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there to find the admiral and the rest of the force。 The ladders were all lost; so that they could make no immediate attempt on the citadel; but they sent a sergeant with two of the town's…people to summon it: this messenger never returned; and Troubridge having waited about an hour in painful expectation of his friends; marched to join Captains Hood and Miller; who had effected their landing to the south…west。 They then endeavoured to procure some intelligence of the admiral and the rest of the officers; but without success。 By daybreak they had gathered together about eighty marines; eighty pikemen; and one hundred and eighty small…arm seamen; all the survivors of those who had made good their landing。 They obtained some ammunition from the prisoners whom they had taken; and marched on to try what could be done at the citadel without ladders。 They found all the streets commanded by field…pieces; and several thousand Spaniards; with about a hundred French; under arms; approaching by every avenue。 Finding himself without provisions; the powder wet; and no possibility of obtaining either stores or reinforcements from the ships; the boats being lost; Troubridge with great presence of mind; sent Captain Samuel Hood with a flag of truce to the governor to say he was prepared to burn the town; and would instantly set fire to it if the Spaniards approached one inch nearer。 This; however; if he were compelled to do it; he should do with regret; for he had no wish to injure the inhabitants;and he was ready to treat upon these termsthat the British troops should re… embark; with all their arms of every kind; and take their own boats; if they were saved; or be provided with such others as might be wanting; they; on their part; engaging that the squadron should not molest the town; or any of the Canary Islands: all prisoners on both sides to be given up。 When these terms were proposed the governor made answer; that the English ought to surrender as prisoners of war; but Captain Hood replied; he was instructed to say; that if the terms were not accepted in five minutes; Captain Troubridge would set the town on fire and attack the Spaniards at the point of the bayonet。 Satisfied with his success; which was indeed sufficiently complete; and respecting; like a brave and honourable man; the gallantry of his enemy; the Spaniard acceded to the proposal; found boats to re…embark them; their own having all been dashed to pieces in landing; and before they parted gave every man a loaf and a pint of wine。
〃And here;〃 says Nelson in his journal; 〃it is right we should notice the noble and generous conduct of Don Juan Antonio Gutierrez; the Spanish governor。 The moment the terms were agreed to; he directed our wounded men to be received into the hospitals; and all our people to be supplied with the best provisions that could be procured; and made it known that the ships were at liberty to send on shore and purchase whatever refreshments they were in want of during the time they might be off the island。〃 A youth; by name Don Bernardo Collagon; stripped himself of his shirt to make bandages for one of those Englishmen against whom; not an hour before; he had been engaged in battle。 Nelson wrote to thank the governor for the humanity which he had displayed。 Presents were interchanged between them。 Sir Horatio offered to take charge of his despatches for the Spanish Government; and thus actually became the first messenger to Spain of his own defeat。
The total loss of the English in killed; wounded; and drowned; amounted to 250。 Nelson made no mention of his own wound in his official despatches; but in a private letter to Lord St。 Vincentthe first which he wrote with his left handhe shows himself to have been deeply affected by the failure of this enterprise。 〃I am become;〃 he said; 〃a burthen to my friends; and useless to my country; but by my last letter you will perceive my anxiety for the promotion of my son…in…law; Josiah Nisbet。 When I leave your command I become dead to the world〃I go hence; and am no more seen。〃 If from poor Bowen's loss; you think it proper to oblige me; I rest confident you will do it。 The boy is under obligations to me; but he repaid me by bringing me from the mole of Santa Cruz。 I hope you will be able to give me a frigate to convey the remains of my carcass to England。〃 〃A left…handed admiral;〃 he said in a subsequent letter; 〃will never again be considered as useful; therefore the sooner I get to a very humble cottage the better; and make room for a sounder man to serve the state。〃 His first letter to Lady Nelson was written under the same opinion; but in a more cheerful strain。 〃It was the chance of war;〃 said he; 〃and I have great reason to be thankful: and I know it will add much to your pleasure to find that Josiah; under God's providence; was principally instrumental in saving my life。 I shall not be surprised if I am neglected and forgotten: probably I shall no longer be considered as useful; however; I shall feel rich if I continue to enjoy your affection。 I beg neither you nor my father will think much of this mishap; my mind has long been made up to such an event。〃
His son…in…law; according to his wish; was immediately promoted; and honours enough to heal his wounded spirit awaited him in England。 Letters were addressed to him by the first lord of the Admiralty; and by his steady friend the Duke of Clarence; to congratulate him on his return; covered as he was with glory。 He assured the Duke; in his reply; that not a scrap of that ardour with which he had hitherto served his king had been shot away。 The freedom of the cities of Bristol and London were transmitted to him; he was invested with the Order of the Bath; and received a pension of L1000 a…year。 The memorial which; as a matter of form; he was called upon to present on this occasion; exhibited an extraordinary catalogue of services performed during the war。 It stated that he had been in four actions with the fleets of the enemy; and in three actions with boats employed in cutting out of harbour; in destroying vessels; and in taking three towns。 He had served on shore with the army four months; and commanded the batteries at the sieges of Basti and Calvi: he had assisted at the capture of seven sail of the line; six frigates; four corvettes; and eleven privateers: taken and destroyed near fifty sail of merchant vessels; and actually been engaged against the enemy upwards of a hundred and twenty times; in which service he had lost his right eye and right arm; and been severely wounded and bruised in his body。
His sufferings from the lost limb were long and painful。 A nerve had been taken up in one of the ligatures at the time of the operation; and the ligature; according to the practice of the French surgeons; was of silk instead of waxed thread; this produced a constant irritation and discharge; and the ends of the ligature being pulled every day; in hopes of bringing it away; occasioned fresh agony。 He had scarcely any intermission of pain; day or night; for three months after his return to England。 Lady Nelson; at his earnest request; attended the dressing of his arm; till she had acquired sufficient resolution and skill to dress it herself。 One night; during this state of suffering; after a day of constant pain; Nelson retired early to bed; in hope of enloymg some respite by means of laudanum。 He was at that time lodging in Bond Street; and the family were soon disturbed by a mob knocking loudly and violently at the door。 The news of Duncan's victory had been made public; and the house was not illuminated。 But when the mob were told that Admiral Nelson lay there in bed; badly wounded; the foremost of them made answer: 〃You shall hear no more from us to…night:〃 and in fact; the feeling of respect and sympathy was communicated from one to another with such effect that; under the confusion of such a night; the house was not molested again。
About the end of November; after a night of sound sleep; he found the arm nearly free from pain。 The surgeon was immediately sent for to examine it; and the ligature came away with the slightest touch。 From that time it began to heal。 As soon as he thought his health established; he sent the following form of thanksgiving to the minister of St。 George's; Hanover Square:〃An officer desires to return thanks to Almighty God for his perfect recovery from a severe wound; and also for the many mercies bestowed on him。〃
Not having been in England till now; since he lost his eye; he went to receive a year's pay as smart money; but could not obtain payment; because he had neglected to bring a certificate from a surgeon that the sight was actually destroyed。 A little irritated that this form should be insisted upon; because; though the fact was not apparent; he thought it was sufficiently notorious; he procured a certificate at the same time for the loss of his arm; saying; they might just as well doubt one as the other。 This put him in good humour with himself; and with the clerk who had offended him。 On his return to the office; the clerk; finding it was only the annual pay of a captain; observed; he thought it had been more。 〃Oh!〃 replied Nelson;〃this is only for an eye。 In a few days I shall come for an arm; and in a l