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the lost road-第76章

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saddle…sore into his inheritance。

When giving him his farewell instructions; the Secretary of State
had not attempted to deceive him。

〃Of all the smaller republics of Central America;〃 he frankly told
him; 〃Amapala is the least desirable; least civilized; least acceptable。
It offers an ambitious young diplomat no chance。  But once a minister;
always a minister。  Having lifted you out of the secretary class we can't
demote you。  Your days of deciphering cablegrams are over; and if you
don't die of fever; of boredom; or brandy; call us up in a year or two
and we will see what we can do。〃

Everett regarded the Secretary blankly。

〃Has the department no interest in Amapala?〃 he begged。  〃Is there
nothing you want there?〃

〃There is one thing we very much want;〃 returned the Secretary;
〃but we can't get it。  We want a treaty to extradite criminals。〃

The young minister laughed confidently。

〃Why!〃 he exclaimed; 〃that should be easy。〃

The Secretary smiled。

〃You have our full permission to get it;〃 he said。  〃This department;〃
he explained; 〃under three administrations has instructed four
ministers to arrange such a treaty。  The Bankers' Association wants
it; the Merchants' Protective Alliance wants it。  Amapala is the only
place within striking distance of our country where a fugitive is safe。
It is the only place where a dishonest cashier; swindler; or felon can
find refuge。  Sometimes it seems almost as though when a man planned
a crime he timed it exactly so as to catch the boat for Amapala。  And;
once there; we can't lay our hands on him; and; what's more; we can't
lay our hands on the money he takes with him。  I have no right to make
a promise;〃 said the great man; 〃but the day that treaty is signed you
can sail for a legation in Europe。  Do I make myself clear?〃

〃So clear; sir;〃 cried Everett; laughing; 〃that if I don't
arrange that treaty I will remain in Amapala until I do。〃

〃Four of your predecessors;〃 remarked the Secretary; 〃made
exactly the same promise; but none of them got us the treaty。〃

〃Probably none of them remained in Amapala; either;〃 retorted

〃Two did;〃 corrected the Secretary; 〃as you ride into Camaguay
you see their tombstones。〃

Everett found the nine…day mule…ride from the coast to the capital
arduous; but full of interest。  After a week at his post he appreciated
that until he left it and made the return journey nothing of equal
interest was again likely to occur。  For life in Camaguay; the capital
of Amapala; proved to be one long; dreamless slumber。  In the morning
each of the inhabitants engaged in a struggle to get awake; after the
second breakfast he ceased struggling; and for a siesta sank into his
hammock。  After dinner; at nine o'clock; he was prepared to sleep in
earnest; and went to bed。  The official life as explained to Everett by
Garland; the American consul; was equally monotonous。  When
President Mendoza was not in the mountains deer…hunting; or
suppressing a revolution; each Sunday he invited the American
minister to dine at the palace。  In return His Excellency expected
once a week to be invited to breakfast with the minister。  He preferred
that the activities of that gentleman should go no further。  Life in the
diplomatic circle was even less strenuous。  Everett was the doyen
of the diplomatic corps because he was the only diplomat。  All
other countries were represented by consuls who were commission
merchants and shopkeepers。  They were delighted at having among
them a minister plenipotentiary。  When he took pity on them and
invited them to tea; which invitations he delivered in person to
each consul at the door of each shop; the entire diplomatic corps;
as the consuls were pleased to describe themselves; put up the
shutters; put on their official full…dress uniforms and arrived in
a body。
The first week at his post Everett spent in reading the archives of
the legation。  They were most discouraging。  He found that for the
sixteen years prior to his arrival the only events reported to the
department by his predecessors were revolutions and the refusals
of successive presidents to consent to a treaty of extradition。  On
that point all Amapalans were in accord。  Though overnight the
government changed hands; though presidents gave way to dictators;
and dictators to military governors; the national policy of Amapala
continued to be 〃No extradition!〃  The ill success of those who had
preceded him appalled Everett。  He had promised himself by a
brilliant assault to secure the treaty and claim the legation in
Europe。  But the record of sixteen years of failure caused him
to alter his strategy。  Instead of an attack he prepared for a siege。
He unpacked his books; placed the portrait of his own President
over the office desk; and proceeded to make friends with his fellow

