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the black tulip-第1章

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The Black Tulip

by Alexandre Dumas; Pere

Chapter 1

A Grateful People 

On the 20th of August; 1672; the city of the Hague; always 

so lively; so neat; and so trim that one might believe every 

day to be Sunday; with its shady park; with its tall trees; 

spreading over its Gothic houses; with its canals like large 

mirrors; in which its steeples and its almost Eastern 

cupolas are reflected;  the city of the Hague; the capital 

of the Seven United Provinces; was swelling in all its 

arteries with a black and red stream of hurried; panting; 

and restless citizens; who; with their knives in their 

girdles; muskets on their shoulders; or sticks in their 

hands; were pushing on to the Buytenhof; a terrible prison; 

the grated windows of which are still shown; where; on the 

charge of attempted murder preferred against him by the 

surgeon Tyckelaer; Cornelius de Witt; the brother of the 

Grand Pensionary of Holland was confined。 

If the history of that time; and especially that of the year 

in the middle of which our narrative commences; were not 

indissolubly connected with the two names just mentioned; 

the few explanatory pages which we are about to add might 

appear quite supererogatory; but we will; from the very 

first; apprise the reader  our old friend; to whom we are 

wont on the first page to promise amusement; and with whom 

we always try to keep our word as well as is in our power  

that this explanation is as indispensable to the right 

understanding of our story as to that of the great event 

itself on which it is based。 

Cornelius de Witt; Ruart de Pulten; that is to say; warden 

of the dikes; ex…burgomaster of Dort; his native town; and 

member of the Assembly of the States of Holland; was 

forty…nine years of age; when the Dutch people; tired of the 

Republic such as John de Witt; the Grand Pensionary of 

Holland; understood it; at once conceived a most violent 

affection for the Stadtholderate; which had been abolished 

for ever in Holland by the 〃Perpetual Edict〃 forced by John 

de Witt upon the United Provinces。 

As it rarely happens that public opinion; in its whimsical 

flights; does not identify a principle with a man; thus the 

people saw the personification of the Republic in the two 

stern figures of the brothers De Witt; those Romans of 

Holland; spurning to pander to the fancies of the mob; and 

wedding themselves with unbending fidelity to liberty 

without licentiousness; and prosperity without the waste of 

superfluity; on the other hand; the Stadtholderate recalled 

to the popular mind the grave and thoughtful image of the 

young Prince William of Orange。 

The brothers De Witt humoured Louis XIV。; whose moral 

influence was felt by the whole of Europe; and the pressure 

of whose material power Holland had been made to feel in 

that marvellous campaign on the Rhine; which; in the space 

of three months; had laid the power of the United Provinces 


Louis XIV。 had long been the enemy of the Dutch; who 

insulted or ridiculed him to their hearts' content; although 

it must be said that they generally used French refugees for 

the mouthpiece of their spite。 Their national pride held him 

up as the Mithridates of the Republic。 The brothers De Witt; 

therefore; had to strive against a double difficulty;  

against the force of national antipathy; and; besides; 

against the feeling of weariness which is natural to all 

vanquished people; when they hope that a new chief will be 

able to save them from ruin and shame。 

This new chief; quite ready to appear on the political 

stage; and to measure himself against Louis XIV。; however 

gigantic the fortunes of the Grand Monarch loomed in the 

future; was William; Prince of Orange; son of William II。; 

and grandson; by his mother Henrietta Stuart; of Charles I。 

of England。 We have mentioned him before as the person by 

whom the people expected to see the office of Stadtholder 


This young man was; in 1672; twenty…two years of age。 John 

de Witt; who was his tutor; had brought him up with the view 

of making him a good citizen。 Loving his country better than 

he did his disciple; the master had; by the Perpetual Edict; 

