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the riverman-第30章

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impassivebut still with the plate。

〃Has she got her hot…water bag?〃 asked the boy unexpectedly。

〃Yes; Master Kendrick;〃 replied the butler。

After a preoccupied silence the general again broke out:

〃Seems to me somebody ought to be up there with her。〃

〃You know; father; that she can't stand any one in the room;〃 said 

Carroll equably。

Toward the close of the meal; however; a distant bell tinkled 

faintly。  Every one jumped as though guilty。  Carroll said a hasty 

excuse and ran out。  After ringing the bell; the invalid had 

evidently anticipated its answer by emerging from her room to the 

head of the stairs; for Orde caught the sharp tones of complaint; 

and overheard something about 〃take all night to eat a simple meal; 

when I'm lying here suffering。〃

At the end of an interval a maid appeared in the doorway to say that 

Miss Carroll sent word she would not be down again for a time; and 

did not care for any more dinner。  This seemed to relieve the 

general's mind of responsibility。  He assumed his little fussy air 

of cheerfulness; told several stories of the war; and finally; after 

Kendrick had left; brought out some whisky and water。  He winked 

slyly at Orde。

〃Can't do this before the youngsters; you know;〃 he chirruped 


Throughout the meal Gerald had sat back silent; a faint amusement in 

his eye。  After dinner he arose; yawned; consulted his watch; and 

departed; pleading an engagement。  Orde lingered some time; 

listening to the general; in the hope that Carroll would reappear。  

She did not; so finally he took his leave。

He trudged back to his hotel gloomily。  The day had passed in a most 

unsatisfactory manner; according to his way of looking at it。  Yet 

he had come more clearly to an understanding of the girl; her 

cheerfulness; her unselfishness; and; above all; the sweet; 

beautiful philosophy of life that must lie back; to render her so 

uncomplainingly the slave of the self…willed woman; yet without the 

indifferent cynicism of Gerald; the sullen; yet real; partisanship 

of Kendrick; or the general's week…kneed acquiescence。

The next morning he succeeded in making an arrangement by letter for 

an excursion to the newly projected Central Park。  Promptly at two 

o'clock he was at the Bishops' house。  To his inquiry the butler 

said that Mrs。 Bishop had recovered from her indisposition; and that 

Miss Bishop would be down immediately。  Orde had not long to wait 

for her。  The SWISH; PAT…PAT of her joyous descent of the stairs 

brought him to his feet。  She swept aside the portieres; and stood 

between their folds; bidding him welcome。

〃I'm so sorry about last night;〃 said she; 〃but poor mother does 

depend on me so at such times。  Isn't it a gorgeous day to walk?  It 

won't be much like OUR woods; will it?  But it will be something。  

OH; I'm so glad to get out!〃

She was in one of her elfish moods; the languid grace of her sleepy…

eyed moments forgotten。  With a little cry of rapture she ran to the 

piano; and dashed into a gay; tinkling air with brilliancy and 

abandon。  Her head; surmounted by a perky; high…peaked; narrow…

brimmed hat; with a flaming red bird in front; glorified by the 

braid and 〃waterfall〃 of that day; bent forward and turned to flash 

an appeal for sympathy toward Orde。

〃There; I feel more able to stay on earth!〃 she cried; springing to 

her feet。  〃Now I'll get on my gloves and we'll start。〃

She turned slowly before the mirror; examining quite frankly the 

hang of her skirt; the fit of her close…cut waist; the turn of the 

adorable round; low…cut collars that were then the mode。

〃It pays to be particular; we are in New York;〃 she answered; or 

parried; Orde's glance of admiration。

The gloves finally drawn on and buttoned; Orde held aside the 

portieres; and she passed fairly under his uplifted hand。  He wanted 

to drop his arm about her; this slender girl with her quaint 

dignity; her bird…like ways; her gentle; graceful; mysterious; 

feminine soul。  The flame…red bird lent its colour to her cheeks; 

her eyes; black and fathomless; the pupils wide in this dim light; 

