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a treatise on good works-第11章

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all men; as Christ said to His disciples: 〃Ye shall be hated of

all men for My Name's sake。〃 Here we must provoke to anger

father; mother; and the best of friends。 Here we must strive

against spiritual and temporal powers; and be accused of

disobedience。 Here we must stir up against us the rich; learned;

holy; and all that is of repute in the world。 And although this

is especially the duty of those who are commanded to preach God's

Word; yet every Christian is also obligated to do so when time

and place demand。 For we must for the holy Name of God risk and

give up all that we have and can do; and show by our deeds that

we love God and His Name; His honor and His praise above all

things; and trust Him above all things; and expect good from Him;

thereby confessing that we regard Him as the highest good; for

the sake of which we let go and give up all other goods。 

XXIX。 Here we must first of all resist all wrong; where truth or

righteousness suffers violence or need; and dare make no

distinction of persons; as some do; who fight most actively and

busily against the wrong which is done to the rich; the powerful;

and their own friends; but when it is done to the poor; or the

despised or their own enemy; they are quiet and patient。 These

see the Name and the honor of God not as it is; but through a

painted glass; and measure truth or righteousness according to

the persons; and do not consider their deceiving eye; which looks

more on the person than on the thing。 These are hypocrites within

and have only the appearance of defending the truth。 For they

well know that there is no danger when one helps the rich; the

powerful; the learned and one's own friends; and can in turn

enjoy their protection and be honored by them。

Thus it is very easy to fight against the wrong which is done to

popes; kings; princes; bishops and other big…wigs。 Here each

wants to be the most pious; where there is no great need。 O how

sly is here the deceitful Adam with his demand; how finely does

he cover his greed of profit with the name of truth and

righteousness and God's honor! But when something happens to a

poor and insignificant man; there the deceitful eye does not find

much profit; but cannot help seeing the disfavor of the powerful;

therefore he lets the poor man remain unhelped。 And who could

tell the extent of this vice in Christendom? God says in the

lxxxii。 Psalm; 〃How long will ye judge unjustly; and accept the

persons of the wicked? Judge the matter of the poor and

fatherless; demand justice for the poor and needy; deliver the

poor and rid the forsaken out of the hand of the wicked。〃 But it

is not done; and therefore the text continues: 〃They know not;

neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness〃; that is;

the truth they do not see; but they stop at the reputation of the

great; however unrighteous they are; and do not consider the

poor; however righteous they are。 

XXX。 See; here would be many good works。 For the greater portion

of the powerful; rich and friends do injustice and oppress the

poor; the lowly; and their own opponents; and the greater the

men; the worse the deeds; and where we cannot by force prevent

it and help the truth; we should at least confess it; and do what

we can with words; not take the part of the unrighteous; not

approve them; but speak the truth boldly。 

What would it help a man if he did all manner of good; made

pilgrimages to Rome and to all holy places; acquired all

indulgences; built all churches and endowed houses; if he were

found guilty of sin against the Name and honor of God; not

speaking of them and neglecting them; and regarding his

possessions; honor; favor and friends more than the truth (which

is God's Name and honor)? Or who is he; before whose door and

into whose house such good works do not daily come; so that he

would have no need to travel far or to ask after good works? And

if we consider the life of men; how in every place men act so

very rashly and lightly in this respect; we must cry out with the

prophet; Omnis homo mendax; 〃All men are liars; lie and deceive〃;

for the real good works they neglect; and adorn and paint

themselves with the most insignificant; and want to be pious; to

mount to heaven in peaceful security。

But if you should say: 〃Why does not God do it alone and Himself;

since He can and knows how to help each one?〃 Yes; He can do it;

but He does not want to do it alone; He wants us to work with

Him; and does us the honor to want to work His work with us and

through us。 And if we are not willing to accept such honor; He

will; after all; perform the work alone; and help the poor; and

those who were unwilling to help Him and have despised the great

honor of doing His work; He will condemn with the unrighteous;

because they have made common cause with the unrighteous。 Just

as He alone is blessed; but He wants to do us the honor and not

be alone in His blessedness; but have us to be blessed with Him。

And if He were to do it alone; His Commandments would be given

us in vain; because no one would have occasion to exercise

himself in the great works of these Commandments; and no one

would test himself to see whether he regards God and His Name as

the highest good; and for His sake risks everything。 

XXXI。 It also belongs to this work to resist all false;

seductive; erroneous; heretical doctrines; every misuse of

spiritual power。 Now this is much higher; for these use the holy

Name of God itself to fight against the Name of God。 For this

reason it seems a great thing and a dangerous to resist them;

because they assert that he who resists them resists God and all

His saints; in whose place they sit and whose power they use;

saying that Christ said of them; 〃He that heareth you; heareth

Me; and he that despiseth you; despiseth Me。〃 On which words they

lean heavily; become insolent and bold to say; to do; and to

leave undone what they please; put to the ban; accurse; rob;

murder; and practise all their wickedness; in whatever way they

please and can invent; without any hindrance。 

Now Christ did not mean that we should listen to them in

everything they might say and do; but only then when they present

to us His Word; the Gospel; not their word; His work; and not

their work。 How else could we know whether their lies and sins

were to be avoided? There must be some rule; to what extent we

are to hear and to follow them; and this rule cannot be given by

them; but must be established by God over them; that it may serve

us as a guide; as we shall hear in the Fourth Commandment。 

It must be; indeed; that even in the spiritual estate the greater

part preach false doctrine and misuse spiritual power; so that

thus occasion may be given us to do the works of this

Commandment; and that we be tried; to see what we are willing to

do and to leave undone against such blasphemers for the sake of

God's honor。 

Oh; if we were God…fearing in this matter; how often would the

knaves of officiales have to decree their papal and episcopal ban

in vain! How weak the Roman thunderbolts would become! How often

would many a one have to hold his tongue; to whom the world must

now give ear! How few preachers would be found in Christendom!

But it has gotten the upper hand: whatever they assert and in

whatever way; that must be right。 Here no one fights for God's

Name and honor; and I hold that no greater or more frequent sin

is done in external works than under this head。 It is a matter

so high that few understand it; and; besides; adorned with God's

Name and power; dangerous to touch。 But the prophets of old were

masters in this; also the apostles; especially St。 Paul; who did

not allow it to trouble them whether the highest or the lowest

priest had said it; or had done it in God's Name or in his own。

They looked on the works and words; and held them up to God's

Commandment; no matter whether big John or little Nick said it;

or whether they had done it in God's Name or in man's。 And for

this they had to die; and of such dying there would be much more

to say in our time; for things are much worse now。 But Christ and

St。 Peter and Paul must cover all this with their holy names; so

that no more infamous cover for infamy has been found on earth

than the most holy and most blessed Name of Jesus Christ! 

One might shudder to be alive; simply because of the misuse and

blasphemy of the holy Name of God; through which; if it shall

last much longer; we will; as I fear; openly worship the devil

as a god; so completely do the spiritual authorities and the

learned lack all understanding in these things。 It is high time

that we pray God earnestly that He hallow His Name。 But it will

cost blood; and they who enjoy the inheritance of the holy

martyrs and are won with their blood; must again make martyrs。

Of this more another time。

I。 We have now seen how many good works there 
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