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the blue flower-第23章

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sense of duty; bound him。  He could not go back to the old
careless pagan life again; for something had happened within
him which made a return impossible。  Doubtless he had found
the true religion; but he had found it only as a task and a
burden; its joy and peace had slipped away from him。

He felt disillusioned and robbed。  He sat beside his hard
couch; waiting without expectancy for the gray dawn of another
empty day; and hardly lifting his head at the shouts of his

〃Come down; Hermas; you sluggard!  Come down!  It is
Christmas morn。  Awake; and be glad with us!〃

〃I am coming;〃 he answered listlessly; 〃only have patience
a moment。  I have been awake since midnight; and waiting for
the day。〃

〃You hear him!〃 said his friends one to another。  〃How he
puts us all to shame!  He is more watchful; more eager; than
any of us。  Our master; John the Presbyter; does well to be
proud of him。  He is the best man in our class。〃

While they were talking the door opened and Hermas stepped
out。  He was a figure to be remarked in any companytall;
broad…shouldered; straight…hipped; with a head proudly poised
on the firm column of the neck; and short brown curls
clustering over the square forehead。  It was the perpetual
type of vigorous and intelligent young manhood; such as may be
found in every century among the throngs of ordinary men; as
if to show what the flower of the race should be。  But the
light in his eyes was clouded and uncertain; his smooth cheeks
were leaner than they should have been at twenty; and there
were downward lines about his mouth which spoke of desires
unsatisfied and ambitions repressed。  He joined his
companions with brief greetings;a nod to one; a word to
another;and they passed together down the steep street。

Overhead the mystery of daybreak was silently
transfiguring the sky。  The curtain of darkness had lifted
along the edge of the horizon。  The ragged crests of Mount
Silpius were outlined with pale saffron light。  In the central
vault of heaven a few large stars twinkled drowsily。  The
great city; still chiefly pagan; lay more than half…asleep。
But multitudes of the Christians; dressed in white and carrying
lighted torches in their hands; were hurrying toward the
Basilica of Constantine to keep the new holy…day of the
church; the festival of the birthday of their Master。

The vast; bare building was soon crowded; and the younger
converts; who were not yet permitted to stand among the
baptised; found it difficult to come to their appointed place
between the first two pillars of the house; just within the
threshold。  There was some good…humoured pressing and jostling
about the door; but the candidates pushed steadily forward。

〃By your leave; friends; our station is beyond you。  Will
you let us pass?  Many thanks。〃

A touch here; a courteous nod there; a little patience; a
little persistence; and at last they stood in their place。
Hermas was taller than his companions; he could look easily
over their heads and survey the sea of people stretching away
through the columns; under the shadows of the high roof; as
the tide spreads on a calm day into the pillared cavern of
Staffa; quiet as if the ocean hardly dared to breathe。  The
light of many flambeaux fell; in flickering; uncertain rays;
over the assembly。  At the end of the vista there was a circle
of clearer; steadier radiance。  Hermas could see the bishop in
his great chair; surrounded by the presbyters; the lofty desks
on either side for the readers of the Scripture; the
communion…table and the table of offerings in the middle of
the church。

The call to prayer sounded down the long aisle。  Thousands
of hands were joyously lifted in the air; as if the sea had
blossomed into waving lilies; and the 〃Amen〃 was like the
murmur of countless ripples in an echoing place。

Then the singing began; led by the choir of a hundred
trained voices which the Bishop Paul had founded in Antioch。
Timidly; at first; the music felt its way; as the people
joined with a broken and uncertain cadence: the mingling of
many little waves not yet gathered into rhythm and harmony。
Soon the longer; stronger billows of song rolled in; sweeping
from side to side as the men and the women answered in the
clear antiphony。

Hermas had often been carried on those

      Tides of music's golden sea
      Selling toward eternity。

But to…day his heart was a rock that stood motionless。  The
flood passed by and left him unmoved。

