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nus was of middle size; of long and clear…complexioned countenance; and light hair; spoke well and hastily; was brisk in his actions; and extremely generous。  He was a great warrior; and remarkably bold in arms。  He was the most popular of kings; prized even by enemies as well as friends。


Svein Ulfson remained that autumn in Scania (A。D。 1047); and was making ready to travel eastward to Sweden; with the intention of renouncing the title of king he had assumed in Denmark; but just as he was mounting his horse some men came riding to him with the first news that King Magnus was dead; and all the Northmen had left Denmark。  Svein answered in haste; 〃I call God to witness that I shall never again fly from the Danish dominions as long as I live。〃  Then he got on his horse and rode south into Scania; where immediately many people crowded to him。  That winter he brought under his power all the Danish dominions; and all the Danes took him for their king。  Thorer; King Magnus's brother; came to Svein in autumn with the message of King Magnus; as before related; and was well received; and Thorer remained long with Svein and was well taken care of。


King Harald Sigurdson took the royal power over all Norway after the death of King Magnus Olafson; and when he had reigned over Norway one winter and spring was come (A。D。 1048); he ordered a levy through all the land of one…half of all men and ships and went south to Jutland。  He herried and burned all summer wide around in the land and came into Godnarfjord; where King Harald made these verses: 

     〃While wives of husbands fondly dream;      Here let us anchor in the stream;      In Godnarfjord; we'll safely moor      Our sea…homes; and sleep quite secure。〃

Then he spoke to Thiodolf; the skald; and asked him to add to it what it wanted; and he sang: 

     〃In the next summer; I foresee;      Our anchorage in the South will be;      To hold our sea…homes on the ground;      More cold…tongued anchors will be found。〃

To this Bolverk alludes in his song also; that Harald went to Denmark the summer after King Magnus's death。  Bolverk sings thus: 

     〃Next summer thou the levy raised;      And seawards all the people gazed;      Where thy sea…steeds in sunshine glancing      Over the waves were gaily prancing;      While the deep ships that plunder bore      Seemed black specks from the distant shore。      The Danes; from banks or hillocks green;      Looked with dismay upon the scene。〃


Then they burned the house of Thorkel Geysa; who was a great lord; and his daughters they carried off bound to their ships。 They had made a great mockery the winter before of King Harald's coming with war…ships against Denmark; and they cut their cheese into the shape of anchors; and said such anchors might hold all the ships of the Norway king。  Then this was composed: 

     〃The Island…girls; we were told;      Made anchors all our fleet to hold:      Their Danish jest cut out in cheese      Did not our stern king's fancy please。      Now many a maiden fair; may be;      Sees iron anchors splash the sea;      Who will not wake a maid next morn      To laugh at Norway's ships in scorn。〃

It is said that a spy who had seen the fleet of King Harald said to Thorkel Geysa's daughters; 〃Ye said; Geysa's daughters; that King Harald dared not come to Denmark。〃  Dotta; Thorkel's daughter; replied; 〃That was yesterday。〃  Thorkel had to ransom his daughters with a great sum。  So says Grane: 

     〃The gold…adorned girl's eye      Through Hornskeg wood was never dry;      As down towards the sandy shore      The men their lovely prizes bore。      The Norway leader kept at bay      The foe who would contest the way;      And Dotta's father had to bring      Treasure to satisfy the king。〃

King Harald plundered in Denmark all that summer; and made immense booty; but he had not any footing in the land that summer in Denmark。  He went to Norway again in autumn and remained there all winter (A。D。 1049)。


The winter after King Magnus the Good died; King Harald took Thora; daughter of Thorberg Arnason; and they had two sons; the oldest called Magnus; and the other Olaf。  King Harald and Queen Ellisif had two daughters; the one Maria; the other Ingegerd。  The spring after the foray which has just been related King Harald ordered the people out and went with them to Denmark (A。D。 1049); and herried there; and did so summer after summer thereafter。  So says Stuf; the skald: 

