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the essays of montaigne, v6-第1章

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The Essays of Montaigne; V6

by Michel de Montaigne

Translated by Charles Cotton

Edited by William Carew Hazilitt



XXVII。    Of friendship。
XXVIII。   Nine…and…twenty sonnets of Estienne de la Boetie。
XXIX。     Of moderation。
XXX。      Of cannibals。
XXXI。     That a man is soberly to judge of the divine ordinances。
XXXII。    That we are to avoid pleasures; even at the expense of life。
XXXIII。   That fortune is oftentimes observed to act by the rule of
XXXIV。    Of one defect in our government。
XXXV。     Of the custom of wearing clothes。
XXXVI。    Of Cato the Younger。
XXXVII。   That we laugh and cry for the same thing。
XXXVIII。  Of solitude。



Having considered the proceedings of a painter that serves me; I had a
mind to imitate his way。  He chooses the fairest place and middle of any
wall; or panel; wherein to draw a picture; which he finishes with his
utmost care and art; and the vacuity about it he fills with grotesques;
which are odd fantastic figures without any grace but what they derive
from their variety; and the extravagance of their shapes。  And in truth;
what are these things I scribble; other than grotesques and monstrous
bodies; made of various parts; without any certain figure; or any other
than accidental order; coherence; or proportion?

               〃Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne。〃

          '〃A fair woman in her upper form terminates in a fish。〃
          Horace; De Arte Poetica; v。 4。'

In this second part I go hand in hand with my painter; but fall very
short of him in the first and the better; my power of handling not being
such; that I dare to offer at a rich piece; finely polished; and set off
according to art。  I have therefore thought fit to borrow one of Estienne
de la Boetie; and such a one as shall honour and adorn all the rest of my
worknamely; a discourse that he called 'Voluntary Servitude'; but;
since; those who did not know him have properly enough called it 〃Le
contr Un。〃  He wrote in his youth;'〃Not being as yet eighteen years
old。〃Edition of 1588。' by way of essay; in honour of liberty against
tyrants; and it has since run through the hands of men of great learning
and judgment; not without singular and merited commendation; for it is
finely written; and as full as anything can possibly be。  And yet one may
confidently say it is far short of what he was able to do; and if in that
more mature age; wherein I had the happiness to know him; he had taken a
design like this of mine; to commit his thoughts to writing; we should
have seen a great many rare things; and such as would have gone very near
to have rivalled the best writings of antiquity: for in natural parts
especially; I know no man comparable to him。  But he has left nothing
behind him; save this treatise only (and that too by chance; for I
believe he never saw it after it first went out of his hands); and some
observations upon that edict of January '1562; which granted to the
Huguenots the public exercise of their religion。' made famous by our
civil…wars; which also shall elsewhere; peradventure; find a place。
These were all I could recover of his remains; I to whom with so
affectionate a remembrance; upon his death…bed; he by his last will
bequeathed his library and papers; the little book of his works only
excepted; which I committed to the press。  And this particular obligation
I have to this treatise of his; that it was the occasion of my first
coming acquainted with him; for it was showed to me long before I had the
good fortune to know him; and the first knowledge of his name; proving
the first cause and foundation of a friendship; which we afterwards
improved and maintained; so long as God was pleased to continue us
together; so perfect; inviolate; and entire; that certainly the like is
hardly to be found in story; and amongst the men of this age; there is no
sign nor trace of any such thing in use; so much concurrence is required
to the building of such a one; that 'tis much; if fortune bring it but
once to pass in three ages。

There is nothing to which nature seems so much to have inclined us; as to
society; and Aristotle ; says that the good legislators had more respect
to friendship than to justice。  Now the most supreme point of its
perfection is this: for; generally; all those that pleasure; profit;
public or private interest create and nourish; are so much the less
beautiful and generous; and so much the less friendships; by how much
they mix another cause; and design; and fruit in friendship; than itself。
Neither do the four ancient kinds; natural; social; hospitable; venereal;
either separately or jointly; make up a true and perfect friendship。

That of children to parents is rather respect: friendship is nourished by
communication; which cannot by reason of the great disparity; be betwixt
these; but would rather perhaps offend the duties of nature; for neither
are all the secret thoughts of fathers fit to be communicated to
children; lest it beget an indecent familiarity betwixt them; nor can the
advices and reproofs; which is one of the principal offices of
friendship; be properly performed by the son to the father。  There are
some countries where 'twas the custom for children to kill their fathers;
and others; where the fathers killed their children; to avoid their being
an impediment one to another in life; and naturally the expectations of
the one depend upon the ruin of the other。  There have been great
philosophers who have made nothing of this tie of nature; as Aristippus
for one; who being pressed home about the affection he owed to his
children; as being come out of him; presently fell to spit; saying; that
this also came out of him; and that we also breed worms and lice; and
that other; that Plutarch endeavoured to reconcile to his brother:
〃I make never the more account of him;〃 said he; 〃for coming out of the
same hole。〃  This name of brother does indeed carry with it a fine and
delectable sound; and for that reason; he and I called one another
brothers but the complication of interests; the division of estates; and
that the wealth of the one should be the property of the other; strangely
relax and weaken the fraternal tie: brothers pursuing their fortune and
advancement by the same path; 'tis hardly possible but they must of
necessity often jostle and hinder one another。  Besides; why is it
necessary that the correspondence of manners; parts; and inclinations;
which begets the true and perfect friendships; should always meet in
these relations?  The father and the son may be of quite contrary
humours; and so of brothers: he is my son; he is my brother; but he is
passionate; ill…natured; or a fool。  And moreover; by how much these are
friendships that the law and natural obligation impose upon us; so much
less is there of our own choice and voluntary freedom; whereas that
voluntary liberty of ours has no production more promptly and; properly
its own than affection and friendship。  Not that I have not in my own
person experimented all that can possibly be expected of that kind;
having had the best and most indulgent father; even to his extreme old
age; that ever was; and who was himself descended from a family for many
generations famous and exemplary for brotherly concord:

                                   〃Et ipse
                    Notus in fratres animi paterni。〃

     '〃And I myself; known for paternal love toward my brothers。〃
     Horace; Ode; ii。 2; 6。

We are not here to bring the love we bear to women; though it be an act
of our own choice; into comparison; nor rank it with the others。  The
fire of this; I confess;

                   〃Neque enim est dea nescia nostri
                    Qux dulcem curis miscet amaritiem;〃

     '〃Nor is the goddess unknown to me who mixes a sweet bitterness
     with my love。〃…Catullus; lxviii。 17。'

is more active; more eager; and more sharp: but withal; 'tis more
precipitant; fickle; moving; and inconstant; a fever subject to
intermissions and paroxysms; that has seized but on one part of us。
Whereas in friendship; 'tis a general and universal fire; but temperate
and equal; a constant established heat; all gentle and smooth; without
poignancy or roughness。  Moreover; in love; 'tis no other than frantic
desire for that which flies from us:

              〃Come segue la lepre il cacciatore
               Al freddo; al caldo; alla montagna; al lito;
               Ne piu l'estima poi the presa vede;
               E sol dietro a chi fugge affretta il piede〃

     '〃As the hunter pursues the hare; in cold and heat; to the mountain;
     to the shore; nor cares for it farther when he sees it taken; and
     only delights in chasing that which flees from him。〃Aristo; x。 7。'

so soon as it enters unto the terms of friendship; that is to say; into a
concurrence of desires; it vanishes and is gone; fruition destroys it;
as having only a fleshly end; and such a one as is subject to satiety。
Friendship; on the contrary; is enjoyed proportionably as it is desired;
and only grows up; is nourished and
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