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the blue flower-第9章

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of an aspect so striking that to this day his face and figure
are as vivid in my memory as if it were but yesterday that I
had met him。

He was dressed in black; the coat of a somewhat formal
cut; a long cravat loosely knotted in his rolling collar。  His
head was bare; and the coal…black hair; thick and waving; was
in some disorder。  His face; smooth and pale; with high
forehead; straight nose; and thin; sensitive lipswas it old
or young?  Handsome it certainly was; the face of a man of
mark; a man of power。  Yet there was something strange and
wild about it。  His dark eyes; with the fine wrinkles about
them; had a look of unspeakable remoteness; and at the same
time an intensity that seemed to pierce me through and
through。  It was as if he saw me in a dream; yet measured me;
weighed me with a scrutiny as exact as it was at bottom

But his lips were smiling; and there was no fault to be
found; at least; with his manner。  He had risen from the broad
stone where he had evidently been sitting with his back against
the chimney; and came forward to greet me。

〃You will pardon the abruptness of my greeting?  I thought
you might not care to make acquaintance with the present
tenant of this old houseat least not without an

〃Certainly not;〃 I answered; 〃you have done me a real
kindness; which is better than the outward form of courtesy。
But how is it that you stay at such close quarters with this
unpleasant tenant?  Have you no fear of him?〃

〃Not the least in the world;〃 he answered; laughing。  〃I
know the snakes too well; better than they know themselves。
It is not likely that even an old serpent with thirteen
rattles; like this one; could harm me。  I know his ways。
Before he could strike I should be out of reach。〃

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃it is a grim thought; at all events; that
this house; once a cheerful home; no doubt; should have fallen
at last to be the dwelling of such a vile creature。〃

〃Fallen!〃 he exclaimed。  Then he repeated the word with a
questioning accent〃fallen?  Are you sure of that?  The snake;
in his way; may be quite as honest as the people who lived here
before him; and not much more harmful。  The farmer was a miser
who robbed his mother; quarrelled with his brother; and starved
his wife。  What she lacked in food; she made up in drink; when
she could。  One of the children; a girl; was a cripple; lamed by
her mother in a fit of rage。  The two boys were ne'er…do…weels
who ran away from home as soon as they were old enough。  One of
them is serving a life…sentence in the State prison for
manslaughter。  When the house burned down some thirty years ago;
the woman escaped。  The man's body was found with the head
crushed inperhaps by a falling timber。  The family of our
friend the rattlesnake could hardly surpass that record; I think。

But why should we blame themany of them?  They were only acting
out their natures。  To one who can see and understand; it is all
perfectly simple; and interestingimmensely interesting。〃

It is impossible to describe the quiet eagerness; the cool
glow of fervour with which he narrated this little history。  It
was the manner of the triumphant pathologist who lays bare some
hidden seat of disease。  It surprised and repelled me a little;
yet it attracted me; too; for I could see how evidently he
counted on my comprehension and sympathy。

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃it is a pitiful history。  Rural life is
not all peace and innocence。  But how came you to know the

〃I?  Oh; I make it my business to know a little of
everything; and as much as possible of human life; not
excepting the petty chronicles of the rustics around me。  It
is my chief pleasure。  I earn my living by teaching boys。  I
find my satisfaction in studying men。  But you are on a
journey; sir; and night is falling。  I must not detain you。
Or perhaps you will allow me to forward you a little by
serving as a guide。  Which way were you going when you turned
aside to look at this dismantled shrine?〃

〃To Canterbury;〃 I answered; 〃to find a night's; or a
month's; lodging at the inn。  My journey is a ramble; it has
neither terminus nor time…table。〃

〃Then let me commend to you something vastly better than
the tender mercies of the Canterbury Inn。  Come with me to the
school on Hilltop; where I am a teacher。  It is a thousand
feet above the villagepurer air; finer view; and pleasanter
company。  There is plenty of room in the house; for it is
vacation…time。  Master Isaac Ward is always glad to entertain