shone with two stars of delight。

But; as they moved toward the massive front doors; Mrs。 Bishop came 

down the stairs behind them。  She; too; was dressed for the street。  

She received Orde's greeting and congratulation over her improved 

health in rather an absent manner。  Indeed; as soon as she could 

hurry this preliminary over; she plunged into what evidently she 

considered a more important matter。

〃You aren't thinking of going out; are you?〃 she asked Carroll。

〃I told you; mother; don't you remember?  Mr。 Orde and I are going 

to get a little air in the park。〃

〃I'm sorry;〃 said Mrs。 Bishop; with great brevity and decision; 〃but 

I'm going to the rectory to help Mr。 Merritt; and I shall want you 

to go too; to see about the silver。〃

〃But; mother;〃 expostulated Carroll; 〃wouldn't Marie do just as 


〃You know very well she can't be trusted without direction。〃

〃I DO so want to go to the park;〃 said Carroll wistfully。  Mrs。 

Bishop's thin; nervous figure jerked spasmodically。  〃There is very 

little asked of you from morning until night;〃 she said; with some 

asperity; 〃and I should think you'd have some slight consideration 

for the fact that I'm just up from a sick bed to spare me all you 

could。  Besides which; you do very little for the church。  I won't 

insist。  Do exactly as you think best。〃

Carroll threw a pathetic glance at Orde。

〃How soon are you going?〃 she asked her mother。

〃In about ten minutes;〃 replied Mrs。 Bishop; 〃as soon as I've seen 

Honorine about the dinner。〃  She seemed abruptly to realise that the 

amenities demanded something of her。  〃I'm sorry we must go so 

soon;〃 she said briefly to Orde; 〃but of course church businessWe 

shall hope to see you often。〃

Once more Orde held aside the curtains。  The flame…bird drooped from 

the twilight of the hall into the dimness of the parlour。  All the 

brightness seemed to have drained from the day; and all the joy of 

life seemed to have faded from the girl's soul。  She sank into a 

chair; and tried pathetically to smile across at Orde。

〃I'm such a baby about disappointments;〃 said she。

〃I know;〃 he replied; very gently。

〃And it's such a blue and gold day。〃

〃I know;〃 he repeated。

She twisted her glove in her lap; a bright spot of colour burning in 

each cheek。

〃Mother is not well; and she has a great deal to try her。  Poor 

mother!〃 she said softly; her head cast down。

〃I know;〃 said Orde in his gentle tones。

After a moment he arose to go。  She remained seated; her head down。

〃I'm sorry about this afternoon;〃 said he cheerfully; 〃but it 

couldn't be helped; could it?  Jane used to tell me about your harp 

playing。  I'm going to come in to hear you this evening。  May I?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said; in a stifled voice; and held out her hand。  She sat 

quite still until she heard the front door close after him; then she 

ran to the curtains and looked after his sturdy; square figure; as 

it swung up the street。

〃Well done; oh; well done; gentle heart!〃 she breathed after him。  

Then she went back to the piano。

But Orde's mouth; could she have seen it; was set in grim lines; and 

his feet; could she have heard them; rang on the pavement with quite 

superfluous vigour。  He turned to the left; and; without pause; 

walked some ten or twelve miles。

The evening turned out very well; fortunately; Orde could not have 

stood much more。  They had the parlour quite to themselves。  Carroll 

took the cover from the tall harp; and; leaning her cheek against 

it; she played dreamily for a half hour。  Her arms were bare; and as 

her fingers reached out lingeringly and caressingly to draw the 

pure; golden chords from the golden instrument; her soft bosom 

pressed against the broad sounding board。  There is about the tones 

of a harp well played something luminous; like rich; warm sunlight。  

When the girl muted the strings at last; it seemed to Orde as though 

all at once the room had perceptibly darkened。  He took his leave 

finally; his spirit soothed and restored。

Tranquillity was not for long; however。  Orde's visits were; 

naturally; as frequent as possible。  To them almost instantly Mrs。 

Bishop opposed the strong and intuitive jealousy of egotism。  She 

had as yet no fears as to the young man's intentions; but 

instinctively she felt an influence that opposed her own supreme 

dominance。  In consequence; Orde had much time to himself。  Carroll 

and the rest of the family; with the possible exception of Gerald; 

shared the belief that the slightest real opposition to Mrs。 Bishop 

would suffice to throw her into one of her 〃spells;〃 a condition of 

alarming and possibly genuine collapse。  〃
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