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the heritage of the sioux-第36章

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until the pattern was almost complete。

Ramon and Billwhat Bill; save Bill Holmes; would be with Ramon? Ramon and

Bill Holmesmemory pictured them again by the rock in the moonlight;

muttering in Spanish mostly; muttering mystery always。 Ramon and Bill Holmes

she remembered the sly; knowing glances between these two at 〃location〃 though

they scarcely seemed on speaking terms。 Ramon and Bill and this mysterious

night…travelling; when there should be no trouble and no mystery at all beyond

the house of the priest! So much trouble over the marriage of an Indian girl

and a young Mexican cattle king? Annie…Many…Ponies was not so stupid as to

believe that; she had seen too much of civilization in her wanderings with the

show; and her work in pictures。 She had seen man and maid 〃make marriage;〃 in

pictures and in reality。 There should be no trouble; no mysterious following

of Ramon by night。

Something evil there was; since Bill Holmes was with Ramon。 Annie…Many…Ponies

knew that it was so。 Perhapsperhaps the evil was against Wagalexa Conka!

Perhapsher heart forgot to beat when the thought stabbed her brainperhaps

they had killed Wagalexa Conka! It might be so; if he had suspected her flight

and had followed Ramon; and they had fought。

In the thick shade of a pinon Luis slept with his face to the ground; his

forehead pressed upon his folded arms。 Annie…Many…Ponies got up silently and

went and stood beside him; looking down at him as though she meant to wrest

the truth from his brain。 And Luis; feeling in his sleep the intensity of her

gaze; stirred uneasily; yawned and sat up; looking about him bewilderedly。 His

glance rested on the girl; and he sprang to his feet and faced her。

Annie…Many…Ponies smiled her little; tantalizing; wistfully inviting

smilethe smile which luck bad whimsically called heart…twisting。 〃I awful

lonesome;〃 she murmured; and sat down with her back nestling comfortably

against a grassy bank。 〃You talk。 I not lets you sleep all time。 You think I

not good for talk to?〃

〃Me; I not tell w'at I'm theenk;〃 Luis retorted with a crooning note; and sat

down facing her。 〃Ramon be mad me。〃

Annie…Many…Ponies looked at him; her eyes soft and heavy with that languorous

look which will quickest befuddle the sense of a man。 〃You tell; Ramon not

hear;〃 she hinted。 〃Ramon; he got plenty trobles for thinking about。〃 She

smiled again。 〃Ramon plenty long ways off。 He got Bill Holmes for talking to。

You talk to me。〃

How he did it; why he did it; Luis Rojas could never explain afterwards。

Something there was in her smile; in her voice; that bewitched him。 Something

there was that made him think she knew and approved of the thing Ramon had

planned。 He made swift; Spanish love to Annie…Many…Ponies; who smiled upon him

but would not let him touch her handand so bewitched him the more。 He made

lovebut also he talked。 He told Annie…Many…Ponies all that she wished him to

tell; and some things that she had never dreamed and that she shrank from


For he told her of the gold they had stolen; and how they had made it look as

though Luck Lindsay had planned the theft。 He told her that he loved

herwhich did not interest her greatlyand he told her that Ramon would

never marry herwhich was like a knife thrust to her soul。 Ramon had many

loves; said Luis; and he was true to none; never would he marry a woman to

rule his life and make him troubleit were easier to make love and then laugh

and ride away。 Luis was 〃muy s'prised〃 that Annie…Many…Ponies had ever

believed that Ramon would marry her; beautiful though she was; charming though

she was; altogether irresistible though she wasLuis became slightly

incoherent here and lasped into swift rolling Spanish words which she did not


Luis; before the sun went down and it was time to eat supper and go on; became

so thoroughly bewitched that he professed himself eager to let his share of

the gold go; and to take Annie…Many…Ponies to a priest and marry herif she

wished very much to be married by a priest。 In the middle of his exaltation;

