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Conroy's eyes fresh in his mind。
〃I got him in a deal across the line;〃 he said。 〃I was told he came from
east Oregon。 But last night; when he piloted us straight to your corral
gate; I guessed he'd been here before。 He's yours; all right; if you say
〃Uh course he ain't worth such a pile uh money; apologized Rodway; 〃but the
kids thought a heap of him。 I'd rather locate some of the horses that was
with himor the man yuh got him of。 They was some mighty good horses run
out uh this country then; but they was all out on the range; so we didn't
miss 'em in time to do any good。 Do yu know who took 'em across the line?〃
〃No;〃 said Rowdy deliberately。 〃The man I got Chub from went north; and I
heard he got killed。 I don't know of any other in the deal。〃
Rodway grunted; and Vaughan began vigorously brushing Dixie's roughened
coat。 〃If you don't mind;〃 he said; after a minute; 〃I'd like to borrow Chub
to pack my bed over to the Cross L。 I can bring him back again。〃
〃Why; sure!〃 assented Rodway eagerly。 〃I hate to take him from yuh; but the
〃Oh; that's all right;〃 interrupted Rowdy cheerfully。 〃It's all in the game;
and I should 'a' looked up his pedigree; for I knew。 Anyway; was worth the
price of him to have him along last night。 We'd have milled around till
daylight; I guess; only for him。〃
〃That's what;〃 agreed Rodway。 〃Jessie's horse is one she brought from home
lately; and he ain't located yet; I dunno as he'd 'a' piloted her home。
Billythat's what the kids named himwas born and raised here; yuh see。
I'll bet he's glad to get backand the kids'll be plumb wild。〃
Rowdy did not answer; there seemed nothing in particular to say; and he was
wondering if he would see Miss Conroy before he left。 She had not eaten
breakfast with the others; from their manner; he judged that no one expected
her to。 He was not well informed upon the subject of schoolma'ams; but he
had a hazy impression that late rising was a distinguishing
characteristicand he did not know how late。 He saddled leisurely; and
packed his bed for the last time upon Chub。 The red…and…yellow Navajo
blanket he folded tenderly; with an unconscious smile for the service it had
done; and laid it in its accustomed place in the bed。 Then; having no
plausible excuse for going back to the house; he mounted and rode away into
the brilliant white world; watching wistfully the house from the tail of his
She might have got up in time to see him off; he thought discontentedly; but
he supposed one cowpuncher more or less made little difference to her。
Anyway; he didn't know as he had any license to moon around her。 She
probably had a fellow; she might even be engaged; for all he knew。 Andshe
was Harry Conroy's sister; and from his experience with the breed; good
looks didn't count for anything。 Harry was good…looking; and he was a snake;
if ever there was one。 He had never expected to lie for himbut he
had done it; all right and because Harry's sister happened to have nice
eyes and a pretty little foot!
He had half a mind to go back and tell Rodway all he knew about those
horses; it was only a matter of time; anyway; till Harry Conroy overshot the
mark and got what was coming to him。 He sure didn't owe Harry anything; that
he had need to shield him like he had done。 Still; Rodway would wonder why
he hadn't told it at first; and that little girl believed in Harry; and said
he was 〃splendid!〃 Humph! He wondered if she really meant that。 If she
He squared his back to the houseand the memory of Miss Conroy's eyesand
plodded across the field to the gate。 Now the sun was shining; and there was
no possibility of getting lost。 The way to the Cross L lay straight and
plain before him。
Rowdy rode leisurely up over the crest of a ridge beyond which lay the home
ranch of the Cross L。 Whether it was henceforth to be his home he had yet to
discoverthough there was reason for hoping that it would be。 Even so
venturesome a man as Rowdy Vaughan would scarce ride a long hundred miles
through unpeopled prairie; in the tricky month of March; without some reason
for expecting a welcome at the end of his journey。 In this case; a previous
acquaintance with 〃Wooden Shoes〃 Mielke; foreman of the Cross L; was Rowdy's
trump…card。 Wooden Shoes; whenever chance had brought them together in the
last two or three years; was ever urging Rowdy to come over and unroll his
soogans in the Cross L bed…tent; and promising the best string in the outfit
to ridebesides other things alluring to a cow…puncher。 So that; when his
