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the virgin of the sun-第54章

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I bowed; and after a little silence he went on:

〃Would that this were all that I have to say。 But alas! it is not。 You
have committed the great sacrilege against the Sun; my father; of
which I warned you; having robbed him of his bride; and; my brother;
you have lied to me; who told me but yesterday that you had put all
thought of her from your mind。〃

〃To me that was no sacrilege; Kari; but rather a righteous deed; to
free one from the bonds of a faith in which neither she nor I believe;
and to lead her from a living tomb back to life and love。〃

〃And was the lie righteous also; Brother?〃

〃Aye;〃 I answered boldly; 〃if ever a lie can be。 Bethink you。 You
prayed that this lady might die because she came between you and me;
and those that kings pray may die; do die; if not with their knowledge
or by their express command。 Therefore I said that I had put her from
my mind in order that she might go on living。〃

〃To cherish you in her arms; Brother。 Now hearken。 Because of this
deed of yours; we who were more than friends have become more than
foes。 You have declared war upon my god and me; therefore I declare
war upon you。 Yet hearken again。 I do not wish that thousands of men
should perish because of our quarrel。 Therefore I make an offer to
you。 It is that you should fight me here and now; man to man; and let
the Sun; or Pachacamac beyond the Sun; decide the matter as may be

〃Fight /you!/ Fight /you/ Kari; the Inca;〃 I gasped。

〃Aye; fight me to the death; since between us all is over and done。 In
England you nurtured me。 Here in the land of Tavantinsuyu; which I
rule to…day; I have nurtured you; and in my shadow you have grown
great; though it is true that had it not been for your generalship;
perchance I should no longer be here to throw the shadow。 Let us
therefore set the one thing against the other and; forgetting all
between us that is past; stand face to face as foes。 Mayhap you will
conquer me; being so mighty a man of war。 Mayhap; also; if that
chances; my people who look upon you as half a god will raise you up
to be Inca after me; should such be your desire。〃

〃It is not;〃 I broke in。

〃I believe you;〃 he answered; bowing his head; 〃but will it not be the
desire of that fair…faced harlot who has betrayed our Lord the Sun?〃

At this word I started and bit my lip。

〃Ah! that stings you;〃 he went on; 〃as the truth always stings; and it
is well。 Understand; White Lord who were once my brother; that either
you must fight me to the death; or I declare war upon you and upon the
Chanca people; which war I will wage from month to month and from year
to year until you are all destroyed; as destroyed you shall be。 But
should you fight and should the Sun give me the victory; then justice
will be accomplished and I will keep the peace that I have sworn with
the Chanca people。 Further; should you conquer me; in the name of my
people I swear that there shall still be peace between them and the
Chancas; since I shall have atoned your sacrilege with my blood。 Now
summon those lords of yours and I will summon mine; and set out the
matter to them。〃

So I turned and beckoned to my captains; and Kari beckoned to his。
They came; and in the hearing of all; very clearly and quietly as was
his fashion; he repeated every word that he had said to me; adding to
them others of like meaning。 While he spoke I thought; not listening

This thing was hateful to me; yet I was in a snare; since according to
the customs of all these peoples I could not refuse such a challenge
and remain unshamed。 Moreover; it was to the advantage of the Chancas;
aye; and of the Quichuas also; that I should not refuse it seeing that
whether I lived or died; peace would then reign between them who
otherwise must both be destroyed by war。 I remembered how once Quilla
had sacrificed herself to prevent such a war; though in the end that
war had come; and what Quilla had done; should I not do also? Weary
though I was I did not fear Kari; brave and swift as he might be;
indeed I thought that I could kill him and perhaps take his throne;
since the Quichuas worshipped me; who so often had led their armies to
triumph; almost as much as did the Chancas。 ButI could not kill
Kari。 As soon would I kill one born of my own mother。 Was there then
no escape?