Looking out from his place at the foot of the pillar; he
saw a man standing far off in the lofty bema。  Short and
slender; wasted by sickness; gray before his time; with pale
cheeks and wrinkled brow; he seemed at first like a person of
no significancea reed shaken in the wind。  But there was a
look in his deep…set; poignant eyes; as he gathered all the
glances of the multitude to himself; that belied his mean
appearance and prophesied power。  Hermas knew very well who it
was: the man who had drawn him from his father's house; the
teacher who was instructing him as a son in the Christian faith;
the guide and trainer of his soulJohn of Antioch; whose fame
filled the city and began to overflow Asia; and who was called
already Chrysostom; the golden…mouthed preacher。

Hermas had felt the magic of his eloquence many a time;
and to…day; as the tense voice vibrated through the stillness;
and the sentences moved onward; growing fuller and stronger;
bearing argosies of costly rhetoric and treasures of homely
speech in their bosom; and drawing the hearts of men with a
resistless magic; Hermas knew that the preacher had never been
more potent; more inspired。

He played on that immense congregation as a master on an
instrument。  He rebuked their sins; and they trembled。  He
touched their sorrows; and they wept。  He spoke of the
conflicts; the triumphs; the glories of their faith; and they
broke out in thunders of applause。  He hushed them into reverent
silence; and led them tenderly; with the wise men of the East; to
the lowly birthplace of Jesus。

〃Do thou; therefore; likewise leave the Jewish people; the
troubled city; the bloodthirsty tyrant; the pomp of the world;
and hasten to Bethlehem; the sweet house of spiritual bread。
For though thou be but a shepherd; and come hither; thou shalt
behold the young Child in an inn。  Though thou be a king; and
come not hither; thy purple robe shall profit thee nothing。
Though thou be one of the wise men; this shall be no hindrance
to thee。  Only let thy coming be to honour and adore; with
trembling joy; the Son of God; to whose name be glory; on this
His birthday; and forever and forever。〃

The soul of Hermas did not answer to the musician's touch。
The strings of his heart were slack and soundless; there was
no response within him。  He was neither shepherd; nor king;
nor wise man; only an unhappy; dissatisfied; questioning
youth。  He was out of sympathy with the eager preacher;
the joyous hearers。  In their harmony he had no part。  Was it
for this that he had forsaken his inheritance and narrowed his
life to poverty and hardship?  What was it all worth?

The gracious prayers with which the young converts were
blessed and dismissed before the sacrament sounded hollow in
his ears。  Never had he felt so utterly lonely as in that
praying throng。  He went out with his companions like a man
departing from a banquet where all but he had been fed。

〃Farewell; Hermas;〃 they cried; as he turned from them at
the door。  But he did not look back; nor wave his hand。  He
was already alone in his heart。

When he entered the broad Avenue of the Colonnades; the
sun had already topped the eastern hills; and the ruddy light
was streaming through the long double row of archways and over
the pavements of crimson marble。  But Hermas turned his back
to the morning; and walked with his shadow before him。

The street began to swarm and whirl and quiver with the
motley life of a huge city: beggars and jugglers; dancers and
musicians; gilded youths in their chariots; and daughters of
joy looking out from their windows; all intoxicated with the
mere delight of living and the gladness of a new day。  The
pagan populace of Antiochreckless; pleasure…loving;
spendthriftwere preparing for the Saturnalia。  But all this
Hermas had renounced。  He cleft his way through the crowd
slowly; like a reluctant swimmer weary of breasting the tide。

At the corner of the street where the narrow; populous
Lane of the Camel…drivers crossed the Colonnades; a
storyteller had bewitched a circle of people around him。  It
was the same old tale of love and adventure that many
generations have listened to; but the lively fancy of the
hearers rent it new interest; and the wit of the improviser
drew forth sighs of interest and shouts of laughter。

A yellow…haired girl on the edge of the throng turned; as
Hermas passed; and smiled in his face。  She put out her hand
and caught him by the sleeve。

〃Stay;〃 she said; 〃and laugh a bit with us。  I know who
you arethe son of Demetrius。  You must have bags of gold。
Why do you look so black?  Love is alive yet。〃

Hermas shook off her hand; but not ungently。

〃I don't know wha
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