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the life of thomas telford-第2章

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Cartland Crags Bridge

Improvement of the London and Edinburgh post road

Communications with Ireland

Wretched state of the Welsh roads

Telford's survey of the Shrewsbury and Holyhead road

Its construction

Roads and railways

London and Shrewsbury post road

Roads near London

Coast road; North Wales

CHAPTER XII。  The Menai and Conway Bridges

Bridges projected over the Menai Straits

Telford's designs

Ingenious plan of suspended centering

Design of a suspension bridge over the Mersey at Runcorn

Design of suspension bridge at Menai

The works begun

The main piers

The suspension chains

Hoisting of the first main chain

Progress of the works to completion

The bridge formally opened

Conway Suspension Bridge

CHAPTER XIII。  Docks; Drainage; and Bridges

Resume of English engineering

General increase in trade and poulation

The Thames

St。 Katherine's Docks

Tewkesburg Bridge

Gloucester Bridge

Dean Bridge; Edinburgh

Glasgow Bridge

Telford's works of drainage in the Fens

The North Level

The Nene Outfall

Effects of Fen drainage

CHAPTER XIV。  Southey's tour in the highlands

Southey sets out to visit the Highlands in Telford's company

Works at Dundee Harbour

Bervie Harbour

Mitchell and Gibbs

Aberdeen Harbour

Approach to Banff

Cullen Harbour

The Forres road

Beauly Bridge

Bonar Bridge

Fleet Mound

Southey's description of the Caledonian Canal and works

John Mitchell

Takes leave of Telford

Results of Highland road…making

CHAPTER XV。  Mr Telford's later yearsHis death and character

Telford's residence in London

Leaves the Salopian

First President of Institute of Civil Engineers

Consulted by foreign Governments as to roads and bridges

His views on railways

Failure of health

Consulted as to Dover Harbour

Illness and death

His character

His friends


Views on money…making



His Will

Libraries in Eskdale supported by his bequests


The present is a revised and in some respects enlarged edition of

the 'Life of Telford;' originally published in the 'Lives of the

Engineers;' to which is prefixed an account of the early roads and

modes of travelling in Britain。

From this volume; read in connection with the Lives of George and

Robert Stephenson; in which the origin and extension of Railways is

described; an idea may be formed of the extraordinary progress

which has been made in opening up the internal communications of

this  country during the last century。

Among the principal works executed by Telford in the course of his

life; were the great highways constructed by him in North Wales and

the Scotch Highlands; through districts formerly almost inaccessible;

but which are now as easily traversed as any English county。

By means of these roads; and the facilities afforded by railways;

the many are now enabled to visit with ease and comfort magnificent

mountain scenery; which before was only the costly privilege of the

few; at the same time that their construction has exercised a most

beneficial influence on the population of the districts themselves。

The Highland roads; which were constructed with the active

assistance of the Government; and were maintained partly at the

public expense until within the last few years; had the effect of

stimulating industry; improving agriculture; and converting a

turbulent because unemployed population into one of the most loyal

and well…conditioned in the empire; the policy thus adopted with

reference to the Highlands; and the beneficial results which have

flowed from it; affording the strongest encouragement to Government

in dealing in like manner with the internal communications of


While the construction of the Highland roads was in progress;

the late Robert Southey; poet laureate; visited the Highlands in

company with his friend the engineer; and left on record an

interesting account of his visit; in a; manuscript now in the

possession of Robert Rawlinson; C。E。; to whom we are indebted for

the extracts which are made from it in the present volume。

London; October; 1867。



Roads have in all times been among the most influential agencies of

society; and the makers of them; by enabling men readily to

communicate with each other; have properly been regarded as among

the most effective pioneers of civilization。

Roads are literally the pathways not only of industry; but of

social and national intercourse。  Wherever a line of communication

between men is formed; it renders commerce practicable; and;

wherever commerce penetrates; it creates a civilization and leaves

a history。

Roads place the city and the town in connection with the village

and the farm; open up markets for field produce; and provide

outlets for manufactures。  They enable the natural resources of a

country to be developed; facilitate travelling and intercourse;

break down local jealousies; and in all ways tend to bind together

society and bring out fully that healthy spirit of industry which

is the life and soul of every nation。

The road is so necessary an instrument of social wellbeing;

that in every new colony it is one of the first things thought of。

First roads; then commerce; institutions; schools; churches;

and newspapers。  The new country; as well as the old; can only be

effectually 〃opened up;〃 as the common phrase is; by roads

and until these are made; it is virtually closed。

Freedom itself cannot exist without free communication;every

limitation of movement on the part of the members of society

amounting to a positive abridgment of their personal liberty。

Hence roads; canals; and railways; by providing the greatest

possible facilities for locomotion and information; are essential

for the freedom of all classes; of the poorest as well as the


By bringing the ends of a kingdom together; they reduce the

inequalities of fortune and station; and; by equalizing the price

of commodities; to that extent they render them accessible to all。

Without their assistance; the concentrated populations of our large

towns could neither be clothed nor fed; but by their instrumentality

an immense range of country is brought as it were to their very doors;

and the sustenance and employment of large masses of people become

comparatively easy。

In the raw materials required for food; for manufactures; and for

domestic purposes; the cost of transport necessarily forms a

considerable item; and it is clear that the more this cost can be

reduced by facilities of communication; the cheaper these articles

become; and the more they are multiplied and enter into the

consumption of the community at large。

Let any one imagine what would be the effect of closing the roads;

railways; and canals of England。  The country would be brought to a

dead lock; employment would be restricted in all directions; and a

large proportion of the inhabitants concentrated in the large towns

must at certain seasons inevitably perish of cold and hunger。

In the earlier periods of English history; roads were of comparatively

less consequence。  While the population was thin and scattered;

and men lived by hunting and pastoral pursuits; the track across

the down; the heath; and the moor; sufficiently answered their purpose。

Yet even in those districts unencumbered with wood; where the first

settlements were madeas on the downs of Wiltshire; the moors of

Devonshire; and the wolds of Yorkshirestone tracks were laid down

by the tribes between one village and another。  We have given here;

a representation of one of those ancient trackways still existing

in the neighbourhood of Whitby; in Yorkshire;

'Image' Ancient Causeway; near Whitby。

and there are many of the same description to be met with in other

parts of England。  In some districts they are called trackways or

ridgeways; being narrow causeways usually following the natural

ridge of the country; and probably serving in early times as local

boundaries。  On Dartmoor they are constructed of stone blocks;

irregularly laid down on the surface of the ground; forming a rude

causeway of about five or six feet wide。

The Romans; with many other arts; first brought into England the

art of road…making。  They thoroughly understood the value of good

roads; regarding them as the essential means for the maintenance

of their empire in the first instance; and of social prosperity in

the next。 It was their roads; as well as their legions; that made

them masters of the world; and the pickaxe; not less than the sword;

was the ensign of their dominion。  Wherever they went; they opened

up the communications of the countries they subdued; and the roads

which they made were among the best of their kind。  
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