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in darkest england and the way out-第3章

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tanley said: 

〃When I once stopped him to ask him his name; his face seemed to say; 'Please don't stop me。  I must finish my task。'

〃All alike; the baboon variety and the handsome innocents; are cannibals。  They are possessed with a perfect mania for meat。  We were obliged to bury our dead in the river; lest the bodies should be exhumed and eaten; even when they had died from smallpox。〃

Upon the pygmies and all the dwellers of the forest has descended a devastating visitation in the shape of the ivory raiders of civilisation。  The race that wrote the Arabian Nights; built Bagdad and Granada; and invented Algebra; sends forth men with the hunger for gold in their hearts; and Enfield muskets in their hands; to plunder and to slay。  They exploit the domestic affections of the forest dwellers in order to strip them of all they possess in the world。  That has been going on for years。  It is going on to…day。  It has come to be regarded as the natural and normal law of existence。  Of the religion of these hunted pygmies Mr。 Stanley tells us nothing; perhaps because there is nothing to tell。  But an earlier traveller; Dr。 Kraff; says that one of these tribes; by name Doko; had some notion of a Supreme Being; to whom; under the name of Yer; they sometimes addressed prayers in moments of sadness or terror。  In these prayers they say; 〃Oh Yer; if Thou dost really exist why dost Thou let us be slaves?  We ask not for food or clothing; for we live on snakes; ants; and mice。  Thou hast made us; wherefore dost Thou let us be trodden down?〃

It is a terrible picture; and one that has engraved itself deep on the heart of civilisation。  But while brooding over the awful presentation of life as it exists in the vast African forest; it seemed to me only too vivid a picture of many parts of our own land。  As there is a darkest Africa is there not also a darkest England?  Civilisation; which can breed its own barbarians; does it not also breed its own pygmies?  May we not find a parallel at our own doors; and discover within a stone's throw of our cathedrals and palaces similar horrors to those which Stanley has found existing in the great Equatorial forest?

The more the mind dwells upon the subject; the closer the analogy appears。  The ivory raiders who brutally traffic in the unfortunate denizens of the forest glades; what are they but the publicans who flourish on the weakness of our poor?  The two tribes of savages the human baboon and the handsome dwarf; who will not speak lest it impede him in his task; may be accepted as the two varieties who are continually present with usthe vicious; lazy lout; and the toiling slave。  They; too; have lost all faith of life being other than it is and has been。  As in Africa; it is all trees trees; trees with no other world conceivable; so is it hereit is all vice and poverty and crime。  To many the world is all slum; with the Workhouse as an intermediate purgatory before the grave。  And just as Mr。 Stanley's Zanzibaris lost faith; and could only be induced to plod on in brooding sullenness of dull despair; so the most of our social reformers; no matter how cheerily they may have started off; with forty pioneers swinging blithely their axes as they force their way in to the wood; soon become depressed and despairing。  Who can battle against the ten thousand million trees?  Who can hope to make headway against the innumerable adverse conditions which doom the dweller in Darkest England to eternal and immutable misery?  What wonder is it that many of the warmest hearts and enthusiastic workers feel disposed to repeat the lament of the old English chronicler; who; speaking of the evil days which fell upon our forefathers in the reign of Stephen; said 〃It seemed to them as if God and his Saints were dead。〃

An analogy is as good as a suggestion; it becomes wearisome when it is pressed too far。  But before leaving it; think for a moment how close the parallel is; and how strange it is that so much interest should be excited by a narrative of human squalor and human heroism in a distant continent; while greater squalor and heroism not less magnificent may be observed at our very doors。

