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the jacket (the star-rover)-第43章

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Lingaard told me。  He told me much that I was too young to remember;

yet little could he tell。  A sea fight and a sack; battle and

plunder and torch; a flight seaward in the long ships to escape

destruction upon the rocks; and a killing strain and struggle

against the frosty; foundering seaswho; then; should know aught or

mark a stranger woman in her hour with her feet fast set on the way

of death?  Many died。  Men marked the living women; not the dead。

Sharp…bitten into my child imagination are the incidents immediately

after my birth; as told me by old Lingaard。  Lingaard; too old to

labour at the sweeps; had been surgeon; undertaker; and midwife of

the huddled captives in the open midships。  So I was delivered in

storm; with the spume of the cresting seas salt upon me。

Not many hours old was I when Tostig Lodbrog first laid eyes on me。

His was the lean ship; and his the seven other lean ships that had

made the foray; fled the rapine; and won through the storm。  Tostig

Lodbrog was also called Muspell; meaning 〃The Burning〃; for he was

ever aflame with wrath。  Brave he was; and cruel he was; with no

heart of mercy in that great chest of his。  Ere the sweat of battle

had dried on him; leaning on his axe; he ate the heart of Ngrun

after the fight at Hasfarth。  Because of mad anger he sold his son;

Garulf; into slavery to the Juts。  I remember; under the smoky

rafters of Brunanbuhr; how he used to call for the skull of Guthlaf

for a drinking beaker。  Spiced wine he would have from no other cup

than the skull of Guthlaf。

And to him; on the reeling deck after the storm was past; old

Lingaard brought me。  I was only hours old; wrapped naked in a salt…

crusted wolfskin。  Now it happens; being prematurely born; that I

was very small。

〃Ho! ho!a dwarf!〃 cried Tostig; lowering a pot of mead half…

drained from his lips to stare at me。

The day was bitter; but they say he swept me naked from the

wolfskin; and by my foot; between thumb and forefinger; dangled me

to the bite of the wind。

〃A roach!〃 he ho…ho'd。  〃A shrimp!  A sea…louse!〃  And he made to

squash me between huge forefinger and thumb; either of which;

Lingaard avers; was thicker than my leg or thigh。

But another whim was upon him。

〃The youngling is a…thirst。  Let him drink。〃

And therewith; head…downward; into the half…pot of mead he thrust

me。  And might well have drowned in this drink of menI who had

never known a mother's breast in the briefness of time I had lived

had it not been for Lingaard。  But when he plucked me forth from the

brew; Tostig Lodbrog struck him down in a rage。  We rolled on the

deck; and the great bear hounds; captured in the fight with the

North Danes just past; sprang upon us。

〃Ho! ho!〃 roared Tostig Lodbrog; as the old man and I and the

wolfskin were mauled and worried by the dogs。

But Lingaard gained his feet; saving me but losing the wolfskin to

the hounds。

Tostig Lodbrog finished the mead and regarded me; while Lingaard

knew better than to beg for mercy where was no mercy。

〃Hop o' my thumb;〃 quoth Tostig。  〃By Odin; the women of the North

Danes are a scurvy breed。  They birth dwarfs; not men。  Of what use

is this thing?  He will never make a man。  Listen you; Lingaard;

grow him to be a drink…boy at Brunanbuhr。  And have an eye on the

dogs lest they slobber him down by mistake as a meat…crumb from the


I knew no woman。  Old Lingaard was midwife and nurse; and for

nursery were reeling decks and the stamp and trample of men in

battle or storm。  How I survived puling infancy; God knows。  I must

have been born iron in a day of iron; for survive I did; to give the

lie to Tostig's promise of dwarf…hood。  I outgrew all beakers and

tankards; and not for long could he half…drown me in his mead pot。

This last was a favourite feat of his。  It was his raw humour; a

sally esteemed by him delicious wit。

My first memories are of Tostig Lodbrog's beaked ships and fighting

men; and of the feast hall at Brunanbuhr when our boats lay beached

beside the frozen fjord。  For I was made drink…boy; and amongst my

earliest recollections are toddling with the wine…filled skull of

Guthlaf to the head of the table where Tostig bellowed to the

rafters。  They were madmen; all of madness; but it seemed the common

way of life to me who knew naught else。  They were men of quick

rages and quick battling。  Their thoughts were ferocious; so was

their eating ferocious; and their drinking。  And I grew like them。

How else could I grow; when I served the drink to the bellowings of

drunkards and to the skalds singing of Hialli; and the bold Hogni;

