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Palace of the Alhambra。
TO THE traveller imbued with a feeling for the historical and
poetical; so inseparably intertwined in the annals of romantic
Spain; the Alhambra is as much an object of devotion as is the Caaba
to all true Moslems。 How many legends and traditions; true and
fabulous; how many songs and ballads; Arabian and Spanish; of love and
war and chivalry; are associated with this oriental pile! It was the
royal abode of the Moorish kings; where; surrounded with the splendors
and refinements of Asiatic luxury; they held dominion over what they
vaunted as a terrestrial paradise; and made their last stand for
empire in Spain。 The royal palace forms but a part of a fortress;
the walls of which; studded with towers; stretch irregularly round the
whole crest of a hill; a spur of the Sierra Nevada or Snowy Mountains;
and overlook the city; externally it is a rude congregation of
towers and battlements; with no regularity of plan nor grace of
architecture; and giving little promise of the grace and beauty
which prevail within。
In the time of the Moors the fortress was capable of containing
within its outward precincts an army of forty thousand men; and served
occasionally as a strong…hold of the sovereigns against their
rebellious subjects。 After the kingdom had passed into the hands of
the Christians; the Alhambra continued to be a royal demesne; and
was occasionally inhabited by the Castilian monarchs。 The emperor
Charles V commenced a sumptuous palace within its walls; but was
deterred from completing it by repeated shocks of earthquakes。 The
last royal residents were Philip V and his beautiful queen; Elizabetta
of Parma; early in the eighteenth century。 Great preparations were
made for their reception。 The palace and gardens were placed in a
state of repair; and a new suite of apartments erected; and
decorated by artists brought from Italy。 The sojourn of the sovereigns
was transient; and after their departure the palace once more became
desolate。 Still the place was maintained with some military state。 The
governor held it immediately from the crown; its jurisdiction extended
down into the suburbs of the city; and was independent of the
captain…general of Granada。 A considerable garrison was kept up; the
governor had his apartments in the front of the old Moorish palace;
and never descended into Granada without some military parade。 The
fortress; in fact; was a little town of itself; having several streets
of houses within its walls; together with a Franciscan convent and a
parochial church。
The desertion of the court; however; was a fatal blow to the
Alhambra。 Its beautiful halls became desolate; and some of them fell
to ruin; the gardens were destroyed; and the fountains ceased to play。
By degrees the dwellings became filled with a loose and lawless
population; contrabandistas; who availed themselves of its independent
jurisdiction to carry on a wide and daring course of smuggling; and
thieves and rogues of all sorts; who made this their place of refuge
whence they might depredate upon Granada and its vicinity。 The
strong arm of government at length interfered; the whole community was
thoroughly sifted; none were suffered to remain but such as were of
honest character; and had legitimate right to a residence; the greater
part of the houses were demolished and a mere hamlet left; with the
parochial church and the Franciscan convent。 During the recent
troubles in Spain; when Granada was in the hands of the French; the
Alhambra was garrisoned by their troops; and the palace was
occasionally inhabited by the French commander。 With that
enlightened taste which has ever distinguished the French nation in
their conquests; this monument of Moorish elegance and grandeur was
rescued from the absolute ruin and desolation that were overwhelming
it。 The roofs were repaired; the saloons and galleries protected
from the weather; the gardens cultivated; the watercourses restored;
the fountains once more made to throw up their sparkling showers;
and Spain may thank her invaders for having preserved to her the
most beautiful and interesting of her historical monuments。
On the departure of the French they blew up several towers of the
outer wall; and left the fortifications scarcely tenable。 Since that
time the military importance of the post is at an end。 The garrison is
a handful of invalid soldiers; whose principal duty is to guard some
of the outer towers; which serve occasionally as a prison of state;
and the governor; abandoning the lofty hill of the Alhambra; resides
in the centre of Granada; for the more convenient dispatch of his
official duties。 I cannot conclude this brief notice of the state of
the fortress without bearing testimony to the honorable exertions of
its present commander; Don Francisco de Serna; who is tasking all
the limited resources at his command to put the palace in a state of
repair; and by his judicious precautions; has for some time arrested
its too certain decay。 Had his predecessors discharged the duties of
their station with equal fidelity; the Alhambra might yet have
remained in almost its pristine beauty: were government to second
him with means equal to his zeal; this relic of it might still be
preserved for many generations to adorn the land; and attract the
curious and enlightened of every clime。
Our first object of course; on the morning after our arrival; was
a visit to this time…honored edifice; it has been so often; however;
and so minutely described by travellers; that I shall not undertake to
give a comprehensive and elaborate account of it; but merely
occasional sketches of parts with the incidents and associations
connected with them。
Leaving our posada; and traversing the renowned square of the
Vivarrambla; once the scene of Moorish jousts and tournaments; now a
crowded market…place; we proceeded along the Zacatin; the main
street of what; in the time of the Moors; was the Great Bazaar; and
where small shops and narrow alleys still retain the oriental
character。 Crossing an open place in front of the palace of the
captain…general; we ascended a confined and winding street; the name
of which reminded us of the chivalric days of Granada。 It is called
the Calle or street of the Gomeres; from a Moorish family famous in
chronicle and song。 This street led up to the Puerta de las
Granadas; a massive gateway of Grecian architecture; built by
Charles V; forming the entrance to the domains of the Alhambra。
At the gate were two or three ragged superannuated soldiers;
dozing on a stone bench; the successors of the Zegris and the
Abencerrages; while a tall; meagre varlet; whose rusty…brown cloak was
evidently intended to conceal the ragged state of his nether garments;
was lounging in the sunshine and gossiping with an ancient sentinel on
duty。 He joined us as we entered the gate; and offered his services to
show us the fortress。
I have a traveller's dislike to officious ciceroni; and did not
altogether like the garb of the applicant。
〃You are well acquainted with the place; I presume?〃
〃Ninguno mas; pues senor; soy hijo de la Alhambra。〃… (〃Nobody
better; in fact; sir; I am a son of the Alhambra!〃)
The common Spaniards have certainly a most poetical way of
expressing themselves。 〃A son of the Alhambra!〃… the appellation
caught me at once; the very tattered garb of my new acquaintance
assumed a dignity in my eyes。 It was emblematic of the fortunes of the
place; and befitted the progeny of a ruin。
I put some farther questions to him; and found that his title was
legitimate。 His family had lived in the fortress from generation to
generation ever since the time of the conquest。 His name was Mateo
Ximenes。 〃Then; perhaps;〃 said I; 〃you may be a descendant from the
great Cardinal Ximenes?〃… 〃Dios sabe! God knows; senor! It may be
so。 We are the oldest family in the Alhambra… Cristianos viejos; old
Christians; without any taint of Moor or Jew。 I know we belong to some
great family or other; but I forget whom。 My father knows all about
it: he has the coat…of…arms hanging up in his cottage; up in the
fortress。〃… There is not any Spaniard; however poor; but has some
claim to high pedigree。 The first title of this ragged worthy;
however; had completely captivated me; so I gladly accepted the
services of the 〃son of the Alhambra。〃
We now found ourselves in a deep narrow ravine; filled with
beautiful groves; with a steep avenue; and various footpaths winding
through it; bordered with stone seats; and ornamented with
fountains。 To our left; we beheld the towers of the Alhambra
beetling above us; to our right; on the opposite side of the ravine;
we were equally dominated by rival towers on a rocky eminence。
These; we were told; were the Torres Vermejos; or vermilion towers; so
called from their ruddy hue。 No one knows their origin。 They are of
a date much anteri