relations with the Horseshoe Bar became strained; Rowdy remembered his
friend of the Cross L and the promises; and had drifted south。
Just now he hoped that Wooden Shoes would be home to greet him; and his eyes
searched wishfully the huddle of low…eaved cabins and the assortment of
sheds and corrals for the bulky form of the foreman。 But no one seemed to be
aboutexcept a bigbodied; bandy…legged individual; who appeared to be
playfully chasing a big; bright bay stallion inside the large enclosure
where stood the cabins。
Rowdy watched them impersonally; a glance proved that the man was not Wooden
Shoes; and so he was not particularly interested in him or his doings。 It
did occur to him; however; that if the fellow wanted to catch that brute; he
ought to have sense enough to get a horse。 No one but a plumb idiot would
mill around in that snow afoot。 He jogged down the slope at a shuffling
trot; grinning tolerantly at the pantomime below。
He of the bandy…legs stopped; evidently out of breath; the stallion stopped
also; snorting defiance。 Rowdy heard him plainly; even at that distance。 The
horse arched his neck and watched the man warily; ready to be off at the
first symptom of hostilitiesand Rowdy observed that a short rope hung from
his halter; swaying as he moved。
Bandy…legs seemed to have an idea; he turned and scuttled to the nearest
cabin; returning with what seemed a basin of oats; for he shook it
enticingly and edged cautiously toward the horse。 Rowdy could imagine him
coaxing; with hypocritically endearing names; such as 〃Good old boy!〃 and
〃Steady now; Billy〃or whatever the horse's name might be。 Rowdy chuckled
to himself; and hoped the horse saw through the subterfuge。
Perhaps the horse chuckled also; at any rate; he stood quite still; equally
prepared to bounce away on the instant or to don the mask of docility。
Bandy…legs drew nearer and nearer; shaking the basin briskly; like an old
woman sifting meal。 The horse waited; his nostrils quivering hungrily at the
smell of the oats; and with an occasional low nicker。
Bandy…legs went on tiptoesor as nearly as he could in the snowthe basin
at arm's length before。 The dainty; flaring nostrils sniffed tentatively;
dipped into the basin; and snuffed the oats about luxuriouslytill he felt
a stealthy hand seize the dangling rope。 At the touch he snorted protest;
and was off and away; upsetting Bandy…legs and the basin ignominiously into
a high…piled drift。
Bandy…legs sat up; scraped the snow out of his collar and his ears; and
swore。 It was then that Rowdy appeared like an angel of deliverance。
〃Want that horse caught?〃 he yelled cheerfully。
Bandy…legs lifted up his voice and bellowed things I should not like to
repeat verbatim。 But Rowdy gathered that the man emphatically did want that
so…and…so…and…then…some horse caught; and that it couldn't be done a blessed
minute too soon。 Whereat Rowdy smiled anew; with his face discreetly turned
away from Bandy…legs; and took down his rope and widened the loop。 Also; he
turned Chub loose。
The stallion evidently sensed what new danger threatened his stolen freedom;
and circled the yard with high; springy strides。 Rowdy circled after; saw
his chance; swirled the loop twice over his head; and hazarded a long throw。
Rowdy knew it for pure good luck that it landed right; but to this day
Bandy…legs looks upon him as a Wonder with a ropeand Bandy…legs would
insist upon the capital。
〃Where shall I take him?〃 Rowdy asked; coming up with his captive; and with
nothing but his eyes to show how he was laughing inwardly。
Bandy…legs crawled from the drift; still scraping snow from inside his
collar; and gave many directions about going through a certain gate into
such…and…such a corral; from there into a stable; and by seeming devious
ways into a minutely described stall。
〃All right;〃 said Rowdy; cutting short the last needless details。 〃I guess I
can find the trail;〃 and started off; leading the stallion。 Bandy…legs
followed; and Chub; observing the departure of Dixie; ambled faithfully in
the rear。
〃Much obliged;〃 conceded Bandy…legs; when the stallion was safely housed and
tied securely。 〃Where yuh headed for; young man?〃
〃Right here;〃 Rowdy told him calmly; loosening Dixie's cinch。 〃I'm the
long…lost top hand that the Cross L's been watching the sky…line for; lo!
these many moons; a…yearning for the privilege of handing me forty plunks
about twice as fast as I've got 'em coming。 Where's the boss?〃
〃ErI'm him;〃 confessed Bandy…legs meekly; and circled the two dubiously。
〃I guess you've heard uh Eagle Creek SmithI'm him。 The Cross L belon