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the man who was afraid-第55章

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fe of his body! If they only knew that each rouble they give for bread contains ninety…nine copecks' worth of poison for the soul! If they could only burst from excess of their kindness and pride; which they draw from their holy activity! There is none on earth more disgusting and repulsive than he who gives alms; even as there is none more miserable than he who accepts it!〃

Yozhov staggered about in the room like a drunken man; seized with madness; and the paper under his feet was rustling; tearing; flying in scraps。 He gnashed his teeth; shook his head; his hands waved in the air like broken wings of a bird; and altogether it seemed as though he were being boiled in a kettle of hot water。 Foma looked at him with a strange; mixed sensation; he pitied Yozhov; and at the same time he was pleased to see him suffering。

〃I am not alone; he is suffering; too;〃 thought Foma; as Yozhov spoke。 And something clashed in Yozhov's throat; like broken glass; and creaked like an unoiled hinge。

〃Poisoned by the kindness of men; I was ruined through the fatal capacity of every poor fellow during the making of his career; through the capacity of being reconciled with little in the expectation of much。 Oh! Do you know; more people perish through lack of proper self…appreciation than from consumption; and perhaps that is why the leaders of the masses serve as district inspectors!〃

〃The devil take the district inspectors!〃 said Foma; with a wave of the hand。 〃Tell me about yourself。〃

〃About myself! I am here entire!〃 exclaimed Yozhov; stopping short in the middle of the room; and striking his chest with his hands。 〃I have already accomplished all I could accomplish。 I have attained the rank of the public's entertainerand that is all I can do! To know what should be done; and not to be able to do it; not to have the strength for your workthat is torture!〃

〃That's it! Wait awhile! 〃said Foma; enthusiastically。 〃Now tell me what one should do in order to live calmly; that is; in order to be satisfied with one's self。〃

To Foma these words sounded loud; but empty; and their sounds died away without stirring any emotion in his heart; without giving rise to a single thought in his mind。

〃You must always be in love with something unattainable to you。 A man grows in height by stretching himself upwards。〃

Now that he had ceased speaking of himself; Yozhov began to talk more calmly; in a different voice。 His voice was firm and resolute; and his face assumed an expression of importance and sternness。 He stood in the centre of the room; his hand with outstretched fingers uplifted; and spoke as though he were reading:

〃Men are base because they strive for satiety。 The well…fed man is an animal because satiety is the self…contentedness of the body。 And the self…contentedness of the spirit also turns man into animal。〃

Again he started as though all his veins and muscles were suddenly strained; and again he began to run about the room in seething agitation。

〃A self…contented man is the hardened swelling on the breast of society。 He is my sworn enemy。 He fills himself up with cheap truths; with gnawed morsels of musty wisdom; and he exists like a storeroom where a stingy housewife keeps all sorts of rubbish which is absolutely unnecessary to her; and worthless。 If you touch such a man; if you open the door into him; the stench of decay will be breathed upon you; and a stream of some musty trash will be poured into the air you breathe。 These unfortunate people call themselves men of firm character; men of principles and convictions。 And no one cares to see that convictions are to them but the clothes with which they cover the beggarly nakedness of their souls。 On the narrow brows of such people there always shines the inscription so familiar to all: calmness and confidence。 What a false inscription! Just rub their foreheads with firm hand and then you will see the real sign…board; which reads: 'Narrow mindedness and weakness of soul!'〃

Foma watched Yozhov bustling about the room; and thought mournfully:

〃Whom is he abusing? I can't understand; but I can see that he has been terribly wounded。〃

〃How many such people have I seen!〃 exclaimed Yozhov; with wrath and terror。 〃How these little retail shops have multiplied in life! In them you will find calico for shrouds; and tar; candy and borax for the extermination of cockroaches; but you will not find anything fresh; hot; wholesome! You come to them with an aching soul exhausted by loneliness; you come; thirsting to hear something that has life in it。 And they offer to you some worm cud; ruminated book…thoughts; grown sour with age。 And these dry; stale thoughts are always so poor that; in order to give them expression; it is necessary to use a vast number of high…sounding and empty words。 When such a man speaks I say to myself: 'There goes a well…fed; but over…watered mare; all decorated with bells; she's carting a load of rubbish out of the town; and the miserable wretch is content with her fate。'〃