extinguished the hope which the young Prince might have 

entertained of one day becoming Stadtholder。 But God laughs 

at the presumption of man; who wants to raise and prostrate 

the powers on earth without consulting the King above; and 

the fickleness and caprice of the Dutch combined with the 

terror inspired by Louis XIV。; in repealing the Perpetual 

Edict; and re…establishing the office of Stadtholder in 

favour of William of Orange; for whom the hand of Providence 

had traced out ulterior destinies on the hidden map of the 


The Grand Pensionary bowed before the will of his fellow 

citizens; Cornelius de Witt; however; was more obstinate; 

and notwithstanding all the threats of death from the 

Orangist rabble; who besieged him in his house at Dort; he 

stoutly refused to sign the act by which the office of 

Stadtholder was restored。 Moved by the tears and entreaties 

of his wife; he at last complied; only adding to his 

signature the two letters V。 C。 (Vi Coactus); notifying 

thereby that he only yielded to force。 

It was a real miracle that on that day he escaped from the 

doom intended for him。 

John de Witt derived no advantage from his ready compliance 

with the wishes of his fellow citizens。 Only a few days 

after; an attempt was made to stab him; in which he was 

severely although not mortally wounded。 

This by no means suited the views of the Orange faction。 The 

life of the two brothers being a constant obstacle to their 

plans; they changed their tactics; and tried to obtain by 

calumny what they had not been able to effect by the aid of 

the poniard。 

How rarely does it happen that; in the right moment; a great 

man is found to head the execution of vast and noble 

designs; and for that reason; when such a providential 

concurrence of circumstances does occur; history is prompt 

to record the name of the chosen one; and to hold him up to 

the admiration of posterity。 But when Satan interposes in 

human affairs to cast a shadow upon some happy existence; or 

to overthrow a kingdom; it seldom happens that he does not 

find at his side some miserable tool; in whose ear he has 

but to whisper a word to set him at once about his task。 

The wretched tool who was at hand to be the agent of this 

dastardly plot was one Tyckelaer whom we have already 

mentioned; a surgeon by profession。 

He lodged an information against Cornelius de Witt; setting 

forth that the warden  who; as he had shown by the letters 

added to his signature; was fuming at the repeal of the 

Perpetual Edict  had; from hatred against William of 

Orange; hired an assassin to deliver the new Republic of its 

new Stadtholder; and he; Tyckelaer was the person thus 

chosen; but that; horrified at the bare idea of the act 

which he was asked to perpetrate; he had preferred rather to 

reveal the crime than to commit it。 

This disclosure was; indeed; well calculated to call forth a 

furious outbreak among the Orange faction。 The Attorney 

General caused; on the 16th of August; 1672; Cornelius de 

Witt to be arrested; and the noble brother of John de Witt 

had; like the vilest criminal; to undergo; in one of the 

apartments of the town prison; the preparatory degrees of 

torture; by means of which his judges expected to force from 

him the confession of his alleged plot against William of 


But Cornelius was not only possessed of a great mind; but 

also of a great heart。 He belonged to that race of martyrs 

who; indissolubly wedded to their political convictions as 

their ancestors were to their faith; are able to smile on 

pain: while being stretched on the rack; he recited with a 

firm voice; and scanning the lines according to measure; the 

first strophe of the 〃Justum ac tenacem〃 of Horace; and; 

making no confession; tired not only the strength; but even 

the fanaticism; of his executioners。 

The judges; notwithstanding; acquitted Tyckelaer from every 

charge; at the same time sentencing Cornelius to be deposed 

from all his offices and dignities; to pay all the costs of 

the trial; and to be banished from the soil of the Republic 

for ever。 

This judgment against not only an innocent; but also a great 

man; was indeed some gratification to the passions of the 

people; to whose interests Cornelius de Witt had always 

devoted himself: but; as we shall soon see; it was not 


The Athenians; who indeed have left behind them a pretty 

tolerable reputation for ingratitude; have in this respect 

to yield precedence to the Dutch。 They; at least in the case 

of Aristides; con
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