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inly the most faithful ally which the King of Sardinia ever had; I could feel the sorrow which it must have been to his majesty to have given such an order; and also for your excellency; who had to direct its execution。 I cannot but look at the African shore; where the followers of Mahomet are performing the part of the good Samaritan; which I look for in vain at St。 Peter's; where it is said the Christian religion is professed。〃
The delay which was thus occasioned was useful to him in many respects; it enabled him to complete his supply of water; and to receive a reinforcement which Earl St。 Vincent; being himself reinforced from England; was enabled to send him。 It consisted of the best ships of his fleet; the CULLODEN; seventy…four; Captain T。Troubridge; GOLIATH; seventy…four; Captain T。Foley; MINOTAUR; seventy…four; Captain T。 Louis; DEFENCE; seventy…four; Captain John Peyton; BELLEROPHON; seventy…four; Captain H。D。E。Darby; MAJESTIC; seventy…four; Captain G。 B。 Westcott; ZEALOUS; seventy…four; Captain S。 Hood; SWIFTSURE; seventy…four; Captain B。 Hallowell; THESEUS; seventy…four; Captain R。 W。 Miller; AUDACIOUS; seventy…four; Captain Davidge Gould。 The LEANDER; fifty; Captain T。 E。 Thompson; was afterwards added。 These ships were made ready for the service as soon as Earl St。 Vincent received advice from England that he was to be reinforced。 As soon as the reinforcement was seen from the mast…head of the admiral's ship; off Cadiz Bay; signal was immediately made to Captain Troubridge to put to sea; and he was out of sight before the ships from home cast anchor in the British station。 Troubridge took with him no instructions to Nelson as to the course he was to steer; nor any certain account of the enemy's destination; everything was left to his own judgment。 Unfortunately; the frigates had been separated from him in the tempest and had not been able to rejoin: they sought him unsuccessfully in the Bay of Naples; where they obtained no tidings of his course: and he sailed without them。
The first news of the enemy's armament was that it had surprised Malta; Nelson formed a plan for attacking it while at anchor at Gozo; but on the 22nd of June intelligence reached him that the French had left that island on the 16th; the day after their arrival。 It was clear that their destination was eastwardhe thought for Egyptand for Egypt; therefore; he made all sail。 Had the frigates been with him; he could scarcely have failed to gain information of the enemy; for want of them; he only spoke three vessels on the way: two came from Alexandria; one from the Archipelago; and neither of them had seen anything of the French。 He arrived off Alexandria on the 28th; and the enemy were not there; neither was there any account of them; but the governor was endeavouring to put the city in a state of defence; having received advice from Leghorn that the French expedition was intended against Egypt; after it had taken Malta。 Nelson then shaped his course to the northward for Caramania; and steered from thence along the southern side of Candia; carrying a press of sail both night and day; with a contrary wind。 It would have been his delight; he said; to have tried Bonaparte on a wind。 It would have been the delight of Europe; too; and the blessing of the world; if that fleet had been overtaken with its general on board。 But of the myriads and millions of human beings who would have been preserved by that day's victory; there is not one to whom such essential benefit would have resulted as to Bonaparte himself。 It would have spared him his defeat at Acrehis only disgrace; for to have been defeated by Nelson upon the seas would not have been disgraceful; it would have spared him all his after enormities。 Hitherto his career had been glorious; the baneful principles of his heart had never yet passed his lips; history would have represented him as a soldier of fortune; who had faithfully served the cause in which he engaged; and whose career had been distinguished by a series of successes unexampled in modern times。 A romantic obscurity would have hung over the expedition to Egypt; and he would have escaped the perpetration of those crimes which have incarnadined his soul with a deeper dye than that of the purple for which he committed themthose acts of perfidy; midnight murder; usurpation; and remorseless tyranny; which have consigned his name to universal execration; now and for ever。
