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would be as foolish as unprincipled。 It would lose the whole North;
while the common enemy would still carry the whole South。 The
question of men is a different one。 There are good; patriotic men
and able statesmen in the South whom I would cheerfully support; if
they would now place themselves on Republican ground; but I am
against letting down the Republican standard a hairsbreadth。
I have written this hastily; but I believe it answers your questions
Yours truly;
In reply to your inquiry; requesting our written opinion as to what
your duty requires you to do in executing the latter clause of the
Seventh Section of 〃An Act in relation to the payment of the
principal and interest of the State debt;〃 approved Feb'y 22; 1859;
we reply that said last clause of said section is certainly
indefinite; general; and ambiguous in its description of the bonds to
be issued by you; giving no time at which the bonds are to be made
payable; no place at which either principal or interest are to be
paid; and no rate of interest which the bonds are to bear; nor any
other description except that they are to be coupon bonds; which in
commercial usage means interest…paying bonds with obligations or
orders attached to them for the payment of annual or semiannual
interest; there is we suppose no difficulty in ascertaining; if this
act stood alone; what ought to be the construction of the terms
〃coupon bonds〃 and that it; would mean bonds bearing interest from
the time of issuing the same。 And under this act considered by
itself the creditors would have a right to require such bonds。 But
your inquiry in regard to a class of bonds on which no interest is to
be paid or shall begin to run until January 1 ; 1860; is whether the
Act of February 18; 1857; would not authorize you to refuse to give
bonds with any coupons attached payable before the first day of July;
1860。 We have very maturely considered this question and have arrived
at the conclusion that you have a right to use such measures as will
secure the State against the loss of six months' interest on these
bonds by the indefiniteness of the Act of 1859。 While it cannot be
denied that the letter of the laws favor the construction claimed by
some of the creditors that interest…bearing bonds were required to be
issued to them; inasmuch as the restriction that no interest is to
run on said bonds unti1 1st January; 1860; relates solely to the
bonds issued under the Act of 1857。 And the Act of 1859 directing
you to issue new bonds does not contain this restriction; but directs
you to issue coupon bonds。 Nevertheless the very indefiniteness and
generality of the Act of 1859; giving no rate of interest; no time
due; no place of payment; no postponement of the time when interest
commences; necessarily implies that the Legislature intended to
invest you with a discretion to impose such terms and restrictions as
would protect the interest of the State; and we think you have a
right and that it is your duty to see that the State Bonds are so
issued that the State shall not lose six months' interest。 Two plans
present themselves either of which will secure the State。 1st。 If in
literal compliance with the law you issue bonds bearing interest from
1st July; 1859; you may deduct from the bonds presented three
thousand from every 100;000 of bonds and issue 97;000 of coupon
bonds; by this plan 3000 out of 100;000 of principal would be
extinguished in consideration of paying 2910 interest on the first
of January; 1860and the interest on the 3000 would forever cease;
this would be no doubt most advantageous to the State。 But if the
Auditor will not consent to this; then; 2nd。 Cut off of each bond
all the coupons payable before 1st July; 1860。
One of these plans would undoubtedly have been prescribed by the
Legislature if its attention had been directed to this question。
May 28; 1859。
SPRINGFIELD; December 25; 1858。
MY DEAR SIR:I have just received yours of the 23rd inquiring
whether I received the newspapers you sent me by express。 I did
receive them; and am very much obliged。 There is some probability
that my scrap…book will be reprinted; and if it shall; I will save
you a copy。
Your friend as ever;
SPRINGFIELD; ILL。; July 28; 1859。
MY DEAR SIR:Your very complimentary; not to say flattering; letter
of the 23d inst。 is received。 Dr。 Reynolds had induced me to expect
you here; and I was disappointed not a little by your failure to
come。 And yet I fear you have formed an estimate of me which can
scarcely be sustained on a personal acquaintance。
Two things done by the Ohio Republican conventionthe repudiation of
Judge Swan; and the 〃plank〃 for a repeal of the Fugitive Slave LawI
very much regretted。 These two things are of a piece; and they are
viewed by many good men; sincerely opposed to slavery; as a struggle
against; and in disregard of; the Constitution itself。 And it is the
very thing that will greatly endanger our cause; if it be not kept
out of our national convention。 There is another thing our friends
are doing which gives me some uneasiness。 It is their leaning toward
〃popular sovereignty。〃 There are three substantial objections to
this: First; no party can command respect which sustains this year
what it opposed last。 Secondly; Douglas (who is the most dangerous
enemy of liberty; because the most insidious one) would have little
support in the North; and by consequence; no capital to trade on in
the South; if it were not for his friends thus magnifying him and his
humbug。 But lastly; and chiefly; Douglas's popular sovereignty;
accepted by the public mind as a just principle; nationalizes
slavery; and revives the African slave trade inevitably。
Taking slaves into new Territories; and buying slaves in Africa; are
identical things; identical rights or identical wrongs; and the
argument which establishes one will establish the other。 Try a
thousand years for a sound reason why Congress shall not hinder the
people of Kansas from having slaves; and; when you have found it; it
will be an equally good one why Congress should not hinder the people
of Georgia from importing slaves from Africa。
As to Governor Chase; I have a kind side for him。 He was one of the
few distinguished men of the nation who gave us; in Illinois; their
sympathy last year。 I never saw him; but suppose him to be able and
right…minded; but still he may not be the most suitable as a
candidate for the Presidency。
I must say I do not think myself fit for the Presidency。 As you
propose a correspondence with me; I shall look for your letters
I have not met Dr。 Reynolds since receiving your letter; but when I
shall; I will present your respects as requested。
Yours very truly;
SPRINGFIELD; ILL。 Sept。 6; 1859。
DEAR SIR:Yours of the 3d is just received。 There is some mistake
about my expected attendance of the U。S。 Court in your city on the 3d
Tuesday of this month。 I have had no thought of being there。
It is bad to be poor。 I shall go to the wall for bread and meat if I
neglect my business this year as well as last。 It would please me
much to see the city and good people of Keokuk; but for this year it
is little less than an impossibility。 I am constantly receiving
invitations which I am compelled to decline。 I was pressingly urged
to go to Minnesota; and I now have two invitations to go to Ohio。
These last are prompted by Douglas going there; and I am really
tempted to make a flying trip to Columbus and Cincinnati。
I do hope you will have no serious trouble in Iowa。 What thinks
Grimes about it? I have not known him to be mistaken about an
election in Iowa。 Present my respects to Col。 Carter; and any other
friends; and believe me
Yours truly;
SEPTEMBER 16; 1859。
FELLOW…CITIZENS OF THE STATE OF OHIO: I cannot fail to remember that
I appear for the first time before an audience in this now great
State;an audience that is accustomed to hear such speakers as
Corwin; and Chase; and Wade; and many other renowned men; and;
remembering this; I feel that it will be well for you; as for me;
that you should not raise your expectations to that standard to which
you would have been justified in raising them had one of these
distinguished men appeared before you。 You would perhaps be