Annie…Many…Ponies chilled him with the look she gave him。

〃You big fool;〃 she told him bluntly。 〃I not so fool like that。 I go to

Ramonand plenty gold! I think you awful fool。 You make me tired!〃

Luis was furious enough for a minute to do her violencebut Annie…Many…Ponies

killed that impulse also with the cold contempt in her eyes。 She was not

afraid of him; and like an animal he dared not strike where he could not

inspire fear。 He muttered a Mexican oath or two and went mortifiedly away to

lead the horses down to the little stream where they might drink。 The girl was

righthe was a fool; he told himself angrily; and sulked for hours。

Fool or not; he had told Annie…Many…Ponies what she wanted to know。 He had

given food to her brooding thoughtsfood that revived swiftly and nourished

certain traits lying dormant in her nature; buried alive under the veneer of

white man's civilizationas we are proud to call it。

The two ate in silence; and in silence they saddled the horses and fared forth

again in their quest of Ramonwho had the gold which Annie…Many…Ponies boldly

asserted was an added lure。 〃The moneealways the man wins that has muchos

monee。〃 Luis muttered often to himself as he rode into the dusk。 Behind him

Annie…Many…Ponies walked and led the black horse that bore all her worldly

possessions bound to the saddle。 The little black dog padded patiently along

at his heels。


〃So good little girl yoh are to true' Ramon!  Now I knows for sure yoh lov' me

moch as I lov' yoh! Now we go little ride more to my house high up in the

pinonsthen we be so happy like two birds in nes'。 Firs' we rest ourselves;

querida mia。 This good place for res'; my sweetheart that comes so far to be

with Ramon。 To…morrow we go to my houseto nes' of my loved one。 Thees cabin;

she's very good little nes' ontil tomorrowyoh theenk so?〃

Annie…Many…Ponies; sitting beside the doorway of the primitive little log

cabin where the night…journeys with Luis had ended; looked up into Ramon's

flushed face with her slow smile。 But her eyes were two deep; black wells

whose depths he could not fathom。

〃Where them priest you promise?〃 she asked; her voice lowered to its softest

Indian tone。 〃Now I think we make plenty marriage; then we go for live in your


Ramon turned and caught her unexpectedly in his arms。 〃Ah; now you spik

foolish talk。 Yoh not trus' Ramon! Why yoh talk pries'; pries' all time? Lov';

she's plenty pries' for us。 Pries' she don' make us more lov' each other

pries' don' make us happywe like birds that make nes' in tree…tops。 Yoh

think they mus' have pries' for help them be happy? Lov'that's plenty for


Annie…Many…Ponies drew herself away from his embrace; but she did it gently。

Bill Holmes; coming up from the spring; furnished excuse enough; and Ramon let

her go。

〃You promise me priest for making us marriage;〃 she persisted in her soft


Ramon twisted the points of his black mustache and regarded her askance;

smiling crookedly。 〃Yoh 'fraid for trus' me; that's why I promise;〃 he said at

last。 〃Me; I don' need padre to mumble…mumble foolish words before I can be

happy。 Yoh 'fraid of Luck Leen'sey; that's why I promise。 Now yoh come way up

here; so luck don' matter no more。 Yoh be happy weeth me。〃

〃You promise;〃 Annie…Many…Ponies repeated; a sullen note creeping into her


Bill Holmes; lounging up to the doorway; glanced from one to the other and

laughed。 〃What's the matter; Ramon?〃 he bantered。 〃Can't you square it with

your squaw? Go after her with a club; why don't you? That's what they're used


Ramon did not make any reply whatever; and Bill gave another chuckling laugh

and joined Luis; who was going to take the gaunt horses to a tiny meadow

beyond the bill。 As be went he said something that made Luis look back over

his shoulder and laugh。

Annie…Many…Ponies lifted her head and stared straight at Ramon。 He did not

meet her eyes; nor did he show any resentment of Bill Holmes' speech; yet he

had sworn that he loved her; that he would be proud to have her for his wife。

She; the daughter of a chief; had been insulted in his presence; and he had

made no protest; shown no indignation。

〃You promise priest for making us marriage;〃 she reiterated coldly; as if she

meant to force his real self into the open。 〃You promise you put ring of gold

for wedding on my finger; like white woman's got。〃

Ramon's laugh was not pleasant。 〃Yoh theenk marry squaw?〃 he sneered。 〃Luck

Leen'sey; he don't marry yoh。 Why yoh theenk I marry yoh? You be good; Ramon

lov' yoh。 Buy yoh lots pretty theengs; me treat yoh fine。 Yoh lucky girl; yoh

bet。 Yoh don't be foolish no more。 Yoh run away; be my womans。 W'at yoh

theenk? Go back; perhaps? Yoh theenk Luck Leen'sey take yoh back
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