I have lost my dear Harriet! my
poor; gentle; tender creature; that loved me with such warmth and
purity of affection my constant companion of twenty years! She's
gone she's gone for ever! Heaven and earth! where is she?
Death shall not part us!'
So saying; he started up; and could hardly be with…held from
returning to the scene we had quitted You will perceive it would
have been very absurd for me to argue with a man that talked so
madly。 On all such occasions; the first torrent of passion must
be allowed to subside gradually。 I endeavoured to beguile his
attention by starting little hints and insinuating other objects
of discourse imperceptibly; and being exceedingly pleased in my
own mind at this event; I exerted myself with such an
extraordinary flow of spirits as was attended with success。 In a
few hours; he was calm enough to hear reason; and even to own
that Heaven could not have interposed more effectually to rescue
him from disgrace and ruin。 That he might not; however; relapse
into weaknesses for want of company; I passed the night in his
chamber; in a little tent bed brought thither on purpose; and
well it was I took this precaution; for he started up in bed
several times; and would have played the fool; if I had not been
Next day he was in a condition to talk of business; and vested me
with full authority over his household; which I began to exercise
without loss of time; tho' not before he knew and approved of the
scheme I had projected for his advantage。 He would have quitted
the house immediately; but this retreat I opposed。 Far from
encouraging a temporary disgust; which might degenerate into an
habitual aversion; I resolved; if possible; to attach him more
than ever to his Houshold Gods。 I gave directions for the
funeral to be as private as was consistant with decency; I wrote
to London; that an inventory and estimate might be made of the
furniture and effects in his town…house; and gave notice to the
landlord; that Mr Baynard should quit the premises at Lady…day; I
set a person at work to take account of every thing in the
country…house; including horses; carriages; and harness; I
settled the young gentleman at a boarding…school; kept by a
clergyman in the neighbourhood; and thither he went without
reluctance; as soon as he knew that he was to be troubled no more
with his tutor; whom we dismissed。 The aunt continued very
sullen; and never appeared at table; though Mr Baynard payed his
respects to her every day in her own chamber; there also she held
conferences with the waiting…women and other servants of the
family: but; the moment her niece was interred; she went away in
a post…chaise prepared for that purpose: she did not leave the
house; however; without giving Mr Baynard to understand; that the
wardrobe of her niece was the perquisite of her woman;
accordingly that worthless drab received all the clothes; laces;
and linen of her deceased mistress; to the value of five hundred
pounds; at a moderate computation。
The next step I took was to disband that legion of supernumerary
domestics; who had preyed so long upon the vitals of my friend:;
a parcel of idle drones; so intolerably insolent; that they even
treated their own master with the most contemptuous neglect。 They
had been generally hired by his wife; according to the
recommendation of her woman; and these were the only patrons to
whom they payed the least deference。 I had therefore uncommon
satisfaction in clearing the house of t