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alcibiades i-第13章

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SOCRATES:  Then such a man can never be a statesman?

ALCIBIADES:  He cannot。

SOCRATES:  Nor an economist?

ALCIBIADES:  He cannot。

SOCRATES:  He will not know what he is doing?

ALCIBIADES:  He will not。

SOCRATES:  And will not he who is ignorant fall into error?

ALCIBIADES:  Assuredly。

SOCRATES:  And if he falls into error will he not fail both in his public

and private capacity?

ALCIBIADES:  Yes; indeed。

SOCRATES:  And failing; will he not be miserable?


SOCRATES:  And what will become of those for whom he is acting?

ALCIBIADES:  They will be miserable also。

SOCRATES:  Then he who is not wise and good cannot be happy?

ALCIBIADES:  He cannot。

SOCRATES:  The bad; then; are miserable?

ALCIBIADES:  Yes; very。

SOCRATES:  And if so; not he who has riches; but he who has wisdom; is

delivered from his misery?


SOCRATES:  Cities; then; if they are to be happy; do not want walls; or

triremes; or docks; or numbers; or size; Alcibiades; without virtue? 

(Compare Arist。 Pol。)

ALCIBIADES:  Indeed they do not。

SOCRATES:  And you must give the citizens virtue; if you mean to administer

their affairs rightly or nobly?

ALCIBIADES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  But can a man give that which he has not?

ALCIBIADES:  Impossible。

SOCRATES:  Then you or any one who means to govern and superintend; not

only himself and the things of himself; but the state and the things of the

state; must in the first place acquire virtue。

ALCIBIADES:  That is true。

SOCRATES:  You have not therefore to obtain power or authority; in order to

enable you to do what you wish for yourself and the state; but justice and



SOCRATES:  You and the state; if you act wisely and justly; will act

according to the will of God?

ALCIBIADES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  As I was saying before; you will look only at what is bright and

divine; and act with a view to them?


SOCRATES:  In that mirror you will see and know yourselves and your own



SOCRATES:  And so you will act rightly and well?


SOCRATES:  In which case; I will be security for your happiness。

ALCIBIADES:  I accept the security。

SOCRATES:  But if you act unrighteously; your eye will turn to the dark and

godless; and being in darkness and ignorance of yourselves; you will

probably do deeds of darkness。

ALCIBIADES:  Very possibly。

SOCRATES:  For if a man; my dear Alcibiades; has the power to do what he

likes; but has no understanding; what is likely to be the result; either to

him as an individual or to the statefor example; if he be sick and is

able to do what he likes; not having the mind of a physicianhaving

moreover tyrannical power; and no one daring to reprove him; what will

happen to him?  Will he not be likely to have his constitution ruined?

ALCIBIADES:  That is true。

SOCRATES:  Or again; in a ship; if a man having the power to do what he

likes; has no intelligence or skill in navigation; do you see what will

happen to him and to his fellow…sailors?

ALCIBIADES:  Yes; I see that they will all perish。

SOCRATES:  And in like manner; in a state; and where there is any power and

authority which is wanting in virtue; will not misfortune; in like manner;


ALCIBIADES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  Not tyrannical power; then; my good Alcibiades; should be the

aim either of individuals or states; if they would be happy; but virtue。

ALCIBIADES:  That is true。

SOCRATES:  And before they have virtue; to be commanded by a superior is

better for men as well as for children?  (Compare Arist。 Pol。)

ALCIBIADES:  That is evident。

SOCRATES:  And that which is better is also nobler?


SOCRATES:  And what is nobler is more becoming?

ALCIBIADES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  Then to the bad man slavery is more becoming; because better?


SOCRATES:  Then vice is only suited to a slave?


SOCRATES:  And virtue to a freeman?


SOCRATES:  And; O my friend; is not the condition of a slave to be avoided?

ALCIBIADES:  Certainly; Socrates。

SOCRATES:  And are you now conscious of your own state?  And do you know

whether you are a freeman or not?

ALCIBIADES:  I think that I am very conscious indeed of my own state。

SOCRATES:  And do you know how to escape out of a state which I do not even

like to name to my beauty?



ALCIBIADES:  By your help; Socrates。

SOCRATES:  That is not well said; Alcibiades。

ALCIBIADES:  What ought I to have said?

SOCRATES:  By the help of God。

ALCIBIADES:  I agree; and I further say; that our relations are likely to

be reversed。  From this day forward; I must and will follow you as you have

followed me; I will be the disciple; and you shall be my master。

SOCRATES:  O that is rare!  My love breeds another love:  and so like the

stork I shall be cherished by the bird whom I have hatched。

ALCIBIADES:  Strange; but true; and henceforward I shall begin to think

about justice。

SOCRATES:  And I hope that you will persist; although I have fears; not

because I doubt you; but I see the power of the state; which may be too

much for both of us。

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