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还乡The Return Of The Native-第87章

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The manding elevation of Rainbarrow had been chosen for two reasons: first; that it occupied a central position among the remote cottages around; secondly; that the preacher thereon could be seen from all adjacent points as soon as he arrived at his post; the view of him being thus a convenient signal to those stragglers who wished to draw near。  The speaker was bareheaded; and the breeze at each waft gently lifted and lowered his hair; somewhat too thin for a man of his years; these still numbering less than thirty…three。  He wore a shade over his eyes; and his face was pensive and lined; but; though these bodily features were marked with decay there was no defect in the tones of his voice; which were rich; musical; and stirring。  He stated that his discourses to people were to be sometimes secular; and sometimes religious; but never dogmatic; and that his texts would be taken from all kinds of books。  This afternoon the words were as follows:
“’And the king rose up to meet her; and bowed himself unto her; and sat down on his throne; and caused a seat to be set for the king’s mother; and she sat on his right hand。  Then she said; I desire one small petition of thee;
I pray thee say me not nay。  And the king said unto her; Ask; on; my mother: for I will not say thee nay。’”

Yeobright had; in fact; found his vocation in the career of an itinerant open…air preacher and lecturer on morally unimpeachable subjects; and from this day he laboured incessantly in that office; speaking not only in simple language on Rainbarrow and in the hamlets round; but in a more cultivated strain elsewhere—from the steps and porticoes of town halls; from market…crosses; from conduits; on esplanades and on wharves; from the parapets of bridges; in barns and outhouses; and all other such places in the neighbouring Wessex towns and villages。  He left alone creeds and systems of philosophy; finding enough and more than enough to occupy his tongue in the opinions and actions mon to all good men。  Some believed him; and some believed not; some said that his words were monplace; others plained of his want of theological doctrine; while others again remarked that it was well enough for a man to take to preaching who could not see to do anything else。  But everywhere he was kindly received; for the story of his life had bee generally known。

**End of the Project Gutenberg Etext of Return of the Native by Hardy**
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