The answer rose in my mind。 There was an escape。 I could suffer Kari
to kill me。 Only if I did this; what of Quilla! After all that had
come and gone; must I lose Quilla thus; and must Quilla lose me?
Surely she would break her heart and die。 My plight was desperate。 I
knew not what to do。 Then of a sudden; while I wavered; some voice
seemed to whisper in my ear; I thought it must be that of St。 Hubert。
It seemed to say to me; 〃Kari trusts to his god; cannot you trust to
yours; Hubert of Hastings; you who are a Christian man? Go forward;
and trust to yours; Hubert of Hastings。〃

Kari's gentle voice died away; he had finished his speech and all men
looked at me。

〃What word?〃 I said roughly to my captains。

〃Only this; Lord;〃 answered their spokesman; 〃Fight you must; of that
there can be no doubt; but we would fight with you; the ten of the
Chancas against the ten of the Quichuas。〃

〃Aye; that is good;〃 replied the first of Kari's nobles。 〃This
business is too great to set upon one man's skill and strength。〃

〃Have done!〃 I said。 〃It lies between the Inca and myself;〃 while Kari
nodded; and repeated 〃Have done!〃 after me。

Then I sent one of the captains back to the camp for my sword and Kari
commanded that his should be brought to him; since according to the
custom of these people when ambassadors meet; neither of us was armed。
Presently; the captain holding my sword returned; and with him
servants who brought my armour。 Also after them streamed all the army
of the Chancas among whom the news had spread like wind…driven fire;
and lined themselves upon the ridge to watch。 As he came; too; I
noticed that this captain sharpened Wave…Flame with a certain kind of
stone that was used to give a keen edge to weapons。

He brought the ancient weapon and handed it to me on his knee。 The
Inca's man also brought his sword and handed it to him; as he did so;
bowing his forehead to the dust。 Well I knew that weapon; since once
before I had faced it in desperate battle for my life。 It was the
ivory…handled sword of the lord Deleroy which Kari had taken from his
dead hand after I slew him in the Solar of my house in the Cheap at
London。 Then the servant came to me with the armour; but I sent him
away; saying that as the Inca had none; I would not wear it; at which
my people murmured。

Kari saw and heard。

〃Noble as ever;〃 he said aloud。 〃Oh! that such bright honour should
have been tarnished by a woman's breath。〃

Our lords discussed the manner of our fighting; but to them I paid
little heed。

At length all was ready and we stepped forward to face each other at a
given word; clad much alike。 I had thrown off my outer garment and
stood bareheaded in a jerkin of soft sheepskin。 Kari; too; was
stripped of his splendid dress and clad in a tunic of sheepskin。 Also;
that we might be quite equal; he had taken off his turban…like
headgear and even the royal Fringe; whereat his lords stared at each
other for they thought this a bad omen。

It was just then I heard a sound behind me; and turning my head I saw
Quilla stumbling towards us down the stony slope as best her half…
blind eyes would let her; and crying as she came:

〃Oh! my Lord; fight not。 Inca; I will return to the House of the Sun!〃

〃Silence; accursed woman!〃 said Kari; frowning。 〃Does the Sun take
back such as you? Silence until the woe that you have wrought is
finished; and then wail on forever。〃

She shrank back at his bitter; unjust words; and guided by the women
who had followed her; sank upon a stone; where she sat still as a
statue or as dead Upanqui in his hall。

Now one called aloud the pledges of the fight which were as Kari had
spoken them。 He listened and added:

〃Be it known; also; that this battle is to the death of one or both of
us; since if we live I take back my oaths and I will burn yonder witch
as a sacrifice to the Sun whom she has betrayed; and destroy her
people and her city according to the ancient law of Vengeance on the
House of those who have deceived the Sun。〃

I heard but made no answer; who did not wish to waste my breath in
bandying words with a great man; whose brain had been turned by
bigotry and woman…hatred。

A moment later the signal was given and we were at it。 Kari leapt at
me like the tree…lion of his own forests; but I avoided and parried。
Thrice he leapt and thrice I did this; yes; even when I saw an opening
and might have cut him down。 Almost I struck; then could not。 The
Chancas watched me; wondering what game I played who was not wont to
fight in this fashion; and I also wondered; who still knew not what to
do。 Something I must do; or presently I should be slain; since soon my
guard would fail and Deleroy's sword get home at last。

I think that Kari grew perplexed at this patient defence of mine; and
never a blow struck back。 At least he withdraw a little;
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