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villa rubein and other stories-第6章

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〃there are lots of hours when we sit here and do nothing。〃

〃And it is very dull;〃 put in Greta; with a pout。

〃You are rude; Greta;〃 said Miss Naylor in a little rage; pursing her

lips; and taking up her knitting。

〃I think it seems always rude to speak the truth;〃 said Greta。  Miss

Naylor looked at her in that concentrated manner with which she was

in the habit of expressing displeasure。

But at this moment a servant came; and said that Mrs。 Decie would be

glad to see Herr Harz。  The painter made them a stiff bow; and

followed the servant to the house。  Miss Naylor and the two girls

watched his progress with apprehensive eyes; it was clear that he had

been offended。

Crossing the veranda; and passing through an open window hung with

silk curtains; Hart entered a cool dark room。  This was Mrs。 Decie's

sanctum; where she conducted correspondence; received her visitors;

read the latest literature; and sometimes; when she had bad

headaches; lay for hours on the sofa; with a fan; and her eyes

closed。  There was a scent of sandalwood; a suggestion of the East; a

kind of mystery; in here; as if things like chairs and tables were

not really what they seemed; but something much less commonplace。

The visitor looked twice; to be quite sure of anything; there were

many plants; bead curtains; and a deal of silverwork and china。

Mrs。 Decie came forward in the slightly rustling silk whichwhether

in or out of fashionalways accompanied her。  A tall woman; over

fifty; she moved as if she had been tied together at the knees。  Her

face was long; with broad brows; from which her sandy…grey hair was

severely waved back; she had pale eyes; and a perpetual; pale;

enigmatic smile。  Her complexion had been ruined by long residence in

India; and might unkindly have been called fawn…coloured。  She came

close to Harz; keeping her eyes on his; with her head bent slightly


〃We are so pleased to know you;〃 she said; speaking in a voice which

had lost all ring。  〃It is charming to find some one in these parts

who can help us to remember that there is such a thing as Art。  We

had Mr。 C… here last autumn; such a charming fellow。  He was so

interested in the native customs and dresses。  You are a subject

painter; too; I think?  Won't you sit down?〃

She went on for some time; introducing painters' names; asking

questions; skating round the edge of what was personal。  And the

young man stood before her with a curious little smile fixed on his

lips。  'She wants to know whether I'm worth powder and shot;' he


〃You wish to paint my nieces?〃 Mrs。 Decie said at last; leaning back

on her settee。

〃I wish to have that honour;〃 Harz answered with a bow。

〃And what sort of picture did you think of?〃

〃That;〃 said Harz; 〃is in the future。  I couldn't tell you。〃  And he

thought: 'Will she ask me if I get my tints in Paris; like the woman

Tramper told me of?'

The perpetual pale smile on Mrs。 Decie's face seemed to invite his

confidence; yet to warn him that his words would be sucked in

somewhere behind those broad fine brows; and carefully sorted。  Mrs。

Decie; indeed; was thinking: 'Interesting young man; regular

Bohemianno harm in that at his age; something Napoleonic in his

face; probably has no dress clothes。  Yes; should like to see more of

him!'  She had a fine eye for points of celebrity; his name was

unfamiliar; would probably have been scouted by that famous artist

Mr。 C…; but she felt her instinct urging her on to know him。  She

was; to do her justice; one of those 〃lion〃 finders who seek the

animal for pleasure; not for the glory it brings them; she had the

courage of her instinctslion…entities were indispensable to her;

but she trusted to divination to secure them; nobody could foist a

〃lion〃 on her。

〃It will be very nice。  You will stay and have some lunch?  The

arrangements here are rather odd。  Such a mixed householdbut there

is always lunch at two o'clock for any one who likes; and we all dine

at seven。  You would have your sittings in the afternoons; perhaps?