There was something so sudden and unconventional about the
invitation that I was reluctant to accept it; but he gave it
naturally and pressed it with earnest courtesy; assuring me
that it was in accordance with Master Ward's custom; that he
would be much disappointed to lose the chance of talking with
an interesting traveller; that he would far rather let me pay
him for my lodging than have me go by; and so onso that at
last I consented。

Three minutes' walking from the deserted clearing brought
us into a travelled road。  It circled the breast of the
mountain; and as we stepped along it in the dusk I learned
something of my companion。  His name was Edward Keene; he
taught Latin and Greek in the Hilltop School; he had studied for
the ministry; but had given it up; I gathered; on account of a
certain loss of interest; or rather a diversion of interest in
another direction。  He spoke of himself with an impersonal

〃Preachers must be always trying to persuade men;〃 he
said。  〃But what I care about is to know men。  I don't care
what they do。  Certainly I have no wish to interfere with them
in their doings; for I doubt whether anyone can really change
them。  Each tree bears its own fruit; you see; and by their
fruits you know them。〃

〃What do you say to grafting?  That changes the fruit;

〃Yes; but a grafted tree is not really one tree。  It is
two trees growing together。  There is a double life in it; and
the second life; the added life; dominates the other。  The
stock becomes a kind of animate soil for the graft to grow

Presently the road dipped into a little valley and rose
again; breasting the slope of a wooded hill which thrust
itself out from the steeper flank of the mountain…range。  Down
the hill…side a song floated to meet usthat most noble lyric of
old Robert Herrick:

  Bid me to live; and I will live
     Thy Protestant to be;
  Or bid me love; and I will give
     A loving heart to thee。

It was a girl's voice; fresh and clear; with a note of
tenderness in it that thrilled me。  Keene's pace quickened。
And soon the singer came in sight; stepping lightly down the
road; a shape of slender whiteness on the background of
gathering night。  She was beautiful even in that dim light;
with brown eyes and hair; and a face that seemed to breathe
purity and trust。  Yet there was a trace of anxiety in it; or
so I fancied; that gave it an appealing charm。

〃You have come at last; Edward;〃 she cried; running
forward and putting her hand in his。  〃It is late。  You have
been out all day; I began to be afraid。〃

〃Not too late;〃 he answered; 〃there was no need for fear;
Dorothy。 I am not alone; you see。〃 And keeping her hand; he
introduced me to the daughter of Master Ward。

It was easy to guess the relation between these two young
people who walked beside me in the dusk。  It needed no words
to say that they were lovers。  Yet it would have needed many
words to define the sense; that came to me gradually; of
something singular in the tie that bound them together。  On
his part there was a certain tone of half…playful
condescension toward her such as one might use to a lovely
child; which seemed to match but ill with her unconscious
attitude of watchful care; of tender solicitude for
himalmost like the manner of an elder sister。  Lovers they
surely were; and acknowledged lovers; for their frankness of
demeanour sought no concealment; but I felt that there must be

      A little rift within the lute;

though neither of them might know it。  Each one's thought of
the other was different from the other's thought of self。
There could not be a complete understanding; a perfect accord。
What was the secret; of which each knew half; but not the other

Thus; with steps that kept time; but with thoughts how
wide apart; we came to the door of the school。  A warm flood
of light poured out to greet us。  The Master; an elderly;
placid; comfortable man; gave me just the welcome that had
been promised in his name。  The supper was waiting; and the
evening passed in such happy cheer that the bewilderments and
misgivings of the twilight melted away; and at bedtime I
dropped into the nest of sleep as one who has found a shelter
among friends。


The Hilltop School stood on a blessed site。  Lifted high above
the village; it held the crest of the last gentle wave of the
mountains that filled the south with crowding billows; ragged
and tumultuous。  Northward; the great plain lay at our feet;
smiling in the sun; meadows and groves; yellow fields of
harvest and green orchards; white roads and clustering towns;
with here and there a
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