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an enquiry concerning human understanding-第15章

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Here he is as much conscious of power to command such limbs;
as a man in perfect health is conscious of power to actuate

any member which remains in its natural state and condition。
But consciousness never deceives。 Consequently; neither in
the one case nor in the other; are we ever conscious of any
power。 We learn the influence of our will from experience
alone。 And experience only teaches us; how one event
constantly follows another; without instructing us in the
secret connexion; which binds them together; and renders
them inseparable。

     ; We learn from anatomy; that the immediate
object of power in voluntary motion; is not the member
itself which is moved; but certain muscles; and nerves; and
animal spirits; and; perhaps; something still more minute
and more unknown; through which the motion is successively
propagated; ere it reach the member itself whose motion is
the immediate object of volition。 Can there be a more
certain proof; that the power; by which this whole operation
is performed; so far from being directly and fully known by
an inward sentiment or consciousness is; to the last degree;
mysterious and unintelligible? Here the mind wills a certain
event。 Immediately another event; unknown to ourselves; and
totally different from the one intended; is produced: This
event produces another; equally unknown: Till at last;
through a long succession; the desired event is produced。
But if the original power were felt; it must be known: Were
it known; its effect also must be known; since all power is
relative to its effect。 And ; if the effect be
not known; the power cannot be known nor felt。 How indeed
can we be conscious of a power to move our limbs; when we
have no such power; but only that to move certain animal
spirits; which; though they produce at last the motion of
our limbs; yet operate in such a manner as is wholly beyond
our comprehension?

     We may; therefore; conclude from the whole; I hope;
without any temerity; though with assurance; that our idea
of power is not copied from any sentiment or consciousness
of power within ourselves; when we give rise to animal
motion; or apply our limbs to their proper use and office。
That their motion follows the command of the will is a
matter of common experience; like other natural events: But
the power or energy by which this is effected; like that in
other natural events; is unknown and inconceivable。'17'
Shall we then assert; that we are conscious of a power or
energy in our own minds; when; by an act or command of our
will; we raise up a new idea; fix the mind to the
contemplation of it; turn it on all sides; and at last
dismiss it for some other idea; when we think that we have
surveyed it with sufficient accuracy? I believe the same
arguments will prove; that even this command of the will
gives us no real idea of force or energy。

     ; It must be allowed; that; when we know a
power; we know that very circumstance in the cause; by which
it is enabled to produce the effect: For these are supposed
to be synonymous。 We must; therefore; know both the cause
and effect; and the relation between them。 But do we pretend
to be acquainted with the nature of the human soul and the
nature of an idea; or the aptitude of the one to produce the
other? This is a real creation; a production of something
out of nothing: Which implies a power so great; that it may
seem; at first sight; beyond the reach of any being; less
than infinite。 At least it must be owned; that such a power
is not felt; nor known; nor even conceivable by the mind。 We
only feel the event; namely; the existence of an idea;
consequent to a command of the will: But the manner; in
which this operation is performed; the power by which it is
produced; is entirely beyond our comprehension。

     ; The command of the mind over itself is
limited; as well as its command over the body; and these
limits are not known by reason; or any acquaintance with the
nature of cause and effect; but only by experience and
observation; as in all other natural events and in the
operation of external objects。 Our authority over our
sentiments and passions is much weaker than that over our
ideas; and even the latter authority is circumscribed within
very narrow boundaries。 Will any one pretend to assign the
ultimate reason of these boundaries; or show why the power
is deficient in one case; not in another。

     ; This self…command is very different at
different times。 A man in health possesses more of it than
one languishing with sickness。 We are more master of our
thoughts in the morning than in the evening: Fasting; than
after a full meal。 Can we give any reason for these
variations; except experience? Where then is the power; of
which we pretend to be conscious? Is there not here; either
in a spiritual or material substance; or both; some secret
mechanism or structure of parts; upon which the effect
depends; and which; being entirely unknown to us; renders
the power or energy of the will equally unknown and

     Volition is surely an act of the mind; with which we
are sufficiently acquainted。 Reflect upon it。 Consider it on
all sides。 Do you find any thing in it like this creative
power; by which it raises from nothing a new idea; and with
a kind of F/IAT; imitates the omnipotence of its Maker; if
I may be allowed so to speak; who called forth into
existence all the various scenes of nature? So far from
being conscious of this energy in the will; it requires as
certain experience as that of which we are possessed; to
convince us that such extraordinary effects do ever result
from a simple act of volition。

     The generality of mankind never find any difficulty in
accounting for the more common and familiar operations of
nature  such as the descent of heavy bodies; the growth of
plants; the generation of animals; or the nourishment of
bodies by food: But suppose that; in all these cases; they
perceive the very force or energy of the cause; by which it
is connected with its effect; and is for ever infallible in
its operation。 They acquire; by long habit; such a turn of
mind; that; upon the appearance of the cause; they
immediately expect with assurance its usual attendant; and
hardly conceive it possible that any other event could
result from it。 It is only on the discovery of extraordinary
phaenomena; such as earthquakes; pestilence; and prodigies
of any kind; that they find themselves at a loss to assign a
proper cause; and to explain the manner in which the effect
is produced by it。 It is usual for men; in such difficulties
to have recourse to some invisible intelligent principle'18'
as the immediate cause of that event which surprises them;
and which; they think; cannot be accounted for from the
common powers of nature。 But philosophers; who carry their
scrutiny a little farther; immediately perceive that; even
in the most familiar events; the energy of the cause is as
unintelligible as in the most unusual; and that we only
learn by experience the frequent C/ONJUNCTION of objects;
without being ever able to comprehend any thing like
C/ONNEXION between them。 Here; then; many philosophers
think themselves obliged by reason to have recourse; on all
occasions; to the same principle; which the vulgar never
appeal to but in cases that appear miraculous and
supernatural。 They acknowledge mind and intelligence to be;
not only the ultimate and original cause of all things; but
the immediate and sole cause of every event which appears in
nature。 They pretend that those objects which are commonly
denominated ; are in reality nothing but
; and that the true and direct principle of every
effect is not any power or force in nature; but a volition
of the Supreme Being; who wills that such particular objects
should for ever be conjoined with each other。 Instead of
saying that one billiard…ball moves another by a force which
it has derived from the author of nature; it is the Deity
himself; they say; who; by a particular volition; moves the
second ball; being determined to this operation by the
impulse of the first ball; in consequence of those general
laws which he has laid down to himself in the government of
the universe。 But philosophers advancing still in their
inquiries; discover that; as we are totally ignorant of the
power on which depends the mutual operation of bodies; we
are no less ignorant of that power on which depends the
operation of mind on body; or of body on mind; nor are we
able; either from our senses or consciousness; to assign the
ultimate principle in one case more than in the other。 The
same ignorance; therefore; reduces them to the same
conclusion。 They assert that the Deity is the immediate
cause of the union between soul and body; and that they are
not the organs of sense; which; being agitated by external
objects; produce sensations in the mind; but that it is a
particular volition of our omnipotent Maker; which excites
such a sensation; in consequence of such a motion in the
organ。 In like manner; it is not any energy in the will that
produces local motion in our membe
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