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the golden fleece-第12章

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It will be remembered that something was said of Grace being privy to the nocturnal advances of Senor de Mendoza。  We are not to suppose that this implies in her anything worse than an aptness to indulge in romantic adventure: the young lady enjoyed the mystery of romance; and knew that serenades; and whisperings over star…lit balconies; were proper to this latitude。  It may be open to question whether she really was much interested in De Mendoza; save as he was a type of the adoring Spaniard。  That the scene required: she could imagine him (for the time…being) to be the Cid of ancient legend; and she herself would enact a role of corresponding elevation。  Grace would doubtless have prospered better had she been content with one adorer at a time; but; while turning to a new love; she was by no means disposed to loosen the chains of a former one; and; though herself as jealous as is a tiger…cat of her young; she could never recognize the propriety of a similar passion on the part of her victims。  She had been indignant at Freeman's apparent infidelity with Miriam; but when she had (as she imagined) discovered her mistake; she had listened with a heart at ease to the protestations of Don Miguel。  She had parted from him that evening with a half expressed understanding that he was to reappear beneath her window before day… light; and she had pictured to herself a charming balcony…scene; such as she had beheld in Italian opera。  Accordingly; she had attired herself in a becoming negligee; and had spent the fore part of the night somewhat restlessly; occasionally emerging on the veranda and gazing down into the perfumed gloom of the garden。  At length she fancied that she heard footsteps。  Whose could they be; unless Don Miguel's?  Grace retreated within her window to await developments。  Don Miguel did not appear; but presently she descried a phantom…like figure ascending the flight of steps to the veranda。  Could that be he?  If so; he was bolder in his wooing than Grace had been prepared for。  But surely that was a strange costume that he wore; nor did the unconscious harmony of the gait at all resemble the senor's self…conscious strut。  And whither was he going?

It was but too evident that he was going straight to the room occupied by Miriam!

This was too much for Grace's equanimity。 She stepped out of her window; and flitted with noiseless step along the veranda。  The figure that she pursued entered the door of the house; and passed into the corridor traversing the wing。  Grace was in time to see it cross the threshold of Miriam's door; which stood ajar。  She stole to the door; and peeped in。  There was the figure; but of Miriam there was no trace。

The figure slowly unfastened and threw back the hood which covered its head; at the same time turning round; so that its countenance was revealed。  A torrent of black hair fell down over its shoulders。  Grace uttered an involuntary exclamation。 It was Miriam herself!

The two gazed at each other a moment in silence。  〃Goodness me; dear!〃 said Grace at last; in a faint voice; 〃how you have frightened me!  I saw you go in; in that dress; and I thought you were a man!  How my heart beats!  What is the matter?〃

〃This is strange!〃 murmured the other; after a pause。  〃I never heard such words; and yet I seem to understand; and even to speak them。  It must be a dream。  What are you?〃

〃Why; Miriam; dear! don't you know Grace?〃

〃Oh! you think me Miriam。  No; not yet!〃  She raised her hands; and pressed her fingers against her temples。  〃But I feel herI feel her coming!  Not yet; Kamaiakan! not so soon!Do you know him?〃 she suddenly asked; throwing back her hair; and fixing an eager gaze on Grace。

〃Know who?  Kamaiakan?  Why; yes〃

〃No; not him!  The youth;the blue… eyed;the fair beard above his lips〃

〃What are you talking about?  Not Harvey Freeman!〃

〃Harvey Freeman!  Ah; how sweet a name!  Harvey Freeman!  I shall know it now!Tell him;〃 she went on; laying her hand majestically upon Grace's shoulder; and speaking with an impressive earnestness; 〃that Semitzin loves him!〃

〃Semitzin?〃 repeated Grace; puzzled; and beginning to feel scared。

〃Semitzin!〃 the other said; pointing to her own heart。  〃She loves him: not as the child Miriam loves; but with the heart and soul of a mighty princess。  When he knows Semitzin; he will think of Miriam no more。〃

〃But who is Semitzin?〃 inquired Grace; with a fearful curiosity。

〃The Princess of Tenochtitlan; and the guardian of the great treasure; 〃was the reply。

