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catherine-a story(凯瑟琳的故事)-第36章

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said about Beinkleider and the clothes? Tommy will just wait on the Count 

with his Lordship's breeches。 A man may learn a deal of news in the trying 

on of a pair of breeches。〃 

     And so it was agreed that in this manner the son should at first make 

his appearance before his father。 Mrs。 Cat gave him the piece of brocade; 

which; in the course of the day; was fashioned into a smart waistcoat (for 

Beinkleider's shop was close by; in Cavendish Square)。 Mrs。 Gretel; with 

many blushes; tied a fine blue riband round his neck; and; in a pair of silk 

stockings; with gold buckles to his shoes; Master Billings looked a very 

proper young gentleman。 

     〃And; Tommy;〃 said his mother; blushing and hesitating; 〃should Max… 

…should his Lordship ask after yourwant to know if your mother is alive; 

you can say she is; and well; and often talks of old times。 And; Tommy〃 

(after another pause); 〃you needn't say anything about Mr。 Hayes; only say 

I'm quite well。〃 

     Mrs。 Hayes looked at him as he marched down the street; a long long 

way。 Tom was proud and gay in his new costume; and was not unlike his 

father。 As she looked; lo! Oxford Street disappeared; and she saw a green 

common; and a village; and a little inn。 There was a soldier leading a pair 

of   horses   about   on   the   green   common;   and   in   the   inn   sat   a   cavalier;   so 

young;   so   merry;   so   beautiful!   Oh;   what   slim   white   hands   he   had;   and 


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winning   words;   and   tender;   gentle   blue   eyes! Was   it   not   an   honour   to   a 

country lass that such a noble gentleman should look at her for a moment? 

Had   he   not   some   charm   about   him   that   she   must   needs   obey   when   he 

whispered in her ear; 〃Come; follow me!〃 As she walked towards the lane 

that morning; how well she remembered each spot as she passed it; and the 

look it wore for the last time! How the smoke was rising from the pastures; 

how the fish were jumping and plashing in the mill…stream! There was the 

church;   with   all   its   windows   lighted   up   with   gold;   and   yonder   were   the 

reapers sweeping down the brown corn。 She tried to sing as she went up 

the   hillwhat   was   it?   She   could   not   remember;   but   oh;   how   well   she 

remembered the sound of the horse's hoofs; as they came quicker; quicker… 

…nearer; nearer! How noble he looked on his great horse! Was he thinking 

of her; or were they all silly words which he spoke last night; merely to 

pass   away   the   time   and   deceive   poor   girls   with?   Would   he   remember 

them;would he? 

     〃Cat my dear;〃 here cried Mr。 Brock; alias Captain; alias Doctor Wood; 

〃here's the meat a…getting cold; and I am longing for my breakfast。〃 

     As they went in he looked her hard in the face。 〃What; still at it; you 

silly girl? I've been watching you these five minutes; Cat; and be hanged 

but I think a word from Galgenstein; and you would follow him as a fly 

does a treacle…pot!〃 

     They   went   in   to   breakfast;   but   though   there   was   a   hot   shoulder   of 

mutton      and    onion…sauceMrs。        Catherine's     favourite     dishshe     never 

touched a morsel of it。 

     In the meanwhile Mr。 Thomas Billings; in his new clothes which his 

mamma had given him; in his new riband which the fair Miss Beinkleider 

had tied round his neck; and having his Excellency's breeches wrapped in 

a   silk   handkerchief   in   his   right   hand;   turned   down   in   the   direction   of 

Whitehall;   where   the   Bavarian   Envoy   lodged。   But;   before   he   waited   on 

him; Mr。 Billings; being excessively pleased with his personal appearance; 

made   an   early   visit   to   Mrs。   Briggs;   who   lived   in   the   neighbourhood   of 

