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the hispanic nations of the new world-第30章

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be compelled to intervene。 Eventually; when a negro insurrection in the eastern part of the island menaced the safety of foreigners; American marines were landed。 Another instance of intervention was the objection by the United States to an employers' liability law that would have given a monopoly of the insurance business to a Cuban company to the detriment of American firms。

After the election of Mario Menocal; the Conservative candidate; to the presidency in 1912; another occasion for intervention presented itself。 An amnesty bill; originally drafted for the purpose of freeing the colored insurgents and other offenders; was amended so as to empower the retiring President to grant pardon before trial to persons whom his successor wished to prosecute for wholesale corruption in financial transactions。 Before the bill passed; however; notice was sent from Washington that; since the American Government had the authority to supervise the finances of the republic; Gomez would better veto the bill; and this he accordingly did。

A sharp struggle arose when it became known that Menocal would be a candidate for reelection。 The Liberal majority in the Congress passed a bill requiring that a President who sought to succeed himself should resign two months before the elections。 When Menocal vetoed this measure; his opponents demanded that the United States supervise the elections。 As the result of the elections was doubtful; Gomez and his followers resorted in 1917 to the usual insurrection; whereupon the American Government warned the rebels that it would not recognize their claims if they won by force。 Active aid from that quarter; as well as the capture of the insurgent leader; caused the movement to collapse after the electoral college had decided in favor of Menocal。

In the Dominican Republic disturbances were frequent; notwithstanding the fact that American officials were in charge of the customhouses and by their presence were expected to exert a quieting influence。 Even the adoption; in 1908; of a new constitution which provided for the prolongation of the presidential term to six years and for the abolition of the office of Vice Presidenttwo stabilizing devices quite common in Hispanic countries where personal ambition is prone to be a source of political troubledid not help much to restore order。 The assassination of the President and the persistence of age…long quarrels with Haiti over boundaries made matters worse。 Thereupon; in 1913; the United States served formal notice on the rebellious parties that it would not only refuse to recognize any Government set up by force but would withhold any share in the receipts from the customs。 As this procedure did not prevent a revolutionary leader from demanding half a million dollars as a financial sedative for his political nerves and from creating more trouble when the President failed to dispense it; the heavy hand of an American naval force administered another kind of specific; until commissioners from Porto Rico could arrive to superintend the selection of a new chief magistrate。 Notwithstanding the protest of the Dominican Government; the 〃fairest and freest〃 elections ever known in the country were held under the direction of those officialsas a 〃body of friendly observers〃!

However amicable this arrangement seemed; it did not smother the flames of discord。 In 1916; when an American naval commander suggested that a rebellious Minister of War leave the capital; he agreed to do so if the 〃fairest and freest〃 of chosen Presidents would resign。 Even after both of them had complied with the suggestions; the individuals who assumed their respective offices were soon at loggerheads。 Accordingly the United States placed the republic under military rule; until a President could be elected who might be able to retain his post without too much 〃friendly observation〃 from Washington; and a Minister of War could be appointed who would refrain from making war on the President! Then the organization of a new party to combat the previous inordinate display of personalities in politics created some hope that the republic would accomplish its own redemption。

Only because of its relation to the wars of emancipation and to the Dominican Republic; need the negro state of Haiti; occupying the western part of the Caribbean island; be mentioned in connection with the story of the Hispanic nations。 Suffice it to say that the fact that their color was different and that they spoke a variant of French instead of Spanish did not prevent the inhabitants of this state from offering a far worse spectacle of political and financial demoralization than did their neighbors to the eastward。 Perpetual commotions and repeated interventions by American and European naval forces on behalf of the foreign residents; eventually made it imperative for the United States to take direct charge of the republic。 In 1916; by a convention which placed the finances under American control; created a native constabulary under American officers; and imposed a number of other restraints; the United States converted Haiti into what is practically a protectorate。


While the Hispanic republics were entering upon the second century of their independent life; the idea of a certain community of interests between themselves and the United States began to assume a fairly definite form。 Though emphasized by American statesmen and publicists in particular; the new point of view was not generally understood or appreciated by the people of either this country or its fellow nations to the southward。 It seemed; nevertheless; to promise an effective cooperation in spirit and action between them and came therefore to be called 〃Pan…Americanism。〃

This sentiment of inter…American solidarity sprang from several sources。 The periodical conferences of the United States and its sister republics gave occasion for an interchange of official courtesies and expressions of good feeling。 Doubtless; also; the presence of delegates from the Hispanic countries at the international gatherings at The Hague served to acquaint the world at large with the stability; strength; wealth; and culture of their respective lands。 Individual Americans took an active interest in their fellows of Hispanic stock and found their interest reciprocated。 Motives of business or pleasure and a desire to obtain personal knowledge about one another led to visits and countervisits that became steadily more frequent。 Societies were created to encourage the friendship and acquaintance thus formed。 Scientific congresses were held and institutes were founded in which both the United States and Hispanic America were represented。 Books; articles; and newspaper accounts about one another's countries were published in increasing volume。 Educational institutions devoted a constantly growing attention to inter…American affairs。 Individuals and commissions were dispatched by the Hispanic nations and the United States to study one another's conditions and to confer about matters of mutual concern。 Secretaries of State; Ministers of Foreign Affairs; and other distinguished personages interchanged visits。 Above all; the common dangers and responsibilities falling upon the Americas at large as a consequence of the European war seemed likely to bring the several nations into a harmony of feeling and relationship to which they had never before attained。

Pan…Americanism; however; was destined to remain largely a generous ideal。 The action of the United States in extending its direct influence over the small republics in and around the Caribbean aroused the suspicion and alarm of Hispanic Americans; who still feared imperialistic designs on the part of that country now more than ever the Colossus of the North。 〃The art of oratory among the Yankees;〃 declared a South American critic; 〃is lavish with a fraternal idealism; but strong wills enforce their imperialistic ambitions。〃 Impassioned speakers and writers adjured the ghost of Hispanic confederation to rise and confront the new northern peril。 They even advocated an appeal to Great Britain; Germany; or Japan; and they urged closer economic; social; and intellectual relations with the countries of Europe。

It was while the United States was thus widening the sphere of its influence in the Caribbean that the 〃A B C〃 powersArgentina; Brazil; and Chilereached an understanding which was in a sense a measure of self…defense。 For some years cordial relations had existed among these three nations which had grown so remarkably in strength and prestige。 It was felt that by united action they might set up in the New World the European principle of a balance of power; assume the leadership in Hispanic America; and serve in some degree as a counterpoise to the United States。 Nevertheless they were disposed to cooperate with their northern neighbor in the peaceable adjustment of conflicts in which other Hispanic countries were concerned; provided that the mediation carried on by such a 〃concert of the western world〃 did not include actual intervention in the internal affairs of the countries involved。

With this attitude of the public mind; it is not strange that the Hispanic republics at large sho
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