The Equatorial Forest traversed by Stanley resembles that Darkest England of which I have to speak; alike in its vast extentboth stretch; in Stanley's phrase; 〃as far as from Plymouth to Peterhead;〃 its monotonous darkness; its malaria and its gloom; its dwarfish de…humanized inhabitants; the slavery to which they are subjected; their privations and their misery。  That which sickens the stoutest heart; and causes many of our bravest and best to fold their hands in despair; is the apparent impossibility of doing more than merely to peck at the outside of the endless tangle of monotonous undergrowth; to let light into it; to make a road clear through it; that shall not be immediately choked up by the ooze of the morass and the luxuriant parasitical growth of the forestwho dare hope for that? At present; alas; it would seem as though no one dares even to hope! It is the great Slough of Despond of our time。

And what a slough it is no man can gauge who has not waded therein; as some of us have done; up to the very neck for long years。  Talk about Dante's Hell; and all the horrors and cruelties of the torture…chamber of the lost!  The man who walks with open eyes and with bleeding heart through the shambles of our civilisation needs no such fantastic images of the poet to teach him horror。  Often and often; when I have seen the young and the poor and the helpless go down before my eyes into the morass; trampled underfoot by beasts of prey in human shape that haunt these regions; it seemed as if God were no longer in His world; but that in His stead reigned a fiend; merciless as Hell; ruthless as the grave。  Hard it is; no doubt; to read in Stanley's pages of the slave…traders coldly arranging for the surprise of a village; the capture of the inhabitants; the massacre of those who resist; and the violation of all the women; but the stony streets of London; if they could but speak; would tell of tragedies as awful; of ruin as complete; of ravishments as horrible; as if we were in Central Africa; only the ghastly devastation is covered; corpselike; with the artificialities and hypocrisies of modern civilisation。

The lot of a negress in the Equatorial Forest is not; perhaps; a very happy one; but is it so very much worse than that of many a pretty orphan girl in our Christian capital?  We talk about the brutalities of the dark ages; and we profess to shudder as we read in books of the shameful exaction of the rights of feudal superior。  And yet here; beneath our very eyes; in our theatres; in our restaurants; and in many other places; unspeakable though it be but to name it; the same hideous abuse flourishes unchecked。  A young penniless girl; if she be pretty; is often hunted from pillar to post by her employers; confronted always by the alternativeStarve or Sin。  And when once the poor girl has consented to buy the right to earn her living by the sacrifice of her virtue; then she is treated as a slave and an outcast by the very men who have ruined her。  Her word becomes unbelievable; her life an ignominy; and she is swept downward ever downward; into the bottomless perdition of prostitution。  But there; even in the lowest depths; excommunicated by Humanity and outcast from God; she is far nearer the pitying heart of the One true Saviour than all the men who forced her down; aye; and than all the Pharisees and Scribes who stand silently by while these Fiendish wrongs are perpetrated before their very eyes。

The blood boils with impotent rage at the sight of these enormities; callously inflicted; and silently borne by these miserable victims。 Nor is it only women who are the victims; although their fate is the most tragic。  Those firms which reduce sweating to a fine art; who systematically and deliberately defraud the workman of his pay; who grind the faces of the poor; and who rob the widow and the orphan; and who for a pretence make great professions of public spirit and philanthropy; these men nowadays are sent to Parliament to make laws for the people。  The old prophets sent them to Hellbut we have changed all that。  They send their victims to Hell; and are rewarded by all that wealth can do to make their lives comfortable。  Read the House of Lords' Report on the Sweating System; and ask if any African slave system; making due allowance for the superior civilisation; and therefore sensitiveness; of the victims; reveals more misery。

Darkest England; like Darkest Africa; reeks with malaria。  The foul and fetid breath of our slums is almost as poisonous as that of the African swamp。  Fever is almost as chronic there as on the Equator。  Every year thousands of children are killed off by what is called defects of our sanitary system。  They are in reality starved and poisoned; and all that can be said is that; in many cases; it is better for them that they were taken away from the trouble to come。

Just as in Darkest Africa it is only a part of the evil and misery that comes from the superior race who invade the forest to enslave and massacre its miserable inhabitants; so with us; much of the misery of those whose lot we ar
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