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the blue flower-第2章

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leaves。  Round about were many other flowers; of all hues。
Their odours mingled in a perfect chord of fragrance。  He saw
nothing but the Blue Flower。

Long and tenderly he gazed at it; with unspeakable love。
At last he felt that he must go a little nearer to it; when
suddenly it began to move and change。  The leaves glistened
more brightly; and drew themselves up closely around the
swiftly growing stalk。  The flower bent itself toward him; and
the petals showed a blue; spreading necklace of sapphires; out of
which the lovely face of a girl smiled softly into his eyes。
His sweet astonishment grew with the wondrous transformation。

All at once he heard his mother's voice calling him; and
awoke in his parents' room; already flooded with the gold of
the morning sun。

From the German of Novalis。



In the middle of the land that is called by its inhabitants
Koorma; and by strangers the Land of the Half…forgotten; I was
toiling all day long through heavy sand and grass as hard as
wire。  Suddenly; toward evening; I came upon a place where a
gate opened in the wall of mountains; and the plain ran in
through the gate; making a little bay of level country among
the hills。

Now this bay was not brown and hard and dry; like the
mountains above me; neither was it covered with tawny billows
of sand like the desert along the edge of which I had wearily
coasted。  But the surface of it was smooth and green; and as
the winds of twilight breathed across it they were followed by
soft waves of verdure; with silvery turnings of the under
sides of many leaves; like ripples on a quiet harbour。  There
were fields of corn; filled with silken rustling; and
vineyards with long rows of trimmed maple…trees standing
each one like an emerald goblet wreathed with vines; and
flower…gardens as bright as if the earth had been embroidered
with threads of blue and scarlet and gold; and olive…orchards
frosted over with delicate and fragrant blossoms。  Red…roofed
cottages were scattered everywhere through the sea of
greenery; and in the centre; like a white ship surrounded by
a flock of little boats; rested a small; fair; shining city。

I wondered greatly how this beauty had come into being on
the border of the desert。  Passing through the fields and
gardens and orchards; I found that they were all encircled and
lined with channels full of running water。  I followed up one
of the smaller channels until it came to a larger stream; and
as I walked on beside it; still going upward; it guided me
into the midst of the city; where I saw a sweet; merry river
flowing through the main street; with abundance of water and
a very pleasant sound。

There were houses and shops and lofty palaces and all that
makes a city; but the life and joy of all; and the one thing
that I remember best; was the river。  For in the open square at
the edge of the city there were marble pools where the children
might bathe and play; at the corners of the streets and on the
sides of the houses there were fountains for the drawing of
water; at every crossing a stream was turned aside to run out to
the vineyards; and the river was the mother of them all。

There were but few people in the streets; and none of the
older folk from whom I might ask counsel or a lodging; so I
stood and knocked at the door of a house。  It was opened by an
old man; who greeted me with kindness and bade me enter as his
guest。  After much courteous entertainment; and when supper
was ended; his friendly manner and something of singular
attractiveness in his countenance led me to tell him of my
strange journeyings in the land of Koorma and in other lands
where I had been seeking the Blue Flower; and to inquire of
him the name and the story of his city and the cause of the
river which made it glad。

〃My son;〃 he answered; 〃this is the city which was called
Ablis; that is to say; Forsaken。  For long ago men lived here;
and the river made their fields fertile; and their dwellings were
full of plenty and peace。  But because of many evil things which
have been half…forgotten; the river was turned aside; or else it
was dried up at its source in the high place among the mountains;
so that the water flowed down no more。  The channels and the
trenches and the marble pools and the basins beside the houses
remained; but they were empty。  So the gardens withered; the
fields were barren; the city was desolate; and in the broken
cisterns there was scanty water。

〃Then there came one from a distant country who was very
sorrowful to see the desolation。  He told the people that it
was vain to dig new cisterns and to keep the channels and
trenches clean; for the water had come only from above。  The
Source must be found again and reopened。  The river would not
flow unless they traced it back to the spring; and visited it
continually; and offered prayers and praises beside it without
ceasing。  Then the spring would rise to an outpouring; and the
water would run down plentifully to make the gardens blossom
and the city rejoice。

〃So he went forth to open the fountain; but there were few
that went with him; for he was a poor man of lowly aspect; and
the path upward was steep and rough。  But his companions saw
that as he climbed among the rocks; little streams of water
gushed from the places where he trod; and pools began to
gather in the dry river…bed。  He went more swiftly than they
could follow him; and at length he passed out of their sight。
A little farther on they came to the rising of the river and
there; beside the overflowing Source; they found their leader
lying dead。〃

〃That was a strange thing;〃 I cried; 〃and very pitiful。
Tell me how it came to pass; and what was the meaning of it。〃

〃I cannot tell the whole of the meaning;〃 replied the old
man; after a little pause; 〃for it was many years ago。  But
this poor man had many enemies in the city; chiefly among the
makers of cisterns; who hated him for his words。  I believe
that they went out after him secretly and slew him。  But his
followers came back to the city; and as they came the river
began to run down very gently after them。  They returned to the
Source day by day; bringing others with them; for they said that
their leader was really alive; though the form of his life had
changed; and that he met them in that high place while they
remembered him and prayed and sang songs of praise。  More and
more the people learned to go with them; and the path grew
plainer and easier to find。  The more the Source was revisited;
the more abundant it became; and the more it filled the river。
All the channels and the basins were supplied with water; and men
made new channels which were also filled。  Some of those who were
diggers of trenches and hewers of cisterns said that it was
their work which had wrought the change。  But the wisest and
best among the people knew that it all came from the Source;
and they taught that if it should ever again be forgotten and
left unvisited the river would fail again and desolation
return。  So every day; from the gardens and orchards and the
streets of the city; men and women and children have gone up
the mountain…path with singing; to rejoice beside the spring
from which the river flows and to remember the one who opened it。
We call it the River Carita。  And the name of the city is no more
Ablis; but Saloma; which is Peace。  And the name of him who died
to find the Source for us is so dear that we speak it only when
we pray。

〃But there are many things yet to learn about our city;
and some that seem dark and cast a shadow on my thoughts。
Therefore; my son; I bid you to be my guest; for there is a
room in my house for the stranger; and to…morrow and on the
following days you shall see how life goes with us; and read;
if you can; the secret of the city。〃

That night I slept well; as one who has heard a pleasant
tale; with the murmur of running water woven through my
dreams; and the next day I went out early into the streets;
for I was curious to see the manner of the visitation of the

Already the people were coming forth and turning their
steps upward in the mountain…path beside the river。  Some of
them went alone; swiftly and in silence; others were in groups
of two or three; talking as they went; others were in larger
companies; and they sang together very gladly and sweetly。
But there were many people who remained working
in their fields or in their houses; or stayed talking on the
corners of the streets。  Therefore I joined myself to one of
the men who walked alone and asked him why all the people did
not go to the spring; since the life of the city depended upon
it; and whether; perhaps; the way was so long and so hard that
none but the strongest could undertake it。

〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃I perceive that you are a stranger; for
the way is both short and easy; so that the children are those
who most delight in it; and if a man were in great haste he
could go there and return in a little while。  But of those who
remain behind; some are the busy ones who must visit the
fountain at another hour; and some are the careless ones who
take life as it comes and never think where it comes 
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