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the black robe-第74章

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told you thisStella signed a formal document; sent from Rome;

asserting that she consented of her own free will to the

separation。 She was relieved from the performance of another

formality (which I need not mention more particularly) by a

special dispensation。 Under these circumstancescommunicated to

me while Stella and I have been together in this housethe

wife's presence at the bedside of her dying husband is regarded

by the other priests at the Embassy as a scandal and a

profanation。 The kind…hearted Nuncio is blamed for having

exceeded his powers in yielding (even under protest) to the last

wishes of a dying man。 He is now in communication with Rome;

waiting for the final instructions which are to guide him。〃

〃Has Romayne seen his child?〃 I asked。

〃Stella has taken the child with her to…day。 It is doubtful in

the last degree whether the poor little boy will be allowed to

enter his father's room。 _That_ complication is even more serious

than the other。 The dying Romayne persists in his resolution to

see the child。 So completely has his way of thinking been altered

by the approach of death; and by the closing of the brilliant

prospect which was before him; that he even threatens to recant;

with his last breath; if his wishes are not complied with。 How it

will end I cannot even venture to guess。

〃Unless the merciful course taken by the Nuncio is confirmed;〃

said Lord Loring; 〃it may end in a revival of the protest of the

Catholic priests in Germany against the prohibition of marriage

to the clergy。 The movement began in Silesia in 1826; and was

followed by unions (or Leagues; as we should call them now) in

Baden; Wurtemburg; Bavaria; and Rhenish Prussia。 Later still; the

agitation spread to France and Austria。 It was only checked by a

papal bull issued in 1847; reiterating the final decision of the

famous Council of Trent in favor of the celibacy of the

priesthood。 Few people are aware that this rule has been an

institution of slow growth among the clergy of the Church of

Rome。 Even as late as the twelfth century; there were still

priests who set the prohibition of marriage at defiance。〃

I listened; as one of the many ignorant persons alluded to by

Lord Loring。 It was with difficulty that I fixed my attention on

what he was saying。 My thoughts wandered to Stella and to the

dying man。 I looked at the clock。

Lady Loring evidently shared the feeling of suspense that had got

possession of me。 She rose and walked to the window。

〃Here is the message!〃 she said; recognizing her traveling

servant as he entered the hotel door。

The man appeared; with a line written on a card。 I was requested

to present the card at the Embassy; without delay。

May 4。I am only now able to continue my record of the events of


A silent servant received me at the Embassy; looked at the card;

and led the way to an upper floor of the house。 Arrived at the

end of a long passage; he opened a door; and retired。

As I crossed the threshold Stella met me。 She took both my hands

in hers and looked at me in silence。 All that was true and good

and noble expressed itself in that look。

The interval passed; and she spokevery sadly; very quietly。

〃One more work of mercy; Bernard。 Help him to die with a heart at


She drew backand I approached him。

He reclined; propped up with pillows; in a large easy…chair; it

was the one position in which he could still breathe with

freedom。 The ashy shades of death were on his wasted face。 In the

eyes alone; as they slowly turned on me; there still glimmered

the waning light of life。 One of his arms hung down over the

chair; the other was clasped round his child; sitting on his

knee。 The boy looked at me wonderingly; as I stood by his father。

Romayne signed to me to stoop; so that I might hear him。

〃Penrose?〃 he asked; faintly whispering。 〃Dear Arthur! Not dying;

like me?〃

I quieted _that_ anxiety。 For a moment there was even the shadow

of a smile on his face; as I told him of the effort that Penrose

had vainly made to be the companion of my journey。 He asked me;

by another gesture; to bend my ear to him once more。

〃My last grateful blessing to Penrose。 And to you。 May I not say

it? You have saved Arthur〃his eyes turned toward Stella〃you

have been _her_ best friend。〃 He paused to recover his feeble

breath; looking round the large room; without a creature in it

but ourselves。 Once more the melancholy shadow of a smile passed

over his faceand vanished。 I listened; nearer to him still。

〃Christ took a child on His knee。 The priests call themselves

ministers of Christ。 They have left me; because of _this_ child;

here on my knee。 Wrong; wrong; wrong。 Winterfield; Death is a

great teacher。 I know how I have erredwhat I have lost。 Wife

and child。 How poor and barren all the rest of it looks now!〃

He was silent for a while。 Was he thi nking? No: he seemed to be

listeningand yet there was no sound in the room。 Stella;

anxiously watching him; saw the listening expression as I did。

Her face showed anxiety; but no surprise。

〃Does it torture you still?〃 she asked。

〃No;〃 he said; 〃I have never heard it plainly; since I left Rome。

It has grown fainter and fainter from that time。 It is not a

Voice now。 It is hardly a whisper: my repentance is accepted; my

release is coming。 Where is Winterfield?〃

She pointed to me。

〃I spoke of Rome just now。 What did Rome remind me of?〃 He slowly

recovered the lost recollection。 〃Tell Winterfield;〃 he whispered

to Stella; 〃what the Nuncio said when he knew that I was going to

die。 The great man reckoned up the dignities that might have been

mine if I had lived。 From my place here in the Embassy〃

〃Let me say it;〃 she gently interposed; 〃and spare your strength

for better things。 From your place in the Embassy you would have

mounted a step higher to the office of Vice…Legate。 Those duties

wisely performed; another rise to the Auditorship of the

Apostolic Chamber。 That office filled; a last step upward to the

highest rank left; the rank of a Prince of the Church。〃

〃All vanity!〃 said the dying Romayne。 He looked at his wife and

his child。 〃The true happiness was waiting for me here。 And I

only know it now。 Too late。 Too late。〃

He laid his head back on the pillow and closed his weary eyes。 We

thought he was composing himself to sleep。 Stella tried to

relieve him of the boy。 〃No;〃 he whispered; 〃I am only resting my

eyes to look at him again。〃 We waited。 The child stared at me; in

infantine curiosity。 His mother knelt at his side; and whispered

in his ear。 A bright smile irradiated his face; his clear brown

eyes sparkled; he repeated the forgotten lesson of the bygone

time; and called me once more; 〃Uncle Ber'。〃

Romayne heard it。 His heavy eyelids opened again。 〃No;〃 he said。

〃Not uncle。 Something better and dearer。 Stella; give me your


Still kneeling; she obeyed him。 He slowly raised himself on the

chair。 〃Take her hand;〃 he said to me。 I too knelt。 Her hand lay

cold in mine。 After a long interval he spoke to me。 〃Bernard

Winterfield;〃 he said; 〃love them; and help them; when I am

gone。〃 He laid his weak hand on our hands; clasped together。 〃May

God protect you! may God bless you!〃 he murmured。 〃Kiss me;


I remember no more。 As a man; I ought to have set a better

example; I ought to have preserved my self…control。 It was not to

be done。 I turned away from themand burst out crying。

The minutes passed。 Many minutes or few minutes; I don't know


A soft knock at the door aroused me。 I dashed away the useless

tears。 Stella had retired to the further end of the room。 She was

sitting by the fireside; with the child in her arms。 I withdrew

to the same part of the room; keeping far enough away not to

disturb them。

Two strangers came in and placed themselves on either side of

Romayne's chair。 He seemed to recognize them unwillingly。 From

the manner in which they examined him; I inferred that they were

medical men。 After a consultation in low tones; one of them went


He returned again almost immediately; followed by the gray…headed

gentleman whom I had noticed on the journey to Pari
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