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the blue flower-第25章

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him。  A cool languor of delight flowed back through every
vein; and he sank into a profound sleep。


There is a slumber so deep that it annihilates time。  It is
like a fragment of eternity。  Beneath its enchantment of
vacancy; a day seems like a thousand years; and a thousand
years might well pass as one day。

It was such a sleep that fell upon Hermas in the Grove of
Daphne。  An immeasurable period; an interval of life so blank
and empty that he could not tell whether it was long or short;
had passed over him when his senses began to stir again。  The
setting sun was shooting arrows of gold under the glossy
laurel…leaves。  He rose and stretched his arms; grasping a
smooth branch above him and shaking it; to make sure that he
was alive。  Then he hurried back toward Antioch; treading
lightly as if on air。

The ground seemed to spring beneath his feet。  Already his
life had changed; he knew not how。  Something that did not
belong to him had dropped away; he had returned to a former
state of being。 He felt as if anything might happen to him; and
he was ready for anything。  He was a new man; yet curiously
familiar to himselfas if he had done with playing a tiresome
part and returned to his natural state。  He was buoyant and free;
without a care; a doubt; a fear。

As he drew near to his father's house he saw a confusion
of servants in the porch; and the old steward ran down to meet
him at the gate。

〃Lord; we have been seeking you everywhere。  The master is
at the point of death; and has sent for you。  Since the sixth
hour he calls your name continually。  Come to him quickly;
lord; for I fear the time is short。〃

Hermas entered the house at once; nothing could amaze him
to…day。  His father lay on an ivory couch in the inmost
chamber; with shrunken face and restless eyes; his lean
fingers picking incessantly at the silken coverlet。

〃My son!〃 he murmured; 〃Hermas; my son!  It is good that
you have come back to me。  I have missed you。  I was wrong to
send you away。  You shall never leave me again。  You are my
son; my heir。  I have changed everything。  Hermas; my son; come
nearerclose beside me。  Take my hand; my son!〃

The young man obeyed; and; kneeling by the couch; gathered
his father's cold; twitching fingers in his firm; warm grasp。

〃Hermas; life is passinglong; rich; prosperous; the last
sands; I cannot stay them。  My religion; a good policyJulian
was my friend。  But now he is gonewhere?  My soul is
emptynothing beyondvery darkI am afraid。  But you know
something better。  You found something that made you willing
to give up your life for itit; must have been almost like
dyingyet you were happy。  What was it you found?  See; I am
giving you everything。  I have forgiven you。  Now forgive me。
Tell me; what is it?  Your secret; your faithgive it to me
before I go。〃

At the sound of this broken pleading a strange passion of
pity and love took the young man by the throat。  His voice
shook a little as he answered eagerly:

〃Father; there is nothing to forgive。  I am your son; I will
gladly tell you all that I know。  I will give you the secret。
Father; you must believe with all your heart; and soul; and
strength in〃

Where was the wordthe word that he had been used to
utter night and morning; the word that had meant to him more
than he had ever known?  What had become of it?

He groped for it in the dark room of his mind。  He had
thought he could lay his hand upon it in a moment; but it was
gone。  Some one had taken it away。  Everything else was most
clear to him: the terror of death; the lonely soul appealing
from his father's eyes; the instant need of comfort and help。
But at the one point where he looked for help he could find
nothing; only an empty space。  The word of hope had vanished。
He felt for it blindly and in desperate haste。

〃Father; wait!  I have forgotten somethingit has slipped
away from me。  I shall find it in a moment。  There is hopeI
will tell you presentlyoh; wait!〃

The bony hand gripped his like a vice; the glazed eyes opened
wider。  〃Tell me;〃 whispered the old man; 〃tell me quickly; for I
must go。〃

The voice sank into a dull rattle。  The fingers closed
once more; and relaxed。  The light behind the eyes went out。

Hermas; the master of the House of the Golden Pillars; was
keeping watch by the dead。