〃They are superfluous people; then;〃 said Foma。 Yozhov stopped short in front of him and said with a biting smile on his lips:

〃No; they are not superfluous; oh no! They exist as an example; to show what man ought not to be。 Speaking frankly; their proper place is the anatomical museums; where they preserve all sorts of monsters and various sickly deviations from the normal。 In life there is nothing that is superfluous; dear。 Even I am necessary! Only those people; in whose souls dwells a slavish cowardice before life; in whose bosoms there are enormous ulcers of the most abominable self…adoration; taking the places of their dead heartsonly those people are superfluous; but even they are necessary; if only for the sake of enabling me to pour my hatred upon them。〃

All day long; until evening; Yozhov was excited; venting his blasphemy on men he hated; and his words; though their contents were obscure to Foma; infected him with their evil heat; and infecting called forth in him an eager desire for combat。 At times there sprang up in him distrust of Yozhov; and in one of these moments he asked him plainly:

〃Well! And can you speak like that in the face of men?〃

〃I do it at every convenient occasion。 And every Sunday in the newspaper。 I'll read some to you if you like。〃

Without waiting for Foma's reply; he tore down from the wall a few sheets of paper; and still continuing to run about the room; began to read to him。 He roared; squeaked; laughed; showed his teeth and looked like an angry dog trying to break the chain in powerless rage。 Not grasping the ideals in his friend's creations; Foma felt their daring audacity; their biting sarcasm; their passionate malice; and he was as well pleased with them as though he had been scourged with besoms in a hot bath。

〃Clever!〃 he exclaimed; catching some separate phrase。 〃That's cleverly aimed!〃

Every now and again there flashed before him the familiar names of merchants and well…known citizens; whom Yozhov had stung; now stoutly and sharply; now respectfully and with a fine needle…like sting。

Foma's approbation; his eyes burning with satisfaction; and his excited face gave Yozhov still more inspiration; and he cried and roared ever louder and louder; now falling on the lounge from exhaustion; now jumping up again and rushing toward Foma。

〃Come; now; read about me!〃 exclaimed Foma; longing to hear it。Yozhov rummaged among a pile of papers; tore out one sheet; and holding it in both hands; stopped in front of Foma; with his legs straddled wide apart; while Foma leaned back in the broken… seated armchair and listened with a smile。

The notice about Foma started with a description of the spree on the rafts; and during the reading of the notice Foma felt that certain particular words stung him like mosquitoes。 His face became more serious; and he bent his head in gloomy silence。 And the mosquitoes went on multiplying。

〃Now that's too much! 〃said he; at length; confused and dissatisfied。 〃Surely you cannot gain the favour of God merely because you know how to disgrace a man。〃

〃Keep quiet! Wait awhile!〃 said Yozhov; curtly; and went on reading。

Having established in his article that the merchant rises beyond doubt above the representatives of other classes of society in the matter of nuisance and scandal…making; Yozhov asked: 〃Why is this so?〃 and replied:

〃It seems to me that this predilection for wild pranks comes from the lack of culture in so far as it is dependent upon the excess of energy and upon idleness。 There cannot be any doubt that our merchant class; with but few exceptions; is the healthiest and; at the same time; most inactive class。〃

〃That's true!〃 exclaimed Foma; striking the table with his fist。 〃That's true! I have the strength of a bull and do the work of a sparrow。〃

〃Where is the merchant to spend his energy? He cannot spend much of it on the Exchange; so he squanders the excess of his muscular capital in drinking…bouts in kabaky; for he has no conception of other applications of his strength; which are more productive; more valuable to life。 He is still a beast; and life has already become to him a cage; and it is too narrow for him with his splendid health and predilection for licentiousne
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