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the heritage of the sioux-第27章

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which the Happy Family bad followed with such persistence; the squaws did

their part; while their men went on to prepare the trap。

Years agoyet not so many after allthe mothers of these squaws; and their

grandmothers; had walked backward and stooped with little branches in their

hands to wipe out the trail of their warriors and themselves to circumvent the

cunning of the enemy who pursued。 So had they brushed out the trail when their

men had raided the ranchos of the first daring settlers; and had driven off

horses and cattle into the remoter wilderness。

And these; mind you; were the squaws and bucks whom you might meet any day on

the streets in Albuquerque; padding along the pavement and staring in at the

shop windows; admiring silken gowns with marked…down price tags; and

exclaiming over flaxen…haired dolls and bright ribbon streamers; squaws and

bucks who brought rugs and blankets to sell; and who would bargain with you in

broken English and smile and nod in friendly fashion if you spoke to them in

Spanish or paid without bickering the price they asked for a rug。 You might

see them in the fifteen…cent store; buying cheap candy and staring in mute

admiration at all the gay things piled high on the tables。 Remember that; when

I tell you what more they did out here in the wilderness。 Remember that and do

not imagine that I am trying to take you back into the untamed days of the


Luck and the Happy Familyso well had the squaws done their workpassed

unsuspectingly over the wiped…out trail; circled at fault on the far side of

the rocky gulch for an hour or so and then found the false trail just as the

Indian decoys had intended that they should do。 And from a farther flat topped

ridge a group of Indians with Dutch hair…cuts and Stetson hats and moccasins

(the two hall…marks of two races) watched them take the false trail; and

looked at one another and grinned sourly。

The false trail forked; showing that the six had separated into two parties of

three riders; each aiming to passso the hoofprints would lead one to

believearound the two ends of a lone hill that sat squarely down on the mesa

like a stone treasure chest dropped there by the gods when the world was


The Happy Family drew rein and eyed the parting of the ways dubiously。

〃Wonder what they did that for?〃 Andy Green grumbled; mopping his red face

irritatedly。 〃We've got trouble enough without having them split up on us。〃

〃From the looks; I should say we're overhauling the bunch;〃 Luck hazarded。

〃They maybe met on the other side of this butte somewhere。 And the tracks were

made early this morning; I should say。 How about it; Applehead?〃

〃Well; they look fresher 'n what we bin follerin' before;〃 Applehead admitted。

〃But I don't like this here move uh theirn; and I'm tellin' yuh so。 The way〃

〃I don't like anything about 'em;〃 snapped Luck; standing in his stirrups as

though that extra three inches would let him see over the hill。 〃And I don't

like this tagging along behind; either。 You take your boys and follow those

tracks to the right; Applehead。 I and my bunch will go this other way。 And

RIDE! We can't be so awfully much behind。 If they meet; we'll meet where they

do。 If they scatter; we'll have to scatter too; I reckon。 But get'em is the

word; boys!〃

〃And where;〃 asked Applehead with heavy irony; while he pulled at his

mustache; 〃do yuh calc'late we'll git t'gether agin if we go scatterin' out?〃

Luck looked at him and smiled his smile。 〃We aren't any of us tenderfeet;

exactly;〃 he said calmly。 〃We'll meet at the jail when we bring in our men; if

we don't meet anywhere else this side。 But if you land your men; come back to

that camp where we lost the horses。 That's one; place we KNOW has got grass

and water both。 If you come and don't see any sign of us; wait a day before

you start back to town。 We'll do the same。 And leave a note anchored in the

crack of that big bowlder by the spring; telling the news。 We'll do the same

if we get there first and don't wait for you。〃 He hesitated; betraying that

even in his eagerness he too dreaded the parting of the ways。 〃Well; so long;

boystake care of yourselves。〃

〃Well; now; I ain't so dang shore〃 Applehead began querulously。

But Luck only grinned and waved his hand as he led the way to the south on the

trail that obviously had skirted the side of the square butte。 The four who

went with him looked back and waved non…committal adieu; and Big Medicine;