Swallow Street; and who; after expressing herself with much enthusiasm 

regarding her Tommy's good looks; immediately asked him what he would 

stand to drink? Raspberry  gin being suggested; a  pint of that liquor   was 


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sent for; and so great was the confidence and intimacy subsisting between 

these two young people; that the reader will be glad to hear that Mrs。 Polly 

accepted   every   shilling   of   the   money   which   Tom   Billings   had   received 

from his mamma the day before; nay; could with difficulty be prevented 

from  seizing   upon   the   cut…velvet breeches   which   he   was   carrying   to   the 

nobleman for whom they were made。 Having paid his adieux to Mrs。 Polly; 

Mr。 Billings departed to visit his father。 


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                  BETWEEN COUNT 





    I   don't   know   in   all   this   miserable   world   a   more   miserable   spectacle 

than that of a young fellow of five or six and forty。 The British army; that 

nursery   of   valour;   turns   out   many   of   the   young   fellows   I   mean:   who; 

having   flaunted   in   dragoon   uniforms   from   seventeen   to  six…and…thirty; 

having   bought;   sold;   or   swapped   during   that   period   some   two   hundred 

horses;   having   played;   say;   fifteen   thousand   games   at   billiards;   having 

drunk some six thousand bottles of wine; having consumed a reasonable 

number of Nugee coats; split many dozen pairs of high…heeled Hoby boots; 

and   read   the   newspaper   and   the   army…list   duly;   retire   from   the   service 

when they have attained their eighth lustre; and saunter through the world; 

trailing   from   London   to   Cheltenham;   and   from   Boulogne   to   Paris;   and 

from Paris to Baden; their idleness; their ill…health; and their ennui。 〃In the 

morning     of  youth;〃  and  when    seen  along  with   whole   troops  of  their 

companions; these flowers look gaudy and brilliant enough; but there is no 

object more dismal than one of them alone; and in its autumnal; or seedy 

state。 My friend; Captain Popjoy; is one who has arrived at this condition; 

and whom everybody knows by his title of Father Pop。 A kinder; simpler; 

more empty…headed fellow does not exist。 He is forty…seven years old; and 

appears a young; good…looking man of sixty。 At the time of the Army of 

Occupation he really was as good…looking a man as any in the Dragoons。 

He now uses all sorts of stratagems to cover the bald place on his head; by 

combing certain thin grey sidelocks over it。 He has; in revenge; a pair of 

enormous moustaches; which he dyes of the richest blue…black。 His nose is 


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                                       Catherine: A Story 

a good deal larger and redder than it used to be; his eyelids have grown 

flat and heavy; and a little pair of red; watery eyeballs float in the midst of 

them: it seems as if the light which was once in those sickly green pupils 

had extravasated into the white part of the eye。 If Pop's legs are not so firm 

and muscular   as they  used to be   in   those days when   he took   such   leaps 

into White's   buckskins;   in   revenge   his   waist   is   much   larger。   He   wears   a 

very good coat; however; and a waistband; which he lets out after dinner。 

Before   ladies   he   blushes;   and   is   as   silent   as   a  schoolboy。   He   calls   them 

〃modest   women。〃   His   society  is   chiefly  among   young lads belonging   to 

his former profession。 He knows the best wine to be had at each tavern or 

cafe; and the waiters treat him with much respectful familiarity。 He knows 

the names of every one of them; and shouts out; 〃Send Markwell here!〃 or; 

〃Tell   Cuttriss   to   give   us   a   bottle   of   the   yellow   seal!〃   or;   〃Dizzy   voo; 

Monsure Borrel; noo donny shampang frappy;〃 etc。 He always makes the 

salad or the punch; and dines out three hundred days in the year: the other 

days you see him in a two…franc eating…house at Paris; or prowling about 

Rupert Street; or St。 Martin's Court; where you get a capital cut of meat for 

eightpence。      He    has   decent    lodgings    and    scrupulously      clean   linen;   his 

animal      functions    are   still  tolerably    well   preserved;     his   spiritual   have 

evaporated long since; he sleeps well; has no conscience; believes himself 

to be a respectable fellow; and is tolerably happy on the days when he is 

asked out to dinner。 

     Poor Pop   is   not   very  high   in   the scale of   created beings;   but;  if   yo
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