I should so like to see your sketches。  You are using the old house

on the wall for studio; that is so original of you!〃

Harz would not stay to lunch; but asked if he might begin work that

afternoon; he left a little suffocated by the sandalwood and sympathy

of this sphinx…like woman。

Walking home along the river wall; with the singing of the larks and

thrushes; the rush of waters; the humming of the chafers in his ears;

he felt that he would make something fine of this subject。  Before

his eyes the faces of the two girls continually started up; framed by

the sky; with young leaves guttering against their cheeks。


Three days had passed since Harz began his picture; when early in the

morning; Greta came from Villa Rubein along the river dyke and sat

down on a bench from which the old house on the wall was visible。

She had not been there long before Harz came out。

〃I did not knock;〃 said Greta; 〃because you would not have heard; and

it is so early; so I have been waiting for you a quarter of an hour。〃

Selecting a rosebud; from some flowers in her hand; she handed it to

him。  〃That is my first rosebud this year;〃 she said; 〃it is for you

because you are painting me。  To…day I am thirteen; Herr Harz; there

is not to be a sitting; because it is my birthday; but; instead; we

are all going to Meran to see the play of Andreas Hofer。  You are to

come too; please; I am here to tell you; and the others shall be here


Harz bowed: 〃And who are the others?〃

〃Christian; and Dr。 Edmund; Miss Naylor; and Cousin Teresa。  Her

husband is ill; so she is sad; but to…day she is going to forget

that。  It is not good to be always sad; is it; Herr Harz?〃

He laughed: 〃You could not be。〃

Greta answered gravely: 〃Oh yes; I could。  I too am often sad。  You

are making fun。  You are not to make fun to…day; because it is my

birthday。  Do you think growing up is nice; Herr Harz ?〃

〃No; Fraulein Greta; it is better to have all the time before you。〃

They walked on side by side。

〃I think;〃 said Greta; 〃you are very much afraid of losing time。

Chris says that time is nothing。〃

〃Time is everything;〃 responded Harz。

〃She says that time is nothing; and thought is everything;〃 Greta

murmured; rubbing a rose against her cheek; 〃but I think you cannot

have a thought unless you have the time to think it in。  There are

the others!  Look!〃

A cluster of sunshades on the bridge glowed for a moment and was lost

in shadow。

〃Come;〃 said Harz; 〃let's join them!〃

At Meran; under Schloss Tirol; people were streaming across the

meadows into the open theatre。  Here were tall fellows in mountain

dress; with leather breeches; bare knees; and hats with eagles'

feathers; here were fruit…sellers; burghers and their wives;

mountebanks; actors; and every kind of visitor。  The audience; packed

into an enclosure of high boards; sweltered under the burning sun。

Cousin Teresa; tall and thin; with hard; red cheeks; shaded her

pleasant eyes with her hand。

The play began。  It depicted the rising in the Tyrol of 1809: the

village life; dances and yodelling; murmurings and exhortations; the

warning beat of drums; then the gathering; with flintlocks;

pitchforks; knives; the battle and victory; the homecoming; and

festival。  Then the second gathering; the roar of cannon; betrayal;

capture; death。  The impassive figure of the patriot Andreas Hofer

always in front; black…bearded; leathern…girdled; under the blue sky;

against a screen of mountains。

Harz and Christian sat behind the others。  He seemed so intent on the

play that she did not speak; but watched his face; rigid with a kind

of cold excitement; he seemed to be transported by the life passing

before them。  Something of his feeling seized on her; when the play

was over she too was trembling。  In pushing their way out they became

separated from the others。

〃There's a short cut to the station here;〃 said Christian; 〃let's go

this way。〃

The path rose a little; a narrow stream crept alongside the meadow;

and the hedge was spangled with wild roses。  Christian kept glancing

shyly at the painter。  Since their meeting on the river wall her

thoughts had never been at rest。  This stranger; with his keen face;

insistent eyes; and ceaseless energy; had roused a strange feeling in

her; his words had put shape to something in her not yet expressed。

She stood aside at a stile to make way for some peasant boys; dusty

and rough…haired; who sang and whistled as they went by。

〃I was like those boys once;〃 said Harz。

Christian turned to him quickly。  〃Ah! that was why you felt the

play; so much。〃

〃It's my country up there。  I was born amongst the mountains。  I

looked after the cows; and slept in hay…cocks; and cut the trees in

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