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the blue flower-第13章

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almost like caves。  One side of the rock was broken by a slanting

〃Be careful;〃 cried my companion; 〃there is a rattlers'
den somewhere about here。  The snakes are in their winter
quarters now; almost dormant; but they can still strike if you
tread on them。  Step here!  Give me your handuse that point
of rockhold fast by this bush; it is firmly rootedso!
Here we are on Spy Rock!  You have heard of it? I thought so。
Other people have heard of it; and imagine that they have
found itfive miles east of uson a lower ridge。  Others
think it is a peak just back of Cro' Nest。  All wrong!  There
is but one real Spy Rockhere!  This earth holds no more
perfect view…point。  It is one of the rare places from which
a man may see the kingdoms of the world and all the glory of
them。  Look!〃

The prospect was indeed magnificent; it was strange what
a vast enlargement of vision resulted from the slight
elevation above the surrounding peaks。  It was like being
lifted up so that we could look over the walls。  The horizon
expanded as if by magic。  The vast circumference of vision swept
around us with a radius of a hundred miles。  Mountain and meadow;
forest and field; river and lake; hill and dale; village and
farmland; far…off city and shimmering waterall lay open to our
sight; and over all the westering sun wove a transparent robe of
gem…like hues。  Every feature of the landscape seemed alive;
quivering; pulsating with conscious beauty。  You could almost
see the world breathe。

〃Wonderful!〃 I cried。  〃Most wonderful!  You have found a
mount of vision。〃

〃Ah;〃 he answered; 〃you don't half see the wonder yet; you
don't begin to appreciate it。  Your eyes are new to it。  You
have not learned the power of far sight; the secret of Spy
Rock。  You are still shut in by the horizon。〃

〃Do you mean to say that you can look beyond it?〃

〃Beyond yoursyes。  And beyond any that you would dream
possibleSee!  Your sight reaches to that dim cloud of smoke
in the south?  And beneath it you can make out; perhaps; a
vague blotch of shadow; or a tiny flash of brightness where the
sun strikes it?  New York!  But I can see the great buildings;
the domes; the spires; the crowded wharves; the tides of people
whirling through the streetsand beyond that; the sea; with the
ships coming and going!  I can follow them on their coursesand
beyond thatOh! when I am on Spy Rock I can see more than
other men can imagine。〃

For a moment; strange to say; I almost fancied could
follow him。  The magnetism of his spirit imposed upon me;
carried me away with him。  Then sober reason told me that he
was talking of impossibilities。

〃Keene;〃 said I; 〃you are dreaming。  The view and the air
have intoxicated you。  This is a phantasy; a delusion!〃

〃It pleases you to call it so;〃 he said; 〃but I only tell
you my real experience。  Why it should be impossible I do not
understand。  There is no reason why the power of sight should
not be cultivated; enlarged; expanded indefinitely。〃

〃And the straight rays of light?〃 I asked。 〃And the curvature
of the earth which makes a horizon inevitable?〃

〃Who knows what a ray of light is?〃 said he。  〃Who can
prove that it may not be curved; under certain conditions; or
refracted in some places in a way that is not possible
elsewhere?  I tell you there is something extraordinary about
this Spy Rock。  It is a seat of powerNature's observatory。
More things are visible here than anywhere elsemore than I
have told you yet。  But come; we have little time left。  For
half an hour; each of us shall enjoy what he can see。  Then
home again to the narrower outlook; the restricted life。〃

The downward journey was swifter than the ascent; but no
less fatiguing。  By the time we reached the school; an hour
after dark; I was very tired。  But Keene was in one of his
moods of exhilaration。  He glowed like a piece of phosphorus
that has been drenched with light。

Graham took the first opportunity of speaking with me alone。

〃Well?〃 said he。

〃Well!〃 I answered。  〃You were wrong。  There is no treason in
Keene's walks; no guilt in his moods。  But there is something
very strange。  I cannot form a judgment yet as to what we should
do。  We must wait a few days。  It will do no harm to be patient。
Indeed; I have promised not to judge; not to speak of it; until a
certain time。  Are you satisfied?〃

