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the life of thomas telford-第16章

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Lad…lane; on the evening of the third day。  The fare was 1L。 l7s。;

and 14 lbs。 of luggage was allowed。  But the principal part of the

expense of travelling was for living and lodging on the road; not

to mention the fees to guards and drivers。

Though the Dover road was still one of the best in the kingdom; the

Dover flying…machine; carrying only four passengers; took a long

summer's day to perform the journey。  It set out from Dover at four

o'clock in the morning; breakfasted at the Red Lion; Canterbury;

and the passengers ate their way up to town at various inns on the

road; arriving in London in time for supper。  Smollett complained

of the  innkeepers along that route as the greatest set of

extortioners in  England。  The deliberate style in which journeys

were performed may be inferred from the circumstance that on one

occasion; when a quarrel took place between the guard and a

passenger; the coach stopped to see them fight it out on the road。

Foreigners who visited England were peculiarly observant of the

defective modes of conveyance then in use。  Thus; one Don Manoel

Gonzales; a Portuguese merchant; who travelled through Great

Britain; in 1740; speaking of Yarmouth; says; 〃They have a comical

way of carrying people all over the town and from the seaside; for

six pence。 They call it their coach; but it is only a wheel…barrow;

drawn by one horse; without any covering。〃  Another foreigner; Herr

Alberti; a Hanoverian professor of theology; when on a visit to

Oxford in 1750; desiring to proceed to Cambridge; found there was

no means of doing so without returning to London and there taking

coach for Cambridge。  There was not even the convenience of a

carrier's waggon between the two universities。  But the most

amusing account of an actual journey by stage…coach that we know

of; is that given by a Prussian clergyman; Charles H。 Moritz; who

thus describes his adventures on the road between Leicester and

London in 1782:

    〃Being obliged;〃 he says; 〃to bestir myself to get

    back to London; as the time drew near when the

    Hamburgh captain with whom I intended to return had

    fixed his departure; I determined to take a place as

    far as Northampton on the outside。  But this ride from

    Leicester to Northampton I shall remember as long as I live。

    〃The coach drove from the yard through a part of the

    house。  The inside passengers got in from the yard;

    but we on the outside were obliged to clamber up in

    the street; because we should have had no room for

    our heads to pass under the gateway。  My companions on

    the top of the coach were a farmer; a young man very

    decently dressed; and a black…a…moor。  The getting up

    alone was at the risk of one's life; and when I was

    up I was obliged to sit just at the corner of the

    coach; with nothing to hold by but a sort of little

    handle fastened on the side。  I sat nearest the wheel;

    and the moment that we set off I fancied that I saw

    certain death before me。  All I could do was to take

    still tighter hold of the handle; and to be strictly

    careful to preserve my balance。  The machine rolled

    along with prodigious rapidity over the stones

    through the town; and every moment we seemed to fly

    into the air; so much so that it appeared to me a

    complete miracle that we stuck to the coach at all。

    But we were completely on the wing as often as we

    passed through a village or went down a hill。

    〃This continual fear of death at last became

    insupportable to me; and; therefore; no sooner were

    we crawling up a rather steep hill; and consequently

    proceeding slower than usual; then I carefully crept

    from the top of the coach; and was lucky enough to

    get myself snugly ensconced in the basket behind。

    〃'O;Sir; you will be shaken to death!' said the

    black…a…moor; but I heeded him not; trusting that he

    was exaggerating the unpleasantness of my new

    situation。  And truly; as long as we went on slowly up

    the hill it was easy and pleasant enough; and I was

    just on the point of falling asleep among the

    surrounding trunks and packages; having had no rest

    the night before; when on a sudden the coach

    proceeded at a rapid rate down the hill。  Then all the

    boxes; iron…nailed and copper…fastened; began; as it

    were; to dance around me; everything in the basket

    appeared to be alive; and every moment I received

    such violent blows that I thought my last hour had

    come。  The black…a…moor had been right; I now saw

    clearly; but repentance was useless; and I was

    obliged to suffer horrible torture for nearly an

    hour; which seemed to me an eternity。  At last we came

    to another hill; when; quite shaken to pieces;