     〃Falster lay waste; as people tell;       The raven in other isles fared well。      The Danes were everywhere in fear;      For the dread foray every year。〃


King Svein ruled over all the Danish dominions after King Magnus's death。  He sat quiet all the winter; but in summer he lay out in his ships with all his people and it was said he would go north to Norway with the Danish army and make not less havoc there than King Harald had made in Denmark。  King Svein proposed to King Harald in winter (A。D。 1049) to meet him the following summer at the Gaut river and fight until in the battle…field their differences were ended; or they were settled peacefully。 They made ready on both sides all winter with their ships; and called out in summer one…half of all the fighting men。  The same summer came Thorleik the Fair out of Iceland; and composed a poem about King Svein Ulfson。  He heard; when he arrived in Norway; that King Harald had sailed south to the Gaut river against King Svein。  Then Thorleik sang this: 

     〃The wily Svein; I think; will meet      These inland Norsemen fleet to fleet;      The arrow…storm; and heaving sea;      His vantage…fight and field will be。      God only knows the end of strife;      Or which shall have his land and life;      This strife must come to such an end;      For terms will never bind King Svein。〃

He also sang these verses: 

     〃Harald; whose red shield oft has shone      O'er herried coasts; and fields hard won;      Rides in hot wrath; and eager speeds      O'er the blue waves his ocean…steeds。      Svein; who in blood his arrows stains;      Brings o'er the ocean's heaving plains      His gold…beaked ships; which come in view      Out from the Sound with many a hue。〃

King Harald came with his forces to the appointed meeting…place; but there he heard that King Svein was lying with his fleet at the south side of Seeland。  Then King Harald divided his forces; let the greater part of the bonde…troops return home; and took with him his court…men; his lendermen; the best men…at…arms; and all the bonde…troops who lived nearest to the Danish land。  They sailed over to Jutland to the south of Vendilskage; and so south to Thioda; and over all they carried fire and sword。  So says Stuf; the skald: 

     〃In haste the men of Thyland fly      From the great monarch's threat'ning eye;      At the stern Harald's angry look      The boldest hearts in Denmark shook。〃

They went forward all the way south to Heidaby; took the merchant town and burnt it。  Then one of Harald's men made the following verses: 

     〃All Heidaby is burned down!      Strangers will ask where stood the town。      In our wild humour up it blazed;      And Svein looks round him all amazed。      All Heidaby is burned down!      From a far corner of the town      I saw; before the peep of morning;      Roofs; walls; and all in flame high burning。〃

To this also Thorleik alludes in his verses; when he heard there had been no battle at the Gaut river: 

     〃The stranger…warrior may inquire      Of Harald's men; why in his ire      On Heidaby his wrath he turns;      And the fair town to ashes burns?      Would that the day had never come      When Harald's ships returned home      From the East Sea; since now the town;      Without his gain; is burned down!〃


Then King Harald sailed north and had sixty ships and the most of them large and heavily laden with the booty taken in summer; and as they sailed north past Thioda King Svein came down from the land with a great force and he challenged King Harald to land and fight。  King Harald had little more than half the force of King Svein and therefore he challenged Svein to fight at sea。  So says Thorleik the Fair: 

     〃Svein; who of all men under heaven      Has had the luckiest birth…hour given;      Invites his foemen to the field;      There to contest with blood…stained shield。      The king; impatient of delay;      Harald; will with his sea…hawks stay;      On board will fight; and fate decide      If Svein shall by his land abide。〃

After that King Harald sailed north along Vendilskage; and the wind then came against them; and they brought up under Hlesey; where they lay all night。  A thick fog lay upon the sea; and when the morning came and the sun rose they saw upon the other side of the sea as if many lights were burning。  This was told to King Harald; and he looked at it; and said immediately; 〃Strike the tilts down on the ships and take to the oars。  The Danish forces are coming upon u
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