〃This is a curious story;〃 said he; 〃and I am puzzled by
it。  But I trust you; I agree to wait; though I am far from

Our second expedition was appointed for the following
Saturday。  Keene was hungry for it; and I was almost as eager;
desiring to penetrate as quickly as possible into the heart of
the affair。  Already a conviction in regard to it was pressing
upon me; and I resolved to let him talk; this time; as freely
as he would; without interruption or denial。

When we clambered up on Spy Rock; he was more subdued and
reserved than he had been the first time。  For a while he
talked little; but scanned view with wide; shining eyes。  Then
he began to tell me stories of the places that we could
seestrange stories of domestic calamity; and social conflict;
and eccentric passion; and hidden crime。

〃Do you remember Hawthorne's story of 'The Minister's
Black Veil?'  It is the best comment on human life that ever
was written。  Everyone has something to hide。  The surface of
life is a mask。  The substance of life is a secret。  All
humanity wears the black veil。  But it is not impenetrable。
No; it is transparent; if you find the right point of view。
Here; on Spy Rock; I have found it。  I have learned how to
look through the veil。  I can see; not by the light…rays only;
but by the rays which are colourless; imperceptible;
irresistible the rays of the unknown quantity; which penetrate
everywhere。  I can see how men down in the great city are
weaving their nets of selfishness and falsehood; and calling
them industrial enterprises or political combinations。  I can
see how the wheels of society are moved by the hidden springs
of avarice and greed and rivalry。  I can see how children
drink in the fables of religion; without understanding them;
and how prudent men repeat them without believing them。  I can
see how the illusions of love appear and vanish; and how men and
women swear that their dreams are eternal; even while they fade。
I can see how poor people blind themselves and deceive each
other; calling selfishness devotion; and bondage contentment。
Down at Hilltop yonder I can see how Dorothy Ward and John
Graham; without knowing it;without meaning it〃

〃Stop; man!〃 I cried。  〃Stop; before you say what can
never be unsaid。  You know it is not true。  These are
nightmare visions that ride you。  Not from Spy Rock nor from
anywhere else can you see anything at Hilltop that is not
honest and pure and loyal。  Come down; now; and let us go
home。  You will see better there than here。〃

〃I think not;〃 said he; 〃but I will come。  Yes; of course;
I am bound to come。  But let me have a few minutes here alone。
Go you down along the path a little way slowly。  I will follow
you in a quarter of an hour。  And remember we are to be here
together once more!〃

  Once more!  Yes; and then what must be done?

How was this strange case to be dealt with so as to save all
the actors; as far as possible; from needless suffering?  That
Keene's mind was disordered at least three of us suspected
already。  But to me alone was the nature and seat of the
disorder known。  How make the others understand it?  They
might easily conceive it to be something different from the
fact; some actual lesion of the brain; an incurable insanity。
But this it was not。  As yet; at least; he was no patient for
a mad…house: it would be unjust; probably it would be
impossible to have him committed。  But on the other hand they
might take it too lightly; as the result of overwork; or
perhaps of the use of some narcotic。  To me it was certain
that the trouble went far deeper than this。  It lay in the
man's moral nature; in the error of his central will。  It was
the working out; in abnormal form; but with essential truth;
of his chosen and cherished ideal of life。  Spy Rock was
something more than the seat of his delusion。 it was the
expression of his temperament。  The solitary trail that led
thither was the symbol of his search for happinessalone;
forgetful of life's lowlier ties; looking down upon the world in
the cold abstraction of scornful knowledge。  How was such a man
to be brought back to the real life whose first condition is the
acceptance of a limited outlook; the willingness to live by
trust as much as by sight; the power of finding joy and peace
in the things that we feel are the best; even though we cannot
prove them nor explain them?  How could he ever bring anything
but discord and sorrow to those who were bound to him?

This was what perplexed and oppressed me。  I needed all
the time until the next Saturday to think the question
through; to decide what should be done。  But the matter was
taken out of my hands。  After our latest expedition Keene's
dark mood returned upon him with sombre intensity。  Dull;
restless; indifferent; half…contemptuous; he s
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