and of the Niflung's gold; and of Gudrun's revenge on Atli when she

gave him the hearts of his children and hers to eat while battle

swept the benches; tore down the hangings raped from southern

coasts; and; littered the feasting board with swift corpses。

Oh; I; too; had a rage; well tutored in such school。  I was but

eight when I showed my teeth at a drinking between the men of

Brunanbuhr and the Juts who came as friends with the jarl Agard in

his three long ships。  I stood at Tostig Lodbrog's shoulder; holding

the skull of Guthlaf that steamed and stank with the hot; spiced

wine。  And I waited while Tostig should complete his ravings against

the North Dane men。  But still he raved and still I waited; till he

caught breath of fury to assail the North Dane woman。  Whereat I

remembered my North Dane mother; and saw my rage red in my eyes; and

smote him with the skull of Guthlaf; so that he was wine…drenched;

and wine…blinded; and fire…burnt。  And as he reeled unseeing;

smashing his great groping clutches through the air at me; I was in

and short…dirked him thrice in belly; thigh and buttock; than which

I could reach no higher up the mighty frame of him。

And the jarl Agard's steel was out; and his Juts joining him as he


〃A bear cub!  A bear cub!  By Odin; let the cub fight!〃

And there; under that roaring roof of Brunanbuhr; the babbling

drink…boy of the North Danes fought with mighty Lodbrog。  And when;

with one stroke; I was flung; dazed and breathless; half the length

of that great board; my flying body mowing down pots and tankards;

Lodbrog cried out command:

〃Out with him!  Fling him to the hounds!〃

But the jarl would have it no; and clapped Lodbrog on the shoulder;

and asked me as a gift of friendship。

And south I went; when the ice passed out of the fjord; in Jarl

Agard's ships。  I was made drink…boy and sword…bearer to him; and in

lieu of other name was called Ragnar Lodbrog。  Agard's country was

neighbour to the Frisians; and a sad; flat country of fog and fen it

was。  I was with him for three years; to his death; always at his

back; whether hunting swamp wolves or drinking in the great hall

where Elgiva; his young wife; often sat among her women。  I was with

Agard in south foray with his ships along what would be now the

coast of France; and there I learned that still south were warmer

seasons and softer climes and women。

But we brought back Agard wounded to death and slow…dying。  And we

burned his body on a great pyre; with Elgiva; in her golden

corselet; beside him singing。  And there were household slaves in

golden collars that burned of a plenty there with her; and nine

female thralls; and eight male slaves of the Angles that were of

gentle birth and battle…captured。  And there were live hawks so

burned; and the two hawk…boys with their birds。

But I; the drink…boy; Ragnar Lodbrog; did not burn。  I was eleven;

and unafraid; and had never worn woven cloth on my body。  And as the

flames sprang up; and Elgiva sang her death…song; and the thralls

and slaves screeched their unwillingness to die; I tore away my

fastenings; leaped; and gained the fens; the gold collar of my

slavehood still on my neck; footing it with the hounds loosed to

tear me down。

In the fens were wild men; masterless men; fled slaves; and outlaws;

who were hunted in sport as the wolves were hunted。

For three years I knew never roof nor fire; and I grew hard as the

frost; and would have stolen a woman from the Juts but that the

Frisians by mischance; in a two days' hunt; ran me down。  By them I

was looted of my gold collar and traded for two wolf…hounds to Edwy;

of the Saxons; who put an iron collar on me; and later made of me

and five other slaves a present to Athel of the East Angles。  I was

thrall and fighting man; until; lost in an unlucky raid far to the

east beyond our marches; I was sold among the Huns; and was a

swineherd until I escaped south into the great forests and was taken

in as a freeman by the Teutons; who were many; but who lived in

small tribes and drifted southward before the Hun advance。

And up from the south into the great forests came the Romans;

fighting men all; who pressed us back upon the Huns。  It was a

crushage of
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