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marquise de brinvilliers-第13章

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g and praying with her。  The priest was weeping; but she was calm; and received the doctor in just the same way as she had let him go。  When Father Chavigny saw him; he retired。  The marquise begged Chavigny to pray for her; and wanted to make him promise to return; but that he would not do。  She then turned to the doctor; saying; 〃Sir; you are punctual; and I cannot complain that you have broken your promise; but oh; how the time has dragged; and how long it has seemed before the clock struck six!〃

〃I am here; madame;〃 said the doctor; 〃but first of all; how have you spent the night?〃

〃I have written three letters;〃 said the marquise; 〃and; short as they were; they took a long time to write: one was to my sister; one to Madame de Marillac; and the third to M。 Couste。  I should have liked to show them to you; but Father Chavigny offered to take charge of them; and as he had approved of them; I could not venture to suggest any doubts。  After the letters were written; we had some conversation and prayer; but when the father took up his breviary and I my rosary with the same intention; I felt so weary that I asked if I might lie on my bed; he said I might; and I had two good hours' sleep without dreams or any sort of uneasiness; when I woke we prayed together; and had just finished when you came back。〃

〃Well; madame;〃 said the doctor; 〃if you will; we can pray again; kneel down; and let us say the 'Veni Sancte Spiritus'。〃

She obeyed; and said the prayer with much unction and piety。  The prayer finished; M。 Pirot was about to take up the pen to go on with the confession; when she said; 〃Pray let me submit to you one question which is troubling me。  Yesterday you gave me great hope of the mercy of God; but I cannot presume to hope I shall be saved without spending a long time in purgatory; my crime is far too atrocious to be pardoned on any other conditions; and when I have attained to a love of God far greater than I can feel here; I should not expect to be saved before my stains have been purified by fire; without suffering the penalty that my sins have deserved。  But I have been told that the flames of purgatory where souls are burned for a time are just the same as the flames of hell where those who are damned burn through all eternity tell me; then; how can a soul awaking in purgatory at the moment of separation from this body be sure that she is not really in hell? how can she know that the flames that burn her and consume not will some day cease?  For the torment she suffers is like that of the damned; and the flames wherewith she is burned are even as the flames of hell。  This I would fain know; that at this awful moment I may feel no doubt; that I may know for certain whether I dare hope or must despair。〃

〃Madame;〃 replied the doctor; 〃you are right; and God is too just to add the horror of uncertainty to His rightful punishments。  At that moment when the soul quits her earthly body the judgment of God is passed upon her: she hears the sentence of pardon or of doom; she knows whether she is in the state of grace or of mortal sin; she sees whether she is to be plunged forever into hell; or if God sends her for a time to purgatory。  This sentence; madame; you will learn at the very instant when the executioner's axe strikes you; unless; indeed; the fire of charity has so purified you in this life that you may pass; without any purgatory at all; straight to the home of the blessed who surround the throne of the Lord; there to receive a recompense for earthly martyrdom。〃

〃Sir;〃 replied the marquise; 〃I have such faith in all you say that I feel I understand it all now; and I am satisfied。〃

The doctor and the marquise then resumed the confession that was interrupted the night before。  The marquise had during the night recollected certain articles that she wanted to add。  So they continued; the doctor making her pause now and then in the narration of the heavier offences to recite an act of contrition。

After an hour and a half they came to tell her to go down。  The registrar was waiting to read her the sentence。  She listened very calmly; kneeling; only moving her head; then; with no alteration in her voice; she said; 〃In a moment: we will have one word more; the doctor and I; and then I am at your disposal。〃  She then continued to dictate the rest of her confession。  When she reached the end; she begged him to offer a short prayer with her; that God might help her to appear with such becoming contrition before her judges as should atone for her scandalous effrontery。  She then took up her cloak; a prayer…book which Father Chavigny had left with her; and followed the concierge; who led her to the torture chamber; where her sentence was to be read。

First; there was an examination which lasted five hours。  The marquise told all she had promised to tell; denying that she had any accomplices; and affirming that she knew nothing of the composition of the poisons she had administered; and nothing of their antidotes。 When this was done; and the judges saw that they could extract nothing further; they signed to the registrar to read the sentence。 She stood to hear it: it was as follows:

〃That by the finding of the court; d'Aubray de Brinvilliers is convicted of causing the death by poison of Maitre Dreux d'Aubray; her father; and of the two Maitres d'Aubray; her brothers; one a civil lieutenant; the other a councillor to the Parliament; also of attempting the life of Therese d'Aubray; her sister; in punishment whereof the court has condemned and does condemn the said d'Aubray de Brinvilliers to make the rightful atonement before the great gate of the church of Paris; whither she shall be conveyed in a tumbril; barefoot; a rope on her neck; holding in her hands a burning torch two pounds in weight; and there on her knees she shall say and declare that maliciously; with desire for revenge and seeking their goods; she did poison her father; cause to be poisoned her two brothers; and attempt the life of her sister; whereof she doth repent; asking pardon of God; of the king; and of the judges; and when this is done; she shall be conveyed and carried in the same tumbril to the Place de Greve of this town; there to have her head cut off on a scaffold to be set up for the purpose at that place; afterwards her body to be burnt and the ashes scattered; and first she is to be subjected to the question ordinary and extraordinary; that she may reveal the names of her accomplices。  She is declared to be deprived of all successions from her said father; brothers; and sister; from the date of the several crimes; and all her goods are confiscated to the proper persons; and the sum of 4000 livres shall be paid out of her estate to the king; and 400 livres to the Church for prayers to be said on behalf of the poisoned persons; and all the costs shall be paid; including those of Amelin called Lachaussee。  In Parliament; 16th July 1676。〃

The marquise heard her sentence without showing any sign of fear or weakness。  When it was finished; she said to the registrar; 〃 Will you; sir; be so kind as to read it again?  I had not expected the tumbril; and I was so much struck by that that I lost the thread of what followed。〃

The registrar read the sentence again。  From that moment she was the property of the executioner; who approached her。  She knew him by the cord he held in his hands; and extended her own; looking him over coolly from head to foot without a word。  The judges then filed out; disclosing as they did so the various apparatus of the question。  The marquise firmly gazed upon the racks and ghastly rings; on which so many had been stretched crying and screaming。  She noticed the three buckets of water

'Note: The torture with the water was thus administered。  There were eight vessels; each containing 2 pints of water。  Four of these were given for the ordinary; and eight for the extraordinary。  The executioner inserted a horn into the patient's mouth; and if he shut his teeth; forced him to open them by pinching his nose with the finger and thumb。'

prepared for her; and turned to the registrarfor she would not address the executionersaying; with a smile; 〃No doubt all this water is to drown me in?  I hope you don't suppose that a person of my size could swallow it all。〃  The executioner said not a word; but began taking off her cloak and all her other garments; until she was completely naked。  He then led her up to the wall and made her sit on the rack of the ordinary question; two feet from the ground。  There she was again asked to give the names of her accomplices; the composition of the poison and its antidote; but she made the same reply as to the doctor; only adding; 〃If you do not believe me; you have my body in your hands; and you can torture me。〃

The registrar signed to the executioner to do his duty。  He first fastened the feet of the marquise to two rings close together fixed to a board; then making her lie down; he fastened her wrists to two other rings in the wall; distant about three feet from each other。 The head was at the same height as the feet; and the body; held up on a trestle; described a half…curve; as though lying over a wheel。  To increase the stretch of the limbs; the man gave two turns to a crank
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