Conceiving that when an officer is not successful in his plans it is absolutely necessary that he should explain the motives upon which they were founded; Nelson wrote at this time an account and vindication of his conduct for having carried the fleet to Egypt。 The objection which he anticipated was that he ought not to have made so long a voyage without more certain information。 〃My answer;〃 said he; 〃is ready。 Who was I to get it from? The governments of Naples and Sicily either knew not; or chose to keep me in ignorance。 Was I to wait patiently until I heard certain accounts? If Egypt were their object; before I could hear of them they would have been in India。 To do nothing was disgraceful; therefore I made use of my understanding。 I am before your lordships' judgment; and if; under all circumstances; it is decided that I am wrong; I ought; for the sake of our country; to be superseded; for at this moment; when I know the French are not in Alexandria; I hold the same opinion as off Cape Passarothat; under all circumstances; I was right in steering for Alexandria; and by that opinion I must stand or fall。〃 Captain Ball; to whom he showed this paper; told him he should recommend a friend never to begin a defence of his conduct before he was accused of error: he might give the fullest reasons for what he had done; expressed in such terms as would evince that he had acted from the strongest conviction of being right; and of course he must expect that the public would view it in the same light。 Captain Ball judged rightly of the public; whose first impulses; though; from want of sufficient information; they must frequently be erroneous; are generally founded upon just feelings。 But the public are easily misled; and there are always persons ready to mislead them。 Nelson had not yet attained that fame which compels envy to be silent; and when it was known in England that he had returned after an unsuccessful pursuit; it was said that he deserved impeachment; and Earl St。 Vincent was severely censured for having sent so young an officer upon so important a service。
Baffled in his pursuit; he returned to Sicily。 The Neapolitan ministry had determined to give his squadron no assistance; being resolved to do nothing which could possibly endanger their peace with the French Directory; by means; however; of Lady Hamilton's influence at court; he procured secret orders to the Sicilian governors; and under those orders obtained everything which he wanted at Syracusea timely supply; without which; he always said; he could not have recommenced his pursuit with any hope of success。 〃It is an old saying;〃 said he in his letter; 〃that the devil's children have the devil's luck。 I cannot to this moment learn; beyond vague conjecture; where the French fleet have gone to; and having gone a round of 600 leagues; at this season of the year; with an expedition incredible; here I am; as ignorant of the situation of the enemy as I was twenty…seven days ago。 Every moment I have to regret the frigates having left me; had one…half of them been with me; I could not have wanted information。 Should the French be so strongly secured in port that I cannot get at them; I shall immediately shift my flag into some other ship; and send the VANGUARD to Naples to be refitted; for hardly any person but myself would have continued on service so long in such a wretched state。〃 Vexed; however; and disappointed as he was; Nelson; with the true spirit of a hero; was still full of hope。 〃Thanks to your exertions;〃 said he; writing to Sir。 William and Lady Hamilton; 〃we have victualled and watered; and surely watering at the fountain of Arethusa; we must have victory。 We shall sail with the first breeze; and be assured I will return either crowned with laurel or covered with cypress。〃 Earl St。 Vincent he assured; that if the French were above water he would find them out: he still held his opinion that they were bound for Egypt: 〃but;〃 said he to the First Lord of the Admiralty; 〃be they bound to the Antipodes; your lordship may rely that I will not lose a moment in bringing them to action。〃
On the 25th of July he sailed from Syracuse for the Morea。 Anxious beyond measure; and irritated that the enemy should so long have eluded him; the tediousness of the nights made him impatient; and the officer of the watch was repeatedly called on to let him know the hour; and convince him; who measured time by his own eagerness; that it was not yet daybreak。 The squadron made the Gulf of Coron on the 28th。 Troubridge entered the port; and returned with intelligence that the French fleet had been seen about four weeks before steering to the S。E。 from Candia。 Nelson then determined immediately to return to Alexandria; and the British fleet accordingly; with every sail set; stood once more for the coast of Egypt。 On the 1st of Au