    bleeding; and sore; I ruefully crept back to the top

    of the coach to my former seat。  'Ah; did I not tell

    you that you would be shaken to death?' inquired the

    black man; when I was creeping along on my stomach。

    But I gave him no reply。  Indeed; I was ashamed; and I

    now write this as a warning to all strangers who are

    inclined to ride in English stage…coaches; and take

    an outside at; or; worse still; horror of horrors; a

    seat in the basket。

    〃From Harborough to Northampton I had a most dreadful

    journey。  It rained incessantly; and as before we had

    been covered with dust; so now we were soaked with

    rain。  My neighbour; the young man who sat next me in

    the middle; every now and then fell asleep; and when

    in this state he perpetually bolted and rolled

    against me; with the whole weight of his body; more

    than once nearly pushing me from my seat; to which I

    clung with the last strength of despair。  My forces

    were nearly giving way; when at last; happily; we

    reached Northampton; on the evening of the 14th July;

    1782; an ever…memorable day to me。

    〃On the next morning; I took an inside place for

    London。  We started early in the morning。  The journey

    from Northampton to the metropolis; however; I can

    scarcely call a ride; for it was a perpetual motion;

    or endless jolt from one place to another; in a close

    wooden box; over what appeared to be a heap of unhewn

    stones and trunks of trees scattered by a hurricane。

    To make my happiness complete; I had three travelling

    companions; all farmers; who slept so soundly that

    even the hearty knocks with which they hammered their

    heads against each other and against mine did not

    awake them。  Their faces; bloated and discoloured by

    ale and brandy and the knocks aforesaid; looked; as

    they lay before me; like so many lumps of dead flesh。

    〃I looked; and certainly felt; like a crazy fool when

    we arrived at London in the afternoon。〃*'3'

'Image' The Basket Coach; 1780。

Arthur Young; in his books; inveighs strongly against the execrable

state of the roads in all parts of England towards the end of last

century。  In Essex he found the ruts 〃of an incredible depth;〃

and he almost swore at one near Tilbury。  〃Of all the cursed roads;

〃he says; 〃that ever disgraced this kingdom in the very ages of

barbarism; none ever equalled that from Billericay to the King's

Head at Tilbury。  It is for near twelve miles so narrow that a

mouse cannot pass by any carriage。  I saw a fellow creep under his

waggon to assist me to lift; if possible; my chaise over a hedge。

To add to all the infamous circumstances which concur to plague a

traveller; I must not forget the eternally meeting with chalk

waggons; themselves frequently stuck fast; till a collection of

them are in the same situation; and twenty or thirty horses may be

tacked to each to draw them out one by one!〃*'4'  Yet will it be

believed; the proposal to form a turnpike…road from Chelmsford to

Tilbury was resisted 〃by the Bruins of the country;  whose horses

were worried to death with bringing chalk through those vile


Arthur Young did not find the turnpike any better between Bury and

Sudbury; in Suffolk: 〃I was forced to move as slow in it;〃 he says;

〃as in any unmended lane in Wales。  For; ponds of liquid dirt; and

a  scattering of loose flints just sufficient to lame every horse

that  moves near them; with the addition of cutting vile grips

across the  road under the pretence of letting the water off; but

without effect; altogether render at least twelve out of these

sixteen miles as infamous a turnpike as ever was beheld。〃  Between

Tetsworth and Oxford he found the so…called turnpike abounding in

loose stones as large as one's head; full of holes; deep ruts; and

withal so narrow that with great difficulty he got his chaise out

of the way of the Witney waggons。  〃Barbarous〃 and 〃execrable〃 are

the words which he constantly employs in speaking of the roads;

parish an
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