Of the foreign colony in Camaguay some fifty were Americans; and
from the rest of the world they were as hopelessly separated as the
crew of a light…ship。  From the Pacific they were cut off by the
Cordilleras; from the Caribbean by a nine…day mule…ride。  To the
north and south; jungle; forests; swamp…lands; and mountains
hemmed them in。

Of the fifty Americans; one…half were constantly on the trail;
riding to the coast to visit their plantations; or into the mountains
to inspect their mines。  When Everett arrived; of those absent
the two most important were Chester Ward and Colonel Goddard。
Indeed; so important were these gentlemen that Everett was made
to understand that; until they approved; his recognition as the
American minister was in a manner temporary。

Chester Ward; or 〃Chet;〃 as the exiles referred to him; was one of
the richest men in Amapala; and was engaged in exploring the ruins
of the lost city of Cobre; which was a one…hour ride from the capital。
Ward possessed the exclusive right to excavate that buried city and
had held it against all comers。  The offers of American universities;
of archaeological and geographical societies that also wished to dig
up the ancient city and decipher the hieroglyphs on her walls; were
met with a curt rebuff。  That work; the government of Amapala would
reply; was in the trained hands of Senor Chester Ward。  In his chosen
effort the government would not disturb him; nor would it permit others
coming in at the eleventh hour to rob him of his glory。  This Everett
learned from the consul; Garland。

〃Ward and Colonel Goddard;〃 the consul explained; 〃are two of
five countrymen of ours who run the American colony; and; some
say; run the government。  The others are Mellen; who has the
asphalt monopoly; Jackson; who is building the railroads; and
Major Feiberger; of the San Jose silver…mines。  They hold
monopolies and pay President Mendoza ten per cent of the
earnings; and; on the side; help him run the country。  Of the
five; the Amapalans love Goddard best; because he's not trying
to rob them。  Instead; he wants to boost Amapala。  His ideas are
perfectly impracticable; but he doesn't know that; and neither do
they。  He's a kind of Colonel Mulberry Sellers and a Southerner。
Not the professional sort; that fight elevator…boys because they're
colored; and let off rebel yells in rathskellers when a Hungarian
band plays 'Dixie;' but the sort you read about and so seldom see。
He was once State Treasurer of Alabama。〃

〃What's he doing down here?〃 asked the minister。

〃Never the same thing two months together;〃 the consul told him;
〃railroads; mines; rubber。  He says all Amapala needs is developing。〃

As men who can see a joke even when it is against themselves; the
two exiles smiled ruefully。

〃That's all it needs;〃 said Everett。

For a moment the consul regarded him thoughtfully。

〃I might as well tell you;〃 he said; 〃you'll learn it soon enough
anyway; that the men who will keep you from getting your treaty
are these five; especially old man Goddard and Ward。〃

Everett exclaimed indignantly:

〃Why should they interfere?〃

〃Because;〃 explained the consul; 〃they are fugitives from justice;
and they don't want to go home。  Ward is wanted for forgery or
some polite crime; I don't know which。  And Colonel Goddard
for appropriating the State funds of Alabama。  Ward knew what
he was doing and made a lot out of it。  He's still rich。  No one's
weeping over him。  Goddard's case is different。  He was imposed
on and made a catspaw。  When he was State treasurer the men
who appointed him came to him one night and said they must
have some of the State's funds to show a bank examiner in the
morning。  They appealed to him on the ground of friendship; as
the men who'd given him his job。  They would return the money
the next evening。  Goddard believed they would。  They didn't;
and when some one called for a show…down the colonel was shy
about fifty thousand dollars of the State's money。  He lost his head;
took the boat out of Mobile to Porto Cortez; and hid here。  He's
been here twenty years and all the Amapalans love him。  He's the
adopted father of their country。  They're so afraid he'll be taken
back and punished that they'll never consent to an extradition
treaty even if the other Americans; Mellen; Jackson; and Feiberger;
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