once he was fairly away; shouted back to them to look out for Navvies; and

then laughed with a mirthless uproar that deceived no one into thinking he was

amused。 Pink and Weary raised their voices sufficiently to tell him where he

could go; ;and settled themselves dejectedly in their saddles again。

〃Well; I ain't so darned sure; either;〃 Lite Avery tardily echoed Applehead's

vague statement; in the dry way he had of speaking detached sentiments from

the mental activities that went on behind his calm; mask…like face and his

quiet eyes。 〃Something feels snaky around here today。〃

Applehead looked at him with a glimmer of relief in his eyes; but he did not

reply to the foreboding directly。 〃Boys; git yore rifles where you kin use 'em

quick;〃 be advised them grimly。 〃I kin smell shootin' along this dang trail。〃

Pink's dimples showed languidly for a moment; and be looked a question at

Weary。 Weary grinned answer and pulled his rifle from the 〃boot〃 where it was

slung under his right leg; and jerked the lever forward until a cartridge slid

with a click up into the chamber; let the hammer gently down with his thumb

and laid the gun across his thighs。

〃She's ready for bear;〃 he observed placidly。

〃Well; now; you boys show some kinda sense;〃 Applehead told them when Pink had

followed Weary's example。 〃Fellers like Happy and Bud; they shore do show

their ign'rance uh this here; dang country; when they up 'n' laff at the idee

uh trouble… …now I'm tellin' yuh!〃

From the ridge which was no more than a high claw of the square butte; four

Indians in greasy; gray Stetsons with flat crowns nodded with grim

satisfaction; and then made baste to point the toes of their moccasins down to

where their unkempt ponies stood waiting。 They were too far away to; see the

shifting of rifles to the laps of the riders; or perhaps they would not have

felt quite so satisfied with the steady advance of the four who had taken the

right…hand fork of the trail。 They could not even tell just which four men

made up the party。 They did not greatly care; so long as the; force of the

white men was divided。 They galloped away upon urgent business of their own;

elated because their ruse had worked out as they had planned and hoped。

Applehead took a restrained pull at the canteen; cocked his eyes back at the

butte they had just passed; squinted ahead over the flat waste that shimmered

with heat to the very skyline that was notched and gashed crudely with more

barren hills; and then; screwing the top absent…mindedly on the canteen…mouth;

leaned and peered long at the hoofprints they were following。 Beside him Lite

Avery; tall and lean to the point of being skinny; followed his movements with

quiet attention and himself took to studying more closely the hoofprints in

the sandy soil。

Applehead looked up; gauged the probable direction the trail was taking; and

gave a grunt。

〃You kin call me a fool;〃 he said with a certain challenge in his tone; 〃but

this yere trail don't look good to me; somehow。 These yere tracks; they don't

size up the same as they done all the way out here。 'N' another thing; they

ain't aimed t' meet up with the bunch that Luck's trailin'。 We're headed

straight out away from whar Luck's headed。 'N' any way yuh look at it; we're

headed into country whar there ain't no more water'n what the rich man got in

hell。 What would any uh Ramon's outfit want to come away off in here fur? They

ain't nothin' up in here to call 'em。〃

〃These; said Lite suddenly; 〃are different horse…tracks。 They're smaller; for

one thing。 The bunch we followed out from the red machine rode bigger horses。〃

〃And carried honey on one side and fresh meat on the other; and one horse was

blind in the right eye;〃 enlarged Pink banteringly; remembering the story of

the Careful Observer in an old schoolreader of his childhood days。

〃Yes; how do you make that out; Lite? I never noticed any difference in the


〃The stride is a little shorter today for one thing。〃 Lite looked around and

grinned at Pink; as though he too remembered the dromedary loaded with honey

and meat。 〃Ain't it; Applehead?〃

〃It shore is;〃 Applehead testified; his face bent toward the hot ground。

〃Ain't ary one uh the three that travels like they bin a travelin''n' that

shore means something; now I'm tellin' yuh!〃 He straightened and stared

worriedly ahead of them again。 〃Uh course; they might a picke
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