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mark twain, a biography, 1900-1907-第51章

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enjoyable as the rest of the game。  Sometimes he would count a shot which
was clearly out of the legal limits; and then it was always a delight to
him to have a mock…serious discussion over the matter of conscience; and
whether or not his conscience was in its usual state of repair。  It would
always end by him saying: 〃I don't wish even to seem to do anything which
can invite suspicion。  I refuse to count that shot;〃 or something of like
nature。 Sometimes when I had let a questionable play pass without
comment; he would watch anxiously until I had made a similar one and then
insist on my scoring it to square accounts。  His conscience was always
repairing itself。

He had experimented; a great many years before; with what was in the
nature of a trick on some unsuspecting player。  It consisted in turning
out twelve pool…balls on the table with one cue ball; and asking his
guest how many caroms he thought he could make with all those twelve
balls to play on。  He had learned that the average player would seldom
make more than thirty…one counts; and usually; before this number was
reached; he would miss through some careless play or get himself into a
position where he couldn't play at all。  The thing looked absurdly easy。 
It looked as if one could go on playing all day long; and the victim was
usually eager to bet that he could make fifty or perhaps a hundred; but
for more than an hour I tried it patiently; and seldom succeeded in
scoring more than fifteen or twenty without missing。  Long after the play
itself ceased to be amusing to me; he insisted on my going on and trying
it some more; and he would throw himself back and roar with laughter; the
tears streaming down his cheeks; to see me work and fume and fail。

It was very soon after that that Peter Dunne (〃Mr。 Dooley〃) came down for
luncheon; and after several games of the usual sort; Clemens quietlyas
if the idea had just occurred to himrolled out the twelve balls and
asked Dunne how; many caroms he thought he could make without a miss。 
Dunne said he thought he could make a thousand。  Clemens quite
indifferently said that he didn't believe he could make fifty。  Dunne
offered to bet five dollars that he could; and the wager was made。  Dunne
scored about twenty…five the first time and missed; then he insisted on
betting five dollars again; and his defeats continued until Clemens had
twenty…five dollars of Dunne's money; and Dunne was sweating and
swearing; and Mark Twain rocking with delight。  Dunne went away still
unsatisfied; promising that he would come back and try it again。  Perhaps
he practised in his absence; for when he returned he had learned
something。  He won his twenty…five dollars back; and I think something
more added。  Mark Twain was still ahead; for Dunne furnished him with a
good five hundred dollars' worth of amusement。

Clemens never cared to talk and never wished to be talked to when the
game was actually in progress。  If there was anything to be said on
either side; he would stop and rest his cue on the floor; or sit down on
the couch; until the matter was concluded。  Such interruptions happened
pretty frequently; and many of the bits of personal comment and incident
scattered along through this work are the result of those brief rests。 
Some shot; or situation; or word would strike back through the past and
awaken a note long silent; and I generally kept a pad and pencil on the
window…sill with the score…sheet; and later; during his play; I would
scrawl some reminder that would be precious by and by。

On one of these I find a memorandum of what he called his three recurrent
dreams。  All of us have such things; but his seem worth remembering。

〃There is never a month passes;〃 he said; 〃that I do not dream of being
in reduced circumstances; and obliged to go back to the river to earn a
living。  It is never a pleasant dream; either。  I love to think about
those days; but there's always something sickening about the thought that
I have been obliged to go back to them; and usually in my dream I am just
about to start into a black shadow without being able to tell whether it
is Selma bluff; or Hat Island; or only a black wall of night。

〃Another dream that I have of that kind is being compelled to go back to
the lecture platform。  I hate that dream worse than the other。  In it I
am always getting up before an audience with nothing to say; trying to be
funny; trying to make the audience laugh; realizing that I am only making
silly jokes。  Then the audience realizes it; and pretty soon they
commence to get up and leave。  That dream always ends by my standing
there in the semidarkness talking to an empty house。

〃My other dream is of being at a brilliant gathering in my night…
garments。  People don't seem to notice me there at first; and then pretty
soon somebody points me out; and they all begin to look at me
suspiciously; and I can see that they are wondering who I am and why I am
there in that costume。  Then it occurs to me that I can fix it by making
myself known。  I take hold of some man and whisper to him; 'I am Mark
Twain'; but that does not improve it; for immediately I can hear him
whispering to the others; 'He says he is Mark Twain;' and they all look
at me a good deal more suspiciously than before; and I can see that they
don't believe it; and that it was a mistake to make that confession。 
Sometimes; in that dream; I am dressed like a tramp instead of being in
my night…clothes; but it all ends about the samethey go away and leave
me standing there; ashamed。  I generally enjoy my dreams; but not those
three; and they are the ones I have oftenest。〃

Quite often some curious episode of the world's history would flash upon
himsomething amusing; or coarse; or tragic; and he would bring the game
to a standstill and recount it with wonderful accuracy as to date and
circumstance。  He had a natural passion for historic events and a gift
for mentally fixing them; but his memory in other ways was seldom
reliable。  He was likely to forget the names even of those he knew best
and saw oftenest; and the small details of life seldom registered at all。

He had his breakfast served in his room; and once; on a slip of paper; he
wrote; for his own reminder:

The accuracy of your forgetfulness is absoluteit seems never to fail。 
I prepare to pour my coffee so it can cool while I shaveand I always
forget to pour it。

Yet; very curiously; he would sometimes single out a minute detail;
something every one else had overlooked; and days or even weeks afterward
would recall it vividly; and not always at an opportune moment。  Perhaps
this also was a part of his old pilot…training。  Once Clara Clemens

〃It always amazes me the things that father does and does not remember。 
Some little trifle that nobody else would notice; and you are hoping that
he didn't; will suddenly come back to him just when you least expect it
or care for it。〃

My note…book contains the entry:

     February 11; 1907。  He said to…day:

     〃A blindfolded chess…player can remember every play and discuss the
     game afterward; while we can't remember from one shot to the next。〃

     I mentioned his old pilot…memory as an example of what he could do
     if he wished。

     〃Yes;〃 he answered; 〃those are special memories; a pilot will tell
     you the number of feet in every crossing at any time; but he can't
     remember what he had for breakfast。〃

     〃How long did you keep your pilot…memory?〃 I asked。

     〃Not long; it faded out right away; but the training served me; for
     when I went to report on a paper a year or two later I never had to
     make any notes。〃

     〃I suppose you still remember some of the river?〃

     〃Not much。  Hat Island; Helena and here and there a place; but that
     is about all。〃



Like every person living; Mark Twain had some peculiar and petty
economies。  Such things in great men are noticeable。  He lived
extravagantly。  His household expenses at the time amounted to more than
fifty dollars a day。  In the matter of food; the choicest; and most
expensive the market could furnish was always served in lavish abundance。 
He had the best and highest…priced servants; ample as to number。  His
clothes he bought generously; he gave without stint to his children; his
gratuities were always liberal。  He never questioned pecuniary outgoes
seldom worried as to the state of his bank…account so long as there was
plenty。  He smoked cheap cigars because he preferred their flavor。  Yet
he had his economies。  I have seen him; before leaving a room; go around
and carefully lower the gas…jets; to provide against that waste。  I have
known him to examine into the cost of a cab; and object to an apparent
overcharge of a few cents。

It seemed that his idea of economy might be expressed in these words: He
abhorred extortion and visible waste。

Furthermore; he had exact ideas as to ownership。  One evening; while we
were playing billiards; I noticed a five…cent piece on the floor。  I
picked it up; saying:

〃Here is five cents; I don't know whose it is。〃

He regarded the coin rather seriously; I
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