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the origins of contemporary france-2-第44章

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one way to reach this end; and that is to see for himself; with his

own eyes; at once in general outline and in details; by intercourse

with the heads of departments; with eminent men and specialists; in

whom are gathered up the information and the ideas of a whole class。

Now the young do not frequent society of this description; either at

home or abroad; except on the condition of possessing a name;

family; fortune; education and a knowledge of social observances。

All this is necessary to enable a young man of twenty to find doors

everywhere open to him to be received everywhere on an equal

footing; to be able to speak and to write three or four living

languages; to make long; expensive; and instructive sojourns in

foreign lands; to select and vary his position in the different

branches of the public service; without pay or nearly so; and with

no object in view but that of his political culture Thus brought up

a man; even of common capacity; is worthy of being consulted。  If he

is of superior ability; and there is employment for him; he may

become a statesman before thirty; he may acquire ripe capacities;

become prime Minister; the sole pilot; alone able; like Pitt;

Canning; or Peel; to steer the ship of State between the reefs; or

give in the nick of time the touch to the helm which will save the

ship。   Such is the service to which an upper class is adapted。

Only this kind of specialized stud farm can furnish a regular supply

of racers; and; now and then; the favorite winner that distances all

his competitors in the European field。

But in order that they may prepare and educate themselves for this

career; the way must be clear; and they must not be compelled to

travel too repulsive a road。  If rank; inherited fortune; personal

dignity; and refined manners are sources of disfavor with the

people; if; to obtain their votes; he is forced to treat as equals

electoral brokers of low character; if impudent charlatanism; vulgar

declamation; and servile flattery are the sole means by which votes

can be secured; then; as nowadays in the United States; and formerly

in Athens; the aristocratic body will retire into private life and

soon settle down into a state of idleness。  A man of culture and

refinement; born with an income of a hundred thousand a year; is not

tempted to become either manufacturer; lawyer; or physician。  For

want of other occupation he loiters about; entertains his friends;

chats; indulges in the tastes and hobbies of an amateur; is bored or

enjoys himself。  As a result one of society's great forces is thus

lost to the nation。  In this way the best and largest acquisition of

the past; the heaviest accumulation of material and of moral

capital; remain unproductive。  In a pure democracy the upper

branches of the social tree; not only the old ones but the young

ones; remain sterile。  When a vigorous branch passes above the rest

and reaches the top it ceases to bear fruit。  The élite of the

nation is thus condemned to constant and irremediable failures

because it cannot find a suitable outlet for its activity。  It wants

no other outlet; for in all directions its rival; who are born below

it; can serve as usefully and as well as itself。  But this one it

must have; for on this its aptitudes are superior; natural; unique;

and the State which refuses to employ it resembles the gardener who

in his fondness for a plane surface would repress his best

shoots。'13'  Hence; in the constructions which aim to utilize the

permanent forces of society and yet maintain civil equality; the

aristocracy is brought to take a part in public affairs by the

duration and gratuitous character of its mission; by the institution

of an hereditary character; by the application of various machinery;

all of which is combined so as to develop the ambition; the culture;

and the political capacity of the upper class; and to place power;

or the control of power; in its hands; on the condition that it

shows itself worthy of exercising it。    Now; in 1789; the upper

class was not unworthy of it。  Members of the parliaments; the

noblemen; bishops; capitalists; were the men amongst whom; and

through whom; the philosophy of the eighteenth century was

propagated。  Never was an aristocracy more liberal; more humane; and

more thoroughly converted to useful reforms;'14' many of them remain

so under the knife of the guillotine。  The magistrates of the

superior tribunals; in particular; traditionally and by virtue of

their institution; were the enemies of excessive expenditure and the

critics of arbitrary acts。  As to the gentry of the provinces; 〃they

were so weary;〃 says one of them;'15' 〃of the Court and the

Ministers that most of them were democrats。〃 For many years; in the

Provincial Assemblies; the whole of the upper class; the clergy;

nobles; and Third…Estate; furnishes abundant evidence of its good

disposition; of its application to business; its capacity and even

generosity。  Its mode of studying; discussing; and assigning the

local taxation indicates what it would have done with the general

budget had this been entrusted to it。  It is evident that it would

have protected the general taxpayer as zealously as the taxpayer of

the province; and kept as close an eye upon the public purse at

Paris as on that of Bourges or of Montauban。    Thus were the

materials of a good chamber ready at hand; and the only thing that

had to be done was to convene them。  On having the facts presented

to them; its members would have passed without difficulty from a

hazardous theory to common…sense practice; and the aristocracy which

had enthusiastically given an impetus to reform in its saloons

would; in all probability; have carried it out effectively and with

moderation in the Parliament。

Unhappily; the Assembly is not providing a Constitution for

contemporary Frenchmen; but for abstract beings。  Instead of seeing

classes in society one placed above the other; it simply sees

individuals in juxtaposition; its attention is not fixed on the

advantage of the nation; but on the imaginary rights of man。  As all

men are equal; all must have an equal share in the government。

There must be no orders in a State; no avowed or concealed political

privileges; no constitutional complications or electoral

combinations by which an aristocracy; however liberal and capable;

may put its hands upon any portion of the public power。    On the

contrary; because it was once privileged to enjoy important and

rewarding public employment; the candidacy of the upper classes is

now suspect。  All projects which; directly or indirectly; reserve or

provide a place for it; are refused: At first the Royal Declaration;

which; in conformity with historical precedents; maintained the

three orders in three distinct chambers; and only summoned them to

deliberate together 〃on matters of general utility。〃 Then the plan

of the Constitutional Committee; which proposed a second Chamber;

appointed for life by the King on the nomination of the Provincial

Assemblies。  And finally the project of Mounier who proposed to

confide to these same Assemblies the election of a Senate for six

years; renewed by thirds every two years。  This Senate was to be

composed of men of at least thirty…five years of age; and with an

income in real property of 30;000 livres per annum。  The instinct of

equality is too powerful and a second Chamber is not wanted; even if

accessible to plebeians。  Through it;'16'

〃The smaller number would control the greater;〃 。。。 〃we should fall

back on the humiliating distinctions〃 of the ancient regime; 〃we

should revivify the germ of an aristocracy which must be

exterminated。〃。。。。  〃Moreover; whatever recalls or revives feudal

Institutions is bad; and an Upper Chamber is one of its remnants。〃

。。。。〃If the English have one; it is because they have been forced to

make a compromise with prejudice。〃

The National Assembly; sovereign and philosophic; soars above their

errors; their trammel; and their example。  The depository of truth;

it has not to receive lessons from others; but to give them; and to

offer to the world's admiration the first type of a Constitution

which is perfect and in conformity with principle; the most

effective of any in preventing the formation of a governing class;

in closing the way to public business; not only to the old noblesse;

but to the aristocracy of the future; in continuing and exaggerating

the work of absolute monarchy; in preparing for a community of

officials and administrators; in lowering the level of humanity; in

reducing to sloth and brutalizing or blighting the elite of the

families which maintain or raise themselves; and in withering the

most precious of nurseries; that in which the State recruits its


Excluded from the Government; the aristocracy is about to retire

into private life。  Let us follow them to their estates: Feudal

rights instituted 
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