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FEBRUARY 22; 1861
OF PENNSYLVANIA:I appear before you only for a very few brief
remarks in response to what has been said to me。 I thank you most
sincerely for this reception; and the generous words in which support
has been promised me upon this occasion。 I thank your great
commonwealth for the overwhelming support it recently gave; not me
personally; but the cause which I think a just one; in the late
Allusion has been made to the factthe interesting fact perhaps we
should saythat I for the first time appear at the capital of the
great commonwealth of Pennsylvania upon the birthday of the Father of
his Country。 In connection with that beloved anniversary connected
with the history of this country; I have already gone through one
exceedingly interesting scene this morning in the ceremonies at
Philadelphia。 Under the kind conduct of gentlemen there; I was for
the first time allowed the privilege of standing in old Independence
Hall to have a few words addressed to me there; and opening up to me
an opportunity of manifesting my deep regret that I had not more time
to express something of my own feelings excited by the occasion; that
had been really the feelings of my whole life。
Besides this; our friends there had provided a magnificent flag of
the country。 They had arranged it so that I was given the honor of
raising it to the head of its staff; and when it went up I was
pleased that it went to its place by the strength of my own feeble
arm。 When; according to the arrangement; the cord was pulled; and it
floated gloriously to the wind; without an accident; in the bright;
glowing sunshine of the morning; I could not help hoping that there
was in the entire success of that beautiful ceremony at least
something of an omen of what is to come。 Nor could I help feeling
then; as I have often felt; that in the whole of that proceeding I
was a very humbled instrument。 I had not provided the flag; I had
not made the arrangements for elevating it to its place; I had
applied but a very small portion of even my feeble strength in
raising it。 In the whole transaction I was in the hands of the
people who had arranged it; and if I can have the same generous
co…operation of the people of this nation; I think the flag of our
country may yet be kept flaunting gloriously。
I recur for a moment but to repeat some words uttered at the hotel in
regard to what has been said about the military support which the
General Government may expect from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in a proper emergency。 To guard against any possible mistake do I
recur to this。 It is not with any pleasure that I contemplate the
possibility that a necessity may arise in this country for the use of
the military arm。 While I am exceedingly gratified to see the
manifestation upon your streets of your military force here; and
exceedingly gratified at your promise to use that force upon a proper
emergencywhile I make these acknowledgments I desire to repeat; in
order to preclude any possible misconstruction; that I do most
sincerely hope that we shall have no use for them; that it will never
become their duty to shed blood; and most especially never to shed
fraternal blood。 I promise that so far as I may have wisdom to
direct; if so painful a result shall in any wise be brought about; it
shall he through no fault of mine。
Allusion has also been made by one of your honored speakers to some
remarks recently made by myself at Pittsburg in regard to what is
supposed to be the especial interest of this great commonwealth of
Pennsylvania。 I now wish only to say in regard to that matter; that
the few remarks which I uttered on that occasion were rather
carefully worded。 I took pains that they should be so。 I have seen
no occasion since to add to them or subtract from them。 I leave them
precisely as they stand; adding only now that I am pleased to have an
expression from you; gentlemen of Pennsylvania; signifying that they
are satisfactory to you。
And now; gentlemen of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania; allow me again to return to you my most sincere thanks。
FEBRUARY 27; 1861
Mr。 MAYOR:I thank you; and through you the municipal authorities of
this city who accompany you; for this welcome。 And as it is the
first time in my life; since the present phase of politics has
presented itself in this country; that I have said anything publicly
within a region of country where the institution of slavery exists; I
will take this occasion to say that I think very much of the ill
feeling that has existed and still exists between the people in the
section from which I came and the people here; is dependent upon a
misunderstanding of one another。 I therefore avail myself of this
opportunity to assure you; Mr。 Mayor; and all the gentlemen present;
that I have not now; and never have had; any other than as kindly
feelings toward you as to the people of my own section。 I have not
now; and never have had; any disposition to treat you in any respect
otherwise than as my own neighbors。 I have not now any purpose to
withhold from you any of the benefits of the Constitution; under any
circumstances; that I would not feel myself constrained to withhold
from my own neighbors; and I hope; in a word; that when we shall
become better acquaintedand I say it with great confidencewe
shall like each other better。 I thank you for the kindness of this
FEBRUARY 28; 1861
MY FRIENDS:I suppose that I may take this as a compliment paid to
me; and as such please accept my thanks for it。 I have reached this
city of Washington under circumstances considerably differing from
those under which any other man has ever reached it。 I am here for
the purpose of taking an official position amongst the people; almost
all of whom were politically opposed to me; and are yet opposed to
me; as I suppose。
I propose no lengthy address to you。 I only propose to say; as I did
on yesterday; when your worthy mayor and board of aldermen called
upon me; that I thought much of the ill feeling that has existed
between you and the people of your surroundings and that people from
among whom I came; has depended; and now depends; upon a
I hope that; if things shall go along as prosperously as I believe we
all desire they may; I may have it in my power to remove something of
this misunderstanding; that I may be enabled to convince you; and the
people of your section of the country; that we regard you as in all
things our equals; and in all things entitled to the same respect and
the same treatment that we claim for ourselves; that we are in no
wise disposed; if it were in our power; to oppress you; to deprive
you of any of your rights under the Constitution of the United
States; or even narrowly to split hairs with you in regard to these
rights; but are determined to give you; as far as lies in our hands;
all your rights under the Constitutionnot grudgingly; but fully and
fairly。 I hope that; by thus dealing with you; we will become better
acquainted; and be better friends。
And now; my friends; with these few remarks; and again returning my
thanks for this compliment; and expressing my desire to hear a little
more of your good music; I bid you good…night。
'During the struggle over the appointments of LINCOLN's Cabinet; the
President…elect spoke as follows:'
Gentlemen; it is evident that some one must take the responsibility
of these appointments; and I will do it。 My Cabinet is completed。
The positions are not definitely assigned; and will not be until I
announce them privately to the gentlemen whom I have selected as my
Constitutional advisers。
MARCH 4; 1861
FELLOW…CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES:In compliance with a custom as
old as the Government itself; I appear before you to address you
briefly; and to take in your presence the oath prescribed by the
Constitution of the United States to be taken by the President
〃before he enters on the execution of his office。〃
I do not consider it necessary at present for me to discuss those
matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety or
Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States
that by the accession of a Republican administration their property
and their peace and personal security are to be endangered。 There
has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension。 Indeed;
the mos