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in darkest england and the way out-第77章

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hey looked upon him with suspicion as one sent to worm out of them the secret of the murder recently committed。  He was consequently treated with coldness; and worse than that。  On one occasion the outline of his grave was cut out of the pasture near his dwelling; and he carried his life in his hand。  After a time; however; he won the confidence of these men; rendered savage as they had been by ill…treatment。

〃The farm was let by Mr。 Vandeleur at a fixed rent; to be paid in fixed quantities of farm produce; which; at the prices ruling in 1830…31; would bring in #900; which included interest on buildings; machinery; and live stock provided by Mr。 Vandeleur。  The rent alone was #700。 As the farm consisted of 618 acres; only 268 of which were under tillage; this rent was a very high onea fact which was acknowledged by the landlord。  All profits after payment of rent and interest belonged to the members; divisible at the end of the year if desired。 They started a co…operative store to supply themselves with food and clothing; and the estate was managed by a committee of the members; who paid every male and female member wages for their labour in labour notes which were exchangeable at the store for goods or cash。 Intoxicating drink or tobacco were prohibited。  The committee each day allotted each man his duties。  The members worked the land partly as kitchen garden and fruit orchards; and partly as dairy farm; stall feeding being encouraged and root crops grown for the cattle。  Pigs; poultry; &c。; were reared。  Wages at the time were only 8d per day for men and 5d。 for women; and the members were paid at these rates。 Yet; as they lived chiefly on potatoes and milk produced on the farm; which; as well as mutton and pork; were sold to them at extremely low prices; they saved money or rather notes。  Their health and appearance quickly improved; so much so that; with disease raging round them; there was no case of death or serious illness among them while the experiment lasted。  The single men lived together in a large building; and the families in cottages。  Assisted by Mrs。 Craig; the secretary carried out the most enlightened system of education for the young; those old enough being alternately employed on the farm and in the school。  Sanitary arrangements were in a high state of perfection; and physical and moral training were most carefully attended to。  In respect of these and other social arrangements; Mr。 Craig was a man much before his time; and he has since made himself a name in connection with their application in various parts of the country。

〃The 'New System;' as the Ralahine experiment was called; though at first regarded with suspicion and derision; quickly gained favour in the district; so that before long outsiders were extremely anxious to become members of the association。  In January; 1832; the community consisted of fifty adults and seventeen children。  The total number afterwards increased to eighty…one。  Everything was prosperous; and the members of the association were not only benefitted themselves; but their improvement exercised a beneficent influence upon the people in their neighbourhood。  It was hoped that other landlords would imitate the excellent example of Mr。 Vandeleur; especially as his experiment was one profitable to himself; as well as calculated to produce peace and contentment in disturbed Ireland。  Just when these hopes were raised to their highest degree of expectancy; the happy community at Ralahine was broken up through the ruin and flight of Mr。 Vandeleur; who had lost his property by gambling。  Everything was sold off; and the labour notes saved by the members would have been worthless had not Mr。 Craig; with noble self…sacrifice; redeemed them out of his own pocket。

〃We have given but a very scanty description of the system pursued at Ralahine。  The arrangements were in most respects admirable; and reflected the greatest credit upon Mr。 Craig as an organiser and administrator。  To his wisdom; energy; tact; and forbearance the success of his experiment was in great measure due; and it is greatly to be regretted that he was not in a position to repeat the attempt under more favourable circumstances。〃  (〃History of a Co…operative Farm。〃)


FORTY…FIVE YEARS AGO。  Inserted at the earnest request of a friend; who was struck by the coincidence of some ideas; similar to those of this volume; set forth so long ago; but as yet remaining unrealised; and which I had never read。


〃A Prime Minister; even here in England; who shall dare believe the heavenly omens; and address himself like a man and hero to the great dumb…struggling heart of England; and speak out for it; and act out for it; the God's…justice it is writhing to get uttered and perishing for want ofyes; he too will see awaken round him; in passionate; burning; all…defiant loyalty; the heart of England; and such a 'support' as no Division…List or Parliamentary Majority was ever yet known to yield a man!  Here as there; now as then; he who can and dare trust the heavenly Immensities; all earthly Localities are subject to him。  We will pray for such a man and First…Lord;yes; and far better; we will strive and incessantly make ready; each of us; to be worthy to serve and second such a First…Lord!  We shall then be as good as sure of his arriving; sure of many things; let him arrive or not。

〃Who can despair of Governments that passes a Soldier's Guard…house; or meets a red…coated man on the streets?  That a body of men could be got together to kill other men when you bade them:  this; a priori; does it not seem one of the impossiblest things?  Yet look; behold it:  in the stolidest of Do…nothing Governments; that impossibility is a thing done。〃(Carlyle; 〃Past and Present;〃 page 223。)

〃Strange; interesting; and yet most mournful to reflect on。  Was this; then; of all the things mankind had some talent for; the one thing important to learn well; and bring to perfection; this of successfully killing one another?  Truly; you have learned it well; and carried the business to a high perfection。  It is incalculable what; by arranging; commanding; and regimenting you can make of men。  These thousand straight…standing; firm…set individuals; who shoulder arms; who march; wheel; advance; retreat; and are; for your behoof a magazine charged with fiery death; in the most perfect condition of potential activity。 Few months ago; till the persuasive sergeant came; what were they? Multiform ragged losels; runaway apprentices; starved weavers thievish valets; an entirely broken population; fast tending towards the treadmill。  But the persuasive sergeant came; by tap of drum enlisted; or formed lists of them; took heartily to drilling them; and he and you have made them this!  Most potent effectual for all work whatsoever; is wise planning; firm; combining; and commanding among men。  Let no man despair of Governments who looks on these two sentries at the Horse Guards and our United Service clubs。  I could conceive an Emigration Service; a Teaching Service; considerable varieties of United and Separate Services; of the due thousands strong; all effective as this Fighting Service is; all doing their work like itwhich work; much more than fighting; is henceforth the necessity of these new ages we are got into!  Much lies among us; convulsively; nigh desperately; struggling to be born。〃(〃Past and Present;〃 page 224。)

〃It was well; all this; we know; and yet it was not well。 Forty soldiers; I am told; will disperse the largest Spitalfields mob; forty to ten thousand; that is the proportion between drilled and undrilled。  Much there is which cannot yet be organised in this world; but somewhat also which cansomewhat also which must。  When one thinks; for example; what books are become and becoming for us; what operative Lancashires are become; what a Fourth Estate and innumerable virtualities not yet got to be actualities are become and becoming; one sees organisms enough in the dim huge future; and 'United Services' quite other than the redcoat one; and much; even in these years; struggling to be born!〃(〃Past and Present;〃 page 226。)

〃An effective 'Teaching Service;' I do consider that there must be; some education secretary; captain…general of teachers; who will actually contrive to get us taught。  Then again; why should there not be an 'Emigration Service;' and secretary with adjuncts; with funds; forces; idle navy ships; and ever…increasing apparatus; in fine an effective system of emigration; so that at length before our twenty years of respite ended; every honest willing workman who found England too strait; and the 'organisation of labour' not yet sufficiently advanced; might find likewise a bridge built to carry him into new western lands; there to 'organise' with more elbow room some labour for himself?  There to be a real blessing; raising new corn for us; purchasing new webs and hatchets from us; leaving us at least in peace; instead of staying here to be a physical…force Chartist; unblessed and no blessing! Is it not scandalous to consider that a Prime Minister could raise within the year; as I have seen it done; a hundred and twenty millions sterling t
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