〃Good gracious! what treasure?〃

〃The treasure of gold and precious stones hidden in the gorge of the desert hills。  None knows the place of it but I; and I will give it to none but him I love。〃

〃But you said that 。 。 。  Really; my dear; I don't understand a bit!  As for Mr。 Freeman; he may care for Semitzin; for aught I know; but; I must confess; I think you're mistaken in supposing he's in love with you;if that is what you mean。  I met him before you did; you know; and if I were to tell you all that we〃

〃What are you or Miriam to me?Ah! she comes!The treasureby the turning of the white pyramidsix hundred paces on the rightthe arch〃  Her voice died away。  She covered her face with her hands; and trembled violently。  Slowly she let them fall; and stared around her。  〃Grace; is it you?  Has anything happened?  How came I like this?  What is it?〃

〃Well; if you don't know; I'm afraid I can't tell you。  I had begun to think you had gone mad。  It must be either that or somnambulism。  Who is Semitzin?〃

〃Semitzin? I never heard of him。〃

〃It isn't a man: it's a princess。  And the treasure?〃

〃Am I asleep or awake?  What are you saying?〃

〃The white pyramid; you know〃

〃Don't make game of me; Grace。  If I have done anything〃

〃My dear; don't ask me!  I tell you frankly; I'm nonplussed。  You were somebody else a minute ago。 。 。 。  The truth is; of course; you've been dreaming awake。  Has any one else seen you beside me?〃

〃Have I been out of my room?〃 asked Miriam; in dismay。

〃You must have been; I should think; to get that costume。  Well; the best plan will be; I suppose; to say nothing about it to anybody。  It shall be our secret; dear。  If I were you; I would have one of the women sleep in your room; in case you got restless again。  It's just an attack of nervousness; probably;having so many strangers in the house; all of a sudden。  Now you must go to bed and get to sleep: it's awfully late; and there'll be ever so much going on to… morrow。〃

Grace herself slept little that night。  She could not decide what to make of this adventure。  Nowadays we are provided with a name for the peculiar psychical state which Miriam was undergoing; and with abundant instances and illustrations; but we perhaps know what it is no more than we did twenty…five or thirty years ago。  Grace's first idea had been that Miriam was demented; then she thought she was playing a part; then she did not know what to think; and finally she came to the conclusion that it was best to quietly await further developments。  She would keep an eye on Freeman as well as on Miriam; something; too; might be gathered from Don Miguel; and then there was that talk about a treasure。  Was that all the fabric of a dream; or was there truth at the bottom of it?  She had heard something said about a treasure in the course of the general conversation the day before。  If there really was a treasure; why might not she have a hand in the discovery of it?  Miriam; in her abnormal state; had let fall some topographical hints that might prove useful。  Well; she would work out the problem; sooner or later。  To…morrow; when the others had gone off on their expedition; she would have ample leisure to sound Don Miguel; and; if he proved communicative and available; who could tell what might happen?  But how very odd it all was!  Who was Semitzin?

While asking herself this question; Grace fell asleep; and by the time the summons to breakfast came; she had passed through thrilling adventures enough to occupy a new Scheherazade at least three years in the telling of them。


By nine o'clock in the morning; Professor Meschines and Harvey Freeman had ridden up to the general's ranch; equipped for the expedition。  The general's preparations were not yet quite completed。  A couple of mules were being loaded with the necessary outfit。  It was proposed to be out two days; camping in the open during the intervening night。  It was necessary to take water as well as solid provisions。  Leaving their horses in the care of a couple of stable…boys; Meschines and Freeman mounted the veranda; and were there greeted by General Trednoke。

〃I'm afraid we'll have a hot ride of it;〃 he observed。  〃The atmosphere is rather oppressive。  Kamaiakan tells me there was a touch of earthquake last night。〃

〃I thought I noticed some disturbance;〃 returned the professor; with a stealthy side… glance at Freeman;〃something in the nature of an explosion。〃

〃Earthquakes are common in this region; aren't they?〃 Freeman said。

〃They have made it what it is; and may unmake it again;〃 replied the general。  〃The earthquake is the father of the desert; as the Indians say; and it may some day become the father of a mo
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