The break with the old life was as clean as if it had been cut
with a knife。  Some faint image of a hermit's cell; a bare
lodging in a back street of Antioch; a class…room full of
earnest students; remained in Hermas' memory。  Some dull echo
of the voice of John the Presbyter; and the measured sound of
chanting; and the murmur of great congregations; still
lingered in his ears; but it was like something that had
happened to another person; something that he had read long
ago; but of which he had lost the meaning。

His new life was full and smooth and richtoo rich for
any sense of loss to make itself felt。  There were a hundred
affairs to busy him; and the days ran swiftly by as if they were
shod with winged sandals。

Nothing needed to be considered; prepared for; begun。
Everything was ready and waiting for him。  All that he had to
do was to go on。

The estate of Demetrius was even greater than the world
had supposed。  There were fertile lands in Syria which the
emperor had given him; marble…quarries in Phrygia; and forests
of valuable timber in Cilicia; the vaults of the villa
contained chests of gold and silver; the secret cabinets in
the master's room were full of precious stones。  The stewards
were diligent and faithful。  The servants of the household
rejoiced at the young master's return。  His table was spread;
the rose…garland of pleasure was woven for his head; his cup
was overflowing with the spicy wine of power。

The period of mourning for his father came at a fortunate
moment to seclude and safeguard him from the storm of
political troubles and persecutions that fell upon Antioch
after the insults offered by the people to the imperial
statues in the year 387。  The friends of Demetrius; prudent and
conservative persons; gathered around Hermas and made him welcome
to their circle。  Chief among them was Libanius; the sophist; his
nearest neighbour; whose daughter Athenais had been the playmate
of Hermas in the old days。

He had left her a child。  He found her a beautiful woman。
What transformation is so magical; so charming; as this?  To
see the uncertain lines of youth rounded into firmness and
symmetry; to discover the half…ripe; merry; changing face of
the girl matured into perfect loveliness; and looking at you
with calm; clear; serious eyes; not forgetting the past; but
fully conscious of the changed presentthis is to behold a
miracle in the flesh。

〃Where have you been; these two years?〃 said Athenais; as
they walked together through the garden of lilies where they
had so often played。

〃In a land of tiresome dreams;〃 answered Hermas; 〃but you
have wakened me; and I am never going back again。〃

It was not to be supposed that the sudden disappearance of
Hermas from among his former associates could long remain
unnoticed。  At first it was a mystery。  There was a fear; for two
or three days; that he might be lost。  Some of his more intimate
companions maintained that his devotion had led him out into the
desert to join the anchorites。  But the news of his return to the
House of the Golden Pillars; and of his new life as its
master; filtered quickly through the gossip of the city。

Then the church was filled with dismay and grief and
reproach。  Messengers and letters were sent to Hermas。  They
disturbed him a little; but they took no hold upon him。  It
seemed to him as if the messengers spoke in a strange
language。  As he read the letters there were words blotted out
of the writing which made the full sense unintelligible。

His old companions came to reprove him for leaving them;
to warn him of the peril of apostasy; to entreat him to
return。  It all sounded vague and futile。  They spoke as if he
had betrayed or offended some one; but when they came to name
the object of his fearthe one whom he had displeased; and to
whom he should returnhe heard nothing; there was a blur of
silence in their speech。  The clock pointed to the hour; but the
bell did not strike。  At last Hermas refused to see them any

One day John the Presbyter stood in the atrium。  Hermas
was entertaining Libanius and Athenais in the banquet…hall。
When the visit of the Presbyter was announced; the young
master loosed a collar of gold and jewels from his neck; and
gave it to his scribe。

〃Take this to John of Antioch; and tell him it is a gift
from his former pupilas a token of remembrance; or to spend
for the poor of the city。  I will always send him what he
wants; but it is idle for us to talk together any more。  I do
not understand what he says。  I have not gone to the temple;
nor offered sacrifice; nor denied his teaching。  I have simply
forgotten。  I do not think about those things any longer。  I
am only living。  A happy man wishes him all happiness and

But John let the golden collar fall on the marble floor。
〃Tell your mast
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