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the origins of contemporary france-2-第84章

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save public edifices and woods; is to be cut up into as many equal

lots as there are heads; the lots to be drawn for; and each

individual to take possession of his or her portion。'58' The

Operation is carried out; for 〃those who are least well off are

infinitely flattered by it。〃 In the district of Arcis…sur…Aube;

there are not a dozen communes out of ninety in which more than two…

thirds of the voters had the good sense to pronounce against it。

》From this time forth the commune ceases to be an independent

proprietor; it has nothing to fall back upon。  In case of distress

it is obliged to lay on extra taxes and obtain; if it can; a few

additional sous。  Its future revenue is at present in the tightly

buttoned pockets of the new proprietors。  …  The prevalence of

short…sighted views is once more due to the covetousness of

individuals。  Whether national or communal; it is always public

interest which succumbs; and it succumbs always under the

usurpations of indigent minorities; at one time through the

feebleness of public authority; which dares not oppose their

violence; and at another through the complicity of public authority;

which has conferred upon them the rights of the majority。


Cupidity of tenants。  …  The third and fourth jacquerie。  …

Brittany and other provinces in 1790 and 1791。  …  The burning of

chateaux。  …  Title…deeds destroyed。  …  Refusal of claims。  …

Destruction of reservoirs。  …  Principal characteristics; prime

motive and ruling passion of the revolution

When there is a lack of public force for the protection of public

property; there is also a lack of it for the protection of private

property; for the same greed and the same needs attack both。  Let a

man owe anything either to the State or to an individual; and the

temptation not to pay is equally the same。  In both cases it

suffices to find a pretext for denying the debt; in finding this

pretext the cupidity of the tenant is as good as the selfishness of

the tax…payer。  Now that the feudal system is abolished let nothing

remain of it: let there be no more seignorial claims。  〃If the

Assembly has maintained some of them; yonder in Paris; it did so

inadvertently or through corruption: we shall soon hear of all being

suppressed。  In the meantime we will relieve ourselves; and burn the

agreements in the places where they are kept。〃

Such being the argument; the jacquerie breaks out afresh: in truth;

it is permanent and universal。  Just as in a body in which some of

the elements of its vital substance are affected by an organic

disease; the evil is apparent in the parts which seem to be sound:

even where as yet no outbreak has occurred; one is imminent;

constant anxiety; a profound restlessness; a low fever; denote its

presence。  Here; the debtor does not pay; and the creditor is afraid

to prosecute him。  In other places isolated eruptions occur。  At

Auxon;'59' on an estate spared by the great jacquerie of July; 1789;

the woods are ravaged; and the peasants; enraged at being denounced

by the keepers; march to the chateau; which is occupied by an old

man and a child; everybody belonging to the village is there; men

and women; they hew down the barricaded door with their axes; and

fire on the neighbors who come to the assistance of its inmates。  …

In other places; in the districts of Saint…étienne and Montbrison;

〃the trees belonging to the proprietors are carried away with

impunity; and the walls of their grounds and terraces are

demolished; the complainants being threatened with death or with the

sight of the destruction of their dwellings。〃 Near Paris; around

Montargis; Nemours; and Fontainebleau; a number of parishes refuse

to pay the tithes and ground…rent (champart) which the Assembly has

a second time sanctioned; gibbets are erected and the collectors are

threatened with hanging; while; in the neighborhood of Tonnerre; a

mob of debtors fire upon the body of police which comes to enforce

the claims。  …  Near Amiens; the Comtesse de la Mire;'60' on her

estate of Davencourt; is visited by the municipal authorities of the

village; who request her to renounce her right to ground…rent

(champart) and thirds (tiers)。  She refuses and they insist; and she

refuses again; when they inform her that 〃 some misfortune will

happen to her。〃 In effect; two of the municipal officers cause the

tocsin to be rung; and the whole village rushes to arms。  One of the

domestics has an arm broken by a ball; and for three hours the

countess and her two children are subject to the grossest insults

and to blows: she is forced to sign a paper which she is not allowed

to read; and; in warding off the stroke of a saber; her arm is cleft

from the elbow to the wrist; the chateau is pillaged; and she owes

her escape to the zeal of some of her servants。  …  Large eruptions

take place at the same time over entire provinces; one succeeds the

other almost without interruption; the fever encroaching on parts

which were supposed to be cured; and to such an extent that the

virulent ulcers finally combine and form one over the whole surface

of the social body。

By the end of December; 1789; the chronic fermentation comes to a

head in Brittany。  Imagination; as usual; has forged a plot; and; as

the people say; if they make an attack it is in their own defense。

…  A report spreads'61' that M。 de Goyon; near Lamballe; has

assembled in his chateau a number of gentlemen and six hundred

soldiers。  The mayor and National Guard of Lamballe immediately

depart in force; they find everything tranquil there; and no company

but two or three friends; and no other arms than a few fowling…

pieces。  …  The impulse; however; is given; and; on the 15th of

January; the great federation of Pontivy has excited the wildest

enthusiasm。  The people drink; sing; and shout in honor of the new

decrees before armed peasants who do not comprehend the French

tongue; still less legal terms; and who; on their return home;

arguing with each other in bas…breton; interpret the law in a

peculiar way。  〃A decree of the Assembly; in their eyes; is a decree

of arrest〃 and as the principal decrees of the Assembly are issued

against the nobles; they are so many decrees of arrest against them。

…  Some days after this; about the end of January; during the whole

of February; and down to the month of April; the execution of this

theory is tumultuously carried out by mobs of villagers and

vagabonds around Nantes; Auray; Redon; Dinan; Plo?rmel; Rennes;

Guingamp; and other villages。  Everywhere; writes the Mayor of

Nantes;'62' 〃the country…people believe that in burning deeds and

contracts they get rid of their debts; the very best of them concur

in this belief;〃 or let things take their course; the excesses are

enormous; because many gratify 〃special animosities; and all are

heated with wine。  …  At Beuvres; 〃the peasants and vassals of the

manor; after burning title…deeds; establish themselves in the

chateau; and threaten to fire it if other papers; which they allege

are concealed there; are not surrendered。〃 Near Redon the Abbey of

Saint…Sauveur is reduced to ashes。  Redon is menaced; and Plo?rmel

almost besieged。  At the end of a month thirty…seven chateaux are

enumerated as attacked: twenty…five in which the title…deeds are

burnt; and twelve in which the proprietors are obliged to sign an

abandonment of their rights。  Two chateaux which began to burn are

saved by the National Guard。  That of Bois…au…Voyer is entirely

consumed; and several have been sacked。  By way of addition; 〃more

than fifteen procureurs…fiscaux; clerks; notaries; and officers of

seignorial courts have been plundered or burnt;〃 while proprietors

take refuge in the towns because the country is now uninhabitable

for them。

A second tumor makes its appearance at the same time at another

point。'63'  It showed itself in Lower Limousin in the beginning of

January。  From thence the purulent inflammation spreads to Quercy;

Upper Languedoc; Perigord; and Rouergue; and in February from Tulle

to Montauban; and from Agen to Périgueux and Cahors; extending over

three departments。  …  Then; also; expectancy is the creator;

according to rule; of its own object。  By dint of longing for a law

for the suppression of all claims; it is imagined that it is passed;

and the statement is current that 〃the King and the National

Assembly have ordered deputations to set up the maypole'64' and to

'light up' the chateaux。〃  …  Moreover; and always in accordance

with current practice; bandits; people without occupation; take the

lead of the furious crowd and manage things their own way。  As soon

as a band is formed it arrests all the peaceable people it can find

on the roads; in the fields; and in isolated farmhouses; and takes

good care to put them in front in case of blows。  …  These

miscreants add terror to compulsion。  They erect gibbets